RFK is "pro-vaccine." His words. Think about those implications.

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🎯 just another fraud in the fraud of politics. How can someone who has made a career out of investigating poisons, seeing the real "science," suing big pharma, support them?

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Vaccines that are not poisoned. Think about it, as a child we received life saving vaccines until the polio shots. They were made of weakened diseases to build up your immunity then. Now, they are loaded up with toxic chemicals to destroy your natural immunity. That's what RFK, Jr is against. Not just him, thousands of real doctors are against poisoned vaccines.

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So blind. Willfully Ignorant almost criminal.

• PHARMAkeia , Sorcery-Spells- Witch-Kraft,

Luciferase n the Jab- snake&spider venom- fetus blood- graphene + more + unknown.

NANO means 5G rePrograms the micro computer in your veins- to MOD-ify/MODerna your DNA.

So blind- '35' Million DEAD worldwide+ millions Disabled and Fighting For Their Lives

you didnt know? Terrorists build hospitals- schools - buildings to pray?

Politician Lie- Murder- Steal every day?

YOU are part of The Genocide.

Your thinking gets people murdered- disabled.

(MY mother got MS from polio vaccine 1948)

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Unfortunately, most every product now is poisoned/poison.

They always have had poison/ toxin in them to some degree. Ie preservatives injected into your blood. ( especially when it is mercury - neurotoxin ). Since the 80's thimerosol. That is what caused the Autism and Sids and other damage and deaths for last 50 years. Many other damaging components to the human body in them also.

He means the theoretic " idea " of them in keeping with Democratic delusions of his family over the years, that his last speech portrayed he was realizing...

He knows first hand, well, from his employed Scientists at CHD the dangers of all of them. All of Big Harma products. Lets see what it continues to do with this information. If you follow his company CHD over the last decades and his Trial actions, you will see he was Anti.

This below can help explain the delusions of people, particularly pervasive in the US Democratic political party. These people are also being used by the Evil (Dem typically but not exclusively ) Depop Leaders that pretend and instruct on the use of the poisons to the naïve Dem masses.


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RFK Jr. Is also a lifelong democRAT just like Tulsi Gabbard. They can not be trusted.

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The democratic party has undergone a major shift. Basically a 360 degree turn. Would you prefer he supports a party he feels has become corrupt?? I think his ability to change shows his strength of character.

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We have all known that the democRAT party is pure trash for decades. Good for him. He saw the light before death. If you ask me he is just one more RINO in the making and their are just democRATs in RED.

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It matters when he said it, since we all, including him of course ( he has not always been all knowing, on the contrary ) have learned a lot in the last 5 years. Yes, all the evidence has been there and laid out for many decades and half centuries even.

He likely was referring to the real definition of vaccine and not the two recent changes of definition that were done by the Evils at the CDC and their puppeteers. People do not even know what they mean now when they use the word. If they did, they wouldn't be using that word to reference the non vaccine product they are talking about. Ie "covid vaccine" , there is no such thing. It is just an injection of a bioweapon poison. It has nothing to do with a made up ( literally ) virus, it gives no immunity, it actually does the opposite and takes immunity away. In keeping with the Evils to do the opposite of what they claim. They are consistant in their applied formula of Evil.

The Evils want you confused.

They want you dead.

Do Not Comply.

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And then he clearly says he wants proper clinical trials done.

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Mike Adams is controlled opposition...don't trust what he says.

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That's your opinion, protected by 1st Amendmennt.

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Another one of "YOU"!

Substack Label Maker and NEVER Evidence. Never.

You rwoke robot coward.

*Your Label*

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Mike Adams every day has comments that are very informative. I trust Mike Adams as his entries are always truthful and have excellent up-to-date information. His emails are valuable and one of only a few commenters on the Internet with important news.

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What's your basis and your proof?

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That has been obvious for years. #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators

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I like Kennedy coming out with his true on vaccines. Thank u for being a true teller!🙏🏻

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# What is missing OBVIOUSLY- (evidence)

In Plain Sight* - The real Criminals.

• Every one of the Operation Mockingbird Media Traitors & Murderers- Spectators- the smartest in every room.

• 1,000's & 1,000's Complicate Domestic Terrorists In OUR FACE all day and night.

# Deafening Silence > EVIL FKN COWARDS!

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I cannot take Mike Adams seriously. Mike is pro-Palestine, and Antisemitic. Used to love watching his podcast...now he is dead to me.

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So we by are you here? Do you come here to bear false witness against a brother?

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I used to be a hardcore follower. He is pro-Palestine and has admitted to it. He condemned Israel for genocide on Palestine.

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The French serfs couldn't vote Louie and Marie Antoinette out. Dr Guillotine's gadget did though. I think we need only 10 of them to solve all our problems. Very affordable.

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Who was that was kicked out of Africa and India for sterilizing and killing women with supposed "vaccines"? Oh, that's right, it was Bill Gates.

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Mike Adams is an American Heroe 🙏🇺🇸🙏. God Bless Him & His Efforts! 🙏

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