---> Side effects of the MMR jab include seizures, anaphylactic shock, inflammation of the brain, encephalitis, spontaneous abortion, and measles infection" <---

With cures like these who needs cures?

What sort of alternate clown world reality have I stumbled into?

Arrest these idiots before the can do anymore damage...

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“The cure can’t be worse than the disease “ 🤪

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RFK Jr. has endorsed the Measles vaccine and sent over 2,000 doses to West Texas.

It's all over the news in all outlets.

That didn't take long did it?

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maybe these old measles vaccines don't have the mRNA in them?

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Regardless they have killed and maimed many more children than the measles ever did. We don't know what's in the current MMR vaccines. Any more than we knew what was in the CV19 injections.

I've read the statistics throughout the years and they confirm what I've stated about deaths from the vaccines.

If you want to know you can research it. What I also know is I'm not into speculating about children's lives.

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So weird. I had German measles, 3 day measles, and regular measles as a child. Remember each incident and they were all nothing burgers. A couple of days off from school. It's just fear mongering.

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it was a rite of passage. I am not going to say that I enjoyed having these rashy illnesses, and I definitely did not enjoy having itchy chickenpox, but it was NOT a big deal. Stayed home from school. It was less bad than the flu, for sure.

There were some vaccines my "good parents" saw to it that I received -- thank goodness this was a long time ago, because I'm sure they did the maximum "protection" of whatever the doctors advised.

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I had chicken pox too. Sick a little longer...but my mom bathed me in oat milk I think...and gave me aspirin. I don't remember it as awful. Funny though, my 3 children got chicken pox at intervals so I was in the house for 9 weeks so as not to spread it to others. That was hard. LOL.

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It was a glorious vacation from school to wasn’t it! Camped out on the couch in front of the tv with mom delivering food at request! lol

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My mother and other mothers got all kids together so everyone would get it at the same time and be done with it. So did my wife and I with our unvaccinated three children. That was it. Inmunity for life. These stories have to be told to the new generation of brainwashed young parents to counter the insanity. I have three unvaccinated children aged 32 to 17, the latter one a highly vulnerable 32 week pre-term. We kept all medical interventions from them. The youngest was cared for by 14 hours of skin to skin a day and expressed breast milk until she could suck None of these children have any medical history at all. I am eternally grateful to the common sense and self-confidence of my mothers generation who instilled it in me.

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I had a 33 week baby born extremely jaundiced and had to stay in the NICU but I also breast fed him to health.

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Measles is a mild infection We all had and our children had we never knew anyone that died from measles What hysteria is going on

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I had the German measles which turned into pneumonia and was expected to die when I was three. I was so bad off they called my father home from Vietnam.

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The kid who died "from measles" did not die from measles - he died from something else, that was what was reported at first, then the story changed (along with money.....)

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In the late 50s and early 60s we didn't have "vaccines" for measles. I got it and I was fine, home from school a few days and thats it. Now that they've found a cash cow with "vaccines" they're never going to stop until we stop them by saying NO MORE

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Oh sure, every hospital in the country is overflowing with measles patients and there are mobile morgues set up in every city with a population of more than 5,000. If anyone is dying it is because they are hooked on big pharma drugs. Ignore the MSM.

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What a load of crap!! I had every childhood disease, and survived them all! School wasn’t cancelled , there was no news blasting it 24/7. To my knowledge no one died! I will be 72 this month, and sure don’t have any problems that my children have thanks to the vaccines!

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Link good and relevant

Those usually red spots or blotches are not MEASLES, but an autoimmune condition whereby your immune system is overloaded with toxins and thus using your skin (which can act as a 2nd liver) to try and detox.

It means BOOST your immune system and the first TWO supplements to take are vitamin C (as only ascorbic acid) and D3 cholecalciferol.

Do NOT take the measles vaccine which is loaded with harm from dangerous adjuvants.

Note - measles believers may enjoy this link.

Don't believe the pharma fear porn. You are living in a Potemkin village!


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I disagree. There is no measles plandemic. We've been hearing there was going to be a bird flu pandemic for several years and there still isn't..more scare tactics.

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Try decades? I seem to remember variations on the Bird Flu Wheeze from the middle 1980s... 🤔🙄

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"Brighteon Broadcast News, March 3, 2025 – MAHA in CRISIS as RFK Jr. pens article advocating mass MMR vaccine injections during measles SCARE PSYOP"


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Thats pretty much fake news, Fox is writing the headline for RFKJ, Fox is controlled opposition.

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Yeah, well, a 180º shift in perspective from Bobby after everything he's said and written? I have to admit, that's odd, even for a politician. We'll have to await developments.

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What you're saying is now being reported by all news outlets. He has also sent over 2,000 doses of the vaccine to West Texas.

It's true.

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Holy Christ... 🤯

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They want you to distrust RFKJ, there is 3.4T dollars riding on this effort. Per year

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Does $3.4 Trillion begin to be worth all those ruined lives consequent to vaccine-induced autism? Anyone who believes the Medical Racket's / Big Pharma lies that vaccines aren't the cause of autism is a fool.

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While Brighteon is a questionable source all you have to do is a search for RFK Jr. endorses Measles vaccine and see that it is indeed true.

Reported in every news outlet.

He has recommended parents vaccinate against measles immediately and sent over 2,000 vaccines doses to West Texas.

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I'd trust Brighteon over any source in the Mainstream Media... But admittedly that isn't saying very much... 🤔

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RFK Jr. has endorsed the Measles vaccine and sent over 2,000 doses to West Texas.

It's reported in all news outlets.

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wow, you said that 3 times now, just here, very suspect. Shame on you

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And the medical establishment appears to have lost all sense about how to treat measles. I heard that they are actually telling people who have measles or just have a fever to get vaccinated. That in itself is medical malpractice. And they still don't make a "measles" vaccine available. The vaccine is not measles, it is mumps and german measles as well (plus whatever junk is added).

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Vitamin A is the cure…

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RFK Jr. has endorsed the Measles vaccine and sent over 2,000 doses to West Texas.

He is telling parents to have their children vaccinated with the MMR vaccine.

This is why doctors are following it. It's all over all news outlets.

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How many illegals have brought the disease into the US? Texas report make sense. Is the cure worst than the disease.?

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Maybe you are spreading it?

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I am reminded of an old truth:

“The cure cannot be worse than the problem itself”

Think people…they are scamming us again!

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Traditionally, wild type measles is very mild for children not immunocompromised and yes, the "vaccine" sheds. Similarly for elderly.

Unfortunately, we have also never tested the measles vaccines interactions with c19 shots. 😐🤔🤦‍♀️

So since 2021, we have a whole new ball game.😐🤬

#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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I'm sure some of you readers here have experienced the same stupid feedback from complete idiots when you talk about the time your mother would take the kids over to the kid's house who had measles. She purposely wanted to infect them to create immunity. The reply is horrific child abuse. 😆😆😅😅 Of course, we all had very few injections in that era, so we were much healthier than kids today who are severely poisoned.

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No one needs an injection for the Measles. No one died from it, when I was a child, that I knew. The Measles runs its course. They are infections. It builds up our immunity against it reoccurring. I have never had the Measles again in my life just like the Chicken Pox. The vaccine will only create more problems, and possibly severe problems. Like the little boy in Texas, who died, that had pneumonia and RSV. They gave him the Measles shot and then called it a Measles death.

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2nd verse same as the first...

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Will NOT be getting any more vaccines in this family...As all are contaminated with horrific materials supporting tech infrastructure and there is NO type of illness or disease not curable with natural alternative substances and modern medications if absolutely necessary.

Those of the DEATH CULT Demon Worshiping Pedophiles, Cannibals, Vampires have fooled the world long enough and provided JUST ENOUGH INFORMATION to make those they view their owned SLAVES too intelligent and suspicious to trust them EVER AGAIN.

Though they're terrified with the development and strength of those they view slaves and are attacking with multiple methods, according to numerous distribution models through social/biological systems with variety of poisons, they are FAILING as the poisons are not sufficient to overwhelm detoxing continuing to interrupt Bio-Digital Convergent Slavery Infrastructure within biological bodies. To perpetrate further threat is to place themselves at risk and THEY KNOW IT.

SADLY, though we know those behind this 'Extinction Level Event' of all life, the FREE leadership of the world has yet to grow the gonads necessary to take the Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits OUT though we know where they are. This FACT breeds and grows suspicion about all leaders being of the International Demon Worshiping Coven now united under modern technologies as all know nobody is wealthy or allowed leadership in this world UNLESS those at the ROOT OF THE TREE OF EVIL have damning evidence supporting membership in their little evil clique.

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