"We never had access to the virus"? What the HELL is that?! Last time I was in anything like a biology lab was Grade 10; 50 years ago. I'm just a failed musician who thinks too much, but: How much science background do you need to understand this is total bullshit, and completely unacceptable?! 😱 💣

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Nicely put. I say round them up for mass murder.

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And publicly execute them -- after a scrupulously fair trial in the purported fashion of Nuremberg of course...🤔

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Of course. Covid was the largest genocide ever achieved.

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I dont think of you as a failed anything let alone a failed musician. Not everyone succeeds in life and I know this better then most. We pick a path only to find there is a impenetrable wall we just cant break through.

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I actually didn't "fail" so much as "was shafted" ...

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Do we have the isolation and purification of this new bird flu?

Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?

FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever


They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.







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It's very hard for most people to get a grip on, that pretty much everything we "learned" in public school, is a lie, especially including such chestnuts as "Germany started World Wars 1 and 2" or that the French and Russian Revolutions were spontaneous events, or that Hitler murdered 6 million Jews; that what we learned about "nutrition" was just so much food industry propaganda, what we were sold in "Health" class was propaganda sponsored by the Medical Racket, and especially, that if you're a good little boy or girl and work hard, get good marks and go on to be an obedient and loyal employee, the world is your oyster... 🤔

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Bancel had identical patented components three years before Covid appeared. He is a lying mass murderer.

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He is a modern eugenicist when he made sure the shots were for you but not for him or his family.

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That's because it's not possible to have physical access to something that has never been scientifically proven to exist. No virus has ever been isolated for study. Viruses are 100% hypothetical! (Virus Mania 1st, 2nd, 3rd editions, The Final Pandemic)

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It seems as though the curtain has been inadvertently pulled back just a jot?

Given no demonstrated, pathological, contagious, self-replicating intracellular parasite has been identified, nonetheless the computer generated in silico illusion still holds sway while and the real life consequential poisoning continues.

Having dispensed with both science, morality, justice, accountability and ethics, arguably the greatest extant threat remaining to BigPharma and its closely aligned military-industrial complex with its captured 'academic' medical institutions is the arrival of unfettered AI, an arrival that may serve to show that most if not all of this cartel are indefensibly complicit, and quite redundant.

Let justice then, like revenge, be a dish best served cold.

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The protein sequence insert? Didn't Moderna also use pseudouridine? It wasn't mRNA but really a modRNA

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The complete SC2 "virus" was a Sequence. Who gave it to the Chinese? That friend of Malone?

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OWS was all about mass production, packaging, and distribution of the magical Sequence.

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Read COVID-19: Mystery Solved: It leaked from a Wuhan lab but it's not Chinese junk by Jim Haslam. Very detailed, explains so much.

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They mass produced the Bioweapon and it’s still on the market . The ACOG wants it in every pregnant woman’s arm.

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Sounds like the ACOG needs to be Extincted.

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BNYB they are monsters. mammon weaponized to feed moloch

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You need to read Dr Ana Mihalceas work.

It is a bioweapon.

But more importantly, its technology.

It you are injected with it, and then 'chosen' for whatever reason, you can be tracked, and even become a 'biological bug', that can be used by intelligence services.

And yes, they can even induce illness at will, and turn you off.

Dr Robert Duncan talks about this in great detail. See his interview with Craig laforrest.

Dr Giordano discusses the use of the bioweapon from a military perspective, but it is being used indiscriminately on civilians, and will only get worse.

If you want to see what its like to have the bioweapon 'turned on', research 'targeted individuals', or visit targeted justice.com and see what people experience,and how it can ruin individuals lives.

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A Russian genius hacker, posted video on telegram, he got into the database, brought up all the vz Ed, all have amac address,are 0n Bluetooth, it showed date of birth,DNA,blood group,what vzx,where vaxed,time of vzx..they are tracked 24/7.said it was 5G towers, which have nothing to do with WiFi or phones...they are under control...

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That's correct. Its a technology.

And the west is at the forefront of it.

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Most likely what that Russian showed was a fake but a possibility. Not that toxic spike concoction and all (unknown) what's in there is good for you. Otherwise, we'd have tons of other data, if that mac address thing and tracking was a case. People (whistleblowers) talk and there would have to be thousands IT people employed with such scheme. However, such technology (idea) is already patented, not necessarily feasible yet, on mass scale.

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I wish that was true.

Dr Robert Duncan was a whistleblower.

Look up some of his interviews. He lays it all out.

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All I can consider as possible, is just a small pilot of such technology being allowed to proceed in vax. What if Russians did the same, at the same time? Very slight possibility. BTW at the same time smart tags BT mac address trackers were mass released and sold.. circa early 2021. Coincidental timing? Don't think so. On another hand. Where are all these tagged people? It's very easy to scan for BT mac address, and we would have 1000's reports of such occurring. And having a single vax batch, with same, non unique mac addresses.. there would be 100000's of the same. Not too useful. Seems to be a hoax. Not that I'm sure 100%.

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Russians - have been on the forefront of 'neural weapons' and it wouldn't surprise me that what you saw was a kind of a 'arms race'.

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They ‘Copied & Pasted!!!!!!! OMG

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What a great fucking idea... Let's trust our mortal enemies. What fucking morons decided that? Hang them to solve. #388KnownTraitorsDeserveToHang

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Our governments have been condoning tiny bits of fluoride, aspartame’s and carcinogens in our food and water for decades, if not “mortal enemies” they are useless idiots or traffickers trading our health like we are their slaves. Ya China may be up to no good but so are plenty of the people around here.

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Our so called leaders mandated poison to our first responders and military. Chinas winning a war without firing one bullet. Who needs bullets or bombs when you have mandated syringes!

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Very true, it feels as though some “Americans” are in on it w China, idk if it’s deep state people or honey potted politicians but in my country Trudeau and Freeland and Teresa Tam were promoting the v so hard and not doing any due diligence I can’t trust them and I suspect in the US Biden and Fauci are sorta the same, in fact many countries had such similar coordinated responses I think the alleged “conspiracy theorists” are probably closer to the truth then anything we are told by media or government these days.

But I mean people have to look at this and say was it really just China?? And if it wasn’t then ya swamps need to be drained.

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See Sasha Latypova's work. It was a US military controlled operation from the start.

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What a tool.

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If you haven't as of yet, check out Christine Massey's Substack. She has been submitting numerous FOIA's concerning "virus" isolation. Not sure how many have been returned- hundreds, I believe. No isolates of SARS, SARS 2, HPV, HIV, etc. She has a template of the requests either on her page or website. We have all been bamboozled with the virus and vaccine scam. Also, James Roguski (also on Substack), is requesting assistance in compiling evidence of the bioweapon shot, in one central site. This can then be used by anyone to confront doctors, hospital admins, etc. Merry Christmas, and I hope everyone will pitch in to stop this democide.

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The CIA was behind Covid.

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Talk about passing the buck! Priceless...

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Can We Handle the Truth??? People are herded like livestock to serve their masters

The hidden masters operate thru their overseers, the sycophant politicians and corporation ceo's.

Earth is a Prison Planet

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CIA, Freemasons, and all intelligence organisations were in on it.

Because its an intelligence based tool, that once injected, can be enabled on a per individual basis.

You can then be tracked (like bio GPS), and you can be closely monitored - even your speech can be heard. You become a biological surveillance device.

Dr Robert Duncan spoke a lot about this. He was a Darpa whistleblower. he was found dead (yes, they can 'turn you off' at will).

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He is lying. Please get him checked to see if he took the vacc or not. And what the heck was he doing asking the Chinese Gov for a patent , very well knowing how the rest of the world is looking at them. Are they demented ?? How could they do such a stupid thing. That's why millions have died. All these big pharma owners must be checked if they all had the vacc. I'm sure NON of them have.

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The poison syringes are for the peasant class!

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If the government accepts this as legitimate, I will begin to copy and paste my taxes.

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To bad we can’t print a little money when we need it.

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