9 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs agoLiked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

PNH is on the nine pages of Adverse Events for the COVID shots. Ask if she was COVID vaccinated. The Adverse Events start on page 30 of the following Pfizer document both the CDC and Pfizer were trying to hide for 75 years: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf

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I'm no doctor but when I read up on PNH in Wikipedia my first thought was, "Did Alexis take the Covid Lethal Injection?" Because the symptoms of PNH at a first glance seem to be consonant... No-one has mentioned that...

But that said, I wonder how much better served she'd by going to a Naturopath, make adjustments in her diet, look to herbal remedies.

Yet another nail in the coffin of Allopathic Medicine's reputation. I wouldn't trust these self-serving clowns with a burnt-out match, never mind the down-payment on a free lunch!

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I have serious doubts about "full disclosure" regarding ANY hospital treatment in the post-Covid era. I would have to be on death's doorstep to willingly submit myself to the "care" we have long relied on in a hospital environment. The risk is heavily weighted against the benefits (i.e: paxlovid, remdesivir), ventilators, etc. Scary times to be living in, when it comes to our health.

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The Covid Fraudemic... Just one example of a melange of atrocities that to read about, leave you feeling like you've gone for a round with Mohammed Ali...

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Hanging's too easy to fake: I recommend instead "The guillotine": No ambiguity. No possibility of faking it. Their heads should then be soaked in PEG and stuck on poles and left on display for a few weeks so we know justice has been served.

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Can you tell me more about PEG?

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Greed is deadly.

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Lt. Col. Theresa Long, an Army flight surgeon, is arguably the most significant whistleblower of our Covid times. I hope I did a good job of telling her riveting and inspiring story.


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Yes, good article!

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You did do a good job. Excellent, actually.

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Ravulizumab, is that related to pembrolizumab? That's immunotherapy, jesus, those drugs don't have a great rap sheet...

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They're want everyone on them!

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I read her story, and she said she only had vaccines as a baby, but none ever again. I'm baffled by her having such a rare condition, maybe she is close with a c19 vaxxed person intimately and was the victim of shedding?

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I just remembered that she said she was diagnosed years ago? I don't think her PNH was recent? Sorry for jumping the gun on the potential of shedding. When I first saw her story I immediately thought this poor girl is suffering from C19 vax injury(causing PNH) which was made worse by her getting 3 vaccines at one time.

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I suspect this is exactly what's happened.

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Was she v a xx ed for convid prior to hospital admittance?

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She said she didn't receive any vaccines since being a baby.

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As horrific has her vaccine injury is, I wouldn't be surprised if they gave her the c19 shot without her consent.

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These people deserve prison. I was involved in health care as a nurse practitioner. I cannot believe the stupidity, the lack of compassion, the arrogance, the deceit. Who could ever trust these people? They don’t care about the sick. They have lost their way caring only for power and money. I am ashamed of these once great, noble professions.

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Could there ever be temporal retribution imposed on the enemy? Yes. I see it happen a lot. But it does not happen by the justice CYSTem here, it then must follow it is divinely ordained. If one reads the scriptures one can see where those who set traps for innocent people were caught in them inadvertently. Haman was hung on his own scaffolds.

We need to see more of this. Such things like the ovomit being hit by a car filled with gang members and killed. Or biDUMB falling over the edge at the Grand Canyon while taking a getaway trip. How about Turdo being hit by a transport or Guilbeault on a vacation to the Florida everglades being constricted by a python and swallowed.

One can only dream but in the end the devil gets his dues.

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The last thing a person who is unwell needs is any type of rushed vaccination or experimental treatment.

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By the sounds of it, medical advocates are necessary for all patients. Going it alone in that environment could be deadly.

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Every monster involved in her treatment should be subject to this treatment they did to her and the injections!!! It served no purpose for her illness and it was nothing but brutality to intentionally harm her! I hope they file assault and attempted murder charges!!!! It’s time these hospitals are prosecuted again for this gross intentional negligence and malpractice. Her illness alone meant that she should

receive nothing like the vaccines that would do nothing but harm her!

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I'd say she has been misdiagnosed. The cure sounds worse than the disease - if, in fact, this "disease" actually exists and she has it. She probably just needs to adjust her diet. My 2¢.

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One version of her story stated that she got blood transfusions before the vaccines. We all know what’s in the blood now.

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Heart Breaking Story. Criminal Behavior on the part of “The Doctors”. Lawsuits are mounting

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