Ha - they can not do it again, successfully anyway. (excluding alien tech I guess)
First, they have already killed off the weakest. Second, we're all on red-alert - they would really need a Captain Trips type pathogen. But that was fiction; in reality such a lethal transmissible pathogen would kill the host before becoming a pandemic. Anyway, too lethal and they will kill themselves.
At the same time, they're getting their butts handed to them on a, by Russia. Their sanctions have had no real effect, except to make BRICS stronger. And Ukraine are nearly finished now, and hopefully will soon be wiped off the map.
They can't have a NWO and Russia. They knew that, but have failed.
I can’t wait till the Ukraine is finished, especially because there are so many people who still insist they are winning. I’ve been arguing with these people for three years and I’m sick of it. Why can’t they just stop so these idiots will see what’s actually going on.
They are all from hell. All of them. "Pharma" does actually mean, "witchcraft." Witches concoctions, designed to implant one dis-ease while pretending to cure another dis-ease or dis-order. No such thing as VIRUS, we need a song, NO such thing as VIRUS, NO SUCH THING as virus, NO SUCH THING AS VIRUS.
That's correct. They've never been able to isolate the virus. What a goddamn scam they inflicted on humanity. I'm so thankful my husband and I, our children and grandchildren didn't take the evil shots. I just knew something bad was coming down the pike when they put us in lockdowns.
Gibson sounds and appears to maintain an open-ming (Wondering) towards worldly issues while being clear as crystal about his faith and commitment to Jesus Christ. His opinions sound to be those of Jesus Christ while often in his life; his words and lifestyles are not. Then, miracle of miracles...He openly confesses his sins. He's self aware and is insightful in his first prayer of awakening to be, "Please God, don't allow me to believe lies."
In the Rogan Interview, for the first time ADHD/Mania was displayed and there's no doubt his faith helps control that behavior, one I believe an attack of the diabolical from another dimension. The Rogan Interview was enlightening about the actual person Mel Gibson is. He's a sinner actively working towards sainthood having a brilliant mind and ability/training/talent with bringing reality as well as entertainment to the film genre. Films can be a backdoor to the soul as so many other mediums are known to be...As music can be.
We must remember that Mel Gibson is still just an actor. He's playing the part of a good guy, and sometimes he is playing the part of RFK Jr. His job is to fool us, and the whole world is a stage. Just because he made a move about Christ, doesn't mean he is a believer. He is a freemason, and they worship Lucifer, even if they don't know that until they're in. The fact is, you don't become famous by accident, and you don't have a lifetime career in Hollywood unless you are one of them.
I saw a picture of the coronavirus on tv, forty or fifty years ago. Yeah, it kind of looks like a crown, though, back then it was described as one of the components of the common cold. That's all it is--the common cold. Any gain-of-function research failed. It's the medical protocols that are deadly. Don't believe the fake tests. Rather, I suggest chicken soup and bed rest. Stay away from doctors and hospitals.
Goes to show you must not trust anyone and do lots of research. I went to the doctor once to get a Tetanus shot and the nurse said that it has the vaccine for Whooping Cough in it as well. Hence to say, I changed my mind and did not get my Tetanus shot.
I won't be a fool to trust a stranger to put a needle into my veins to inject something that I don't know what's in it. So many brainwashed people run to the doctor to save them from the boogie man. The idea of the boogie man was put into their minds through the MK ULTRA programs. Such programs have been implemented since the sixties and are still in use.
I avoid the hospitals like the plague. Doctors in white coats are assassins in white coats. The medical establishment is a medikill establishment. It is it for profit business.
Weird how if you don’t take the poison, no side aka direct effects including death! No strokes, clots, heart attacks, blindness, autoimmune diseases, etc or die suddenly! Just carry on as normal! 😎💯
The impression that was given to the public about Mel Gibson was that he was more enlightened and, as such would not be a fool to take any vaccine. I guess I was wrong.
It didn't state that he took the kill shot, but got COVID. I'm certain it was from the heavy shedding. In January 2022, I became ill with flu-like symptoms. Just 3 days before where I volunteer for The Ladies Benevolence Society here in town, we had a luncheon meeting. Most of the ladies there were vaccinated. I firmly believe there was heavy shedding going on when I became ill. Few days later my husband got sick from me. We were sick for 3 weeks. We lost our appetite, was very tired, lost sense of taste for few days. My husband and I did not take the vaccine (which isn't a vaccine as we know, but a bio-weapon kill shot). My husband had no contact with these ladies. Around this same time, many people were getting sick especially those who did not take the shots. It was from the heavy shedding.
Eric Clapton said he won't be getting another vaccine as he could not use his guitar for weeks Think that's bad one notatable guitarist lost all his fingers, He now has stumps.
These bastards need to be held accountable before they do it again 🤬
Ha - they can not do it again, successfully anyway. (excluding alien tech I guess)
First, they have already killed off the weakest. Second, we're all on red-alert - they would really need a Captain Trips type pathogen. But that was fiction; in reality such a lethal transmissible pathogen would kill the host before becoming a pandemic. Anyway, too lethal and they will kill themselves.
At the same time, they're getting their butts handed to them on a, by Russia. Their sanctions have had no real effect, except to make BRICS stronger. And Ukraine are nearly finished now, and hopefully will soon be wiped off the map.
They can't have a NWO and Russia. They knew that, but have failed.
I can’t wait till the Ukraine is finished, especially because there are so many people who still insist they are winning. I’ve been arguing with these people for three years and I’m sick of it. Why can’t they just stop so these idiots will see what’s actually going on.
No one is held accountable because, seemingly, everyone is complicit
They are all from hell. All of them. "Pharma" does actually mean, "witchcraft." Witches concoctions, designed to implant one dis-ease while pretending to cure another dis-ease or dis-order. No such thing as VIRUS, we need a song, NO such thing as VIRUS, NO SUCH THING as virus, NO SUCH THING AS VIRUS.
That's correct. They've never been able to isolate the virus. What a goddamn scam they inflicted on humanity. I'm so thankful my husband and I, our children and grandchildren didn't take the evil shots. I just knew something bad was coming down the pike when they put us in lockdowns.
He “wonders” about Fauci? Brilliant mind in that one.
Gibson sounds and appears to maintain an open-ming (Wondering) towards worldly issues while being clear as crystal about his faith and commitment to Jesus Christ. His opinions sound to be those of Jesus Christ while often in his life; his words and lifestyles are not. Then, miracle of miracles...He openly confesses his sins. He's self aware and is insightful in his first prayer of awakening to be, "Please God, don't allow me to believe lies."
In the Rogan Interview, for the first time ADHD/Mania was displayed and there's no doubt his faith helps control that behavior, one I believe an attack of the diabolical from another dimension. The Rogan Interview was enlightening about the actual person Mel Gibson is. He's a sinner actively working towards sainthood having a brilliant mind and ability/training/talent with bringing reality as well as entertainment to the film genre. Films can be a backdoor to the soul as so many other mediums are known to be...As music can be.
We must remember that Mel Gibson is still just an actor. He's playing the part of a good guy, and sometimes he is playing the part of RFK Jr. His job is to fool us, and the whole world is a stage. Just because he made a move about Christ, doesn't mean he is a believer. He is a freemason, and they worship Lucifer, even if they don't know that until they're in. The fact is, you don't become famous by accident, and you don't have a lifetime career in Hollywood unless you are one of them.
Don't forget that Remdesivir was developed by Ralph Baric's lab at UNC Chapel Hill.
The same person, and the same lab, that worked with the Bat Lady in Wuhan to "juice" up the coronavirus.
Here is a link to UNC Chapel Hill bragging about the death drug Remdesivir.
No such thing as "COVID". But good call on the Remdesivir.
I saw a picture of the coronavirus on tv, forty or fifty years ago. Yeah, it kind of looks like a crown, though, back then it was described as one of the components of the common cold. That's all it is--the common cold. Any gain-of-function research failed. It's the medical protocols that are deadly. Don't believe the fake tests. Rather, I suggest chicken soup and bed rest. Stay away from doctors and hospitals.
Yes, you are right Tim. The people who went into the hospital never came out. Well, they did come out in a body bag.
COVID 19 was just a made up name that stands for - (Certificate Of Vaccine ID 2019).
It was just the yearly cold/flu season.
Yes; quite possibly exacerbated by 5G rollout (such as was occurring full-on in Wuhan when & where the disease supposedly first appeared).
If Mel the actor took it, he’s a moron! And I like his movies!
Goes to show you must not trust anyone and do lots of research. I went to the doctor once to get a Tetanus shot and the nurse said that it has the vaccine for Whooping Cough in it as well. Hence to say, I changed my mind and did not get my Tetanus shot.
I won't be a fool to trust a stranger to put a needle into my veins to inject something that I don't know what's in it. So many brainwashed people run to the doctor to save them from the boogie man. The idea of the boogie man was put into their minds through the MK ULTRA programs. Such programs have been implemented since the sixties and are still in use.
I avoid the hospitals like the plague. Doctors in white coats are assassins in white coats. The medical establishment is a medikill establishment. It is it for profit business.
We live in hell.
Weird how if you don’t take the poison, no side aka direct effects including death! No strokes, clots, heart attacks, blindness, autoimmune diseases, etc or die suddenly! Just carry on as normal! 😎💯
The impression that was given to the public about Mel Gibson was that he was more enlightened and, as such would not be a fool to take any vaccine. I guess I was wrong.
Remdesivir was not the vaccine. It was the supposed treatment for the virus 🤷
It didn't state that he took the kill shot, but got COVID. I'm certain it was from the heavy shedding. In January 2022, I became ill with flu-like symptoms. Just 3 days before where I volunteer for The Ladies Benevolence Society here in town, we had a luncheon meeting. Most of the ladies there were vaccinated. I firmly believe there was heavy shedding going on when I became ill. Few days later my husband got sick from me. We were sick for 3 weeks. We lost our appetite, was very tired, lost sense of taste for few days. My husband and I did not take the vaccine (which isn't a vaccine as we know, but a bio-weapon kill shot). My husband had no contact with these ladies. Around this same time, many people were getting sick especially those who did not take the shots. It was from the heavy shedding.
Eric Clapton said he won't be getting another vaccine as he could not use his guitar for weeks Think that's bad one notatable guitarist lost all his fingers, He now has stumps.
Oh .. please Mel.
4 years in, and not a peep about the genetic abominations?
Not to pick on him, all my 'heroes' have been a let down, from Vin Diesel to, well, just about everyone.
Nothing to see here but controlled opp tickling the ears of his “alt-right” audience.
It’s amazing that RunDeathIsNear is still the standard of care for Covid in the hospitals.
He also admitted his house looked purposefully destroyed. Hint hint.
Get wise to fake wildfire psi-ops in my podcast here:
Unfortunately Rogan only goes so far, limited hangout. The main purpose wasn’t profit, it was harm..