Best suggestion is buy all your meat from suppliers who raise their animals totally vaccine free.

If unsure contact the supplier direct and ask the right questions !

These evil people are still pushing the agenda !

For how long we’ll have to see !

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Jan 22Edited
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Hi Tara,

I shall not scare you with what I know.

But the Plandemic.

This part of the plan was too unalive as many millions as possible.

Target pregnant mothers

And the younger generation that then effects the next two generations

It may read or have read conspiracy related at the beginning but now too much evidence is out for all too see.

What’s being shown through official data analysis is not true figures.

It’s only what they wish us to believe

The attack




You see where I am leading.

Thing is it’s facts again for all to see.

So one has to protect one and his or her family as much as this reads science fiction.

All organic.

Clean water distilled.

Organic dairy.


Cold pressed oils.

Natural products veggies and herbs.

Natural oils and medical herbs for healing.

If you don’t know start to educate yourself.

Grow as much as you can.

This all comes under the guise of agenda 2030.

If you’ve not heard or aware of it look it up

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They aren't going to stop

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Hi Suzanne,

If your familiar with agenda 2030?

All that’s taking place right now over the last 5 years is part of their plan.

Here’s been historical resets all through history.

The difference these days is technology.

Meaning whatever happens globally we get to see and hear about it whether it be fake!


Or truth.

All that matters is right now.

It’s want we can do and wish for right now changes tomorrow’s future.

They know this and this is why this agenda is driven by fear.

What do you wish for for tomorrow ?

Then with all your power go within and in a positive way start the process of dreaming and working towards this

All I know is the evil that’s controlled humanity for generations are on their way out.

It may not appear this way but this is what I know.

How far away this is is up to humanity to say no we’ve had enough and pushback in all ways.

Stay focused and positive in all aspects of your life in all ways you can with your power in your life.

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Yes, I am fully aware of what is going on. Evil will never win, in the end. I live in the now, and take each day sa it comes. All we have is now. I share stuff to try and help people to become aware of what is really going on, but most think I am mad. That's okay. Atleast I know I have tried. Thank you for your reply. X.

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Hi Suzanne,

All that matters is we know we’re are not mad.

As a young person growing up getting older and just as we knew living life. Yes what was perceived as normal depending where we lived in which country.

Living and growing up in the uk,

Fairly normal without complications or tyrannis politicians or so we believed.

And not really paying attention to what is termed news around the world.

And understanding because of our age at that time.

For me getting older just feeling things just don’t seem right.

The system of democracy how we were educated to believe.

And as I grew older starting to pay attention to our system of so called government then started to see a trend of hidden agendas with systematic narratives playing out but only from one side the people in power.


Whether or not I chose to really have my eyes opened that we’ve been enslaved within another’s system but it’s been made to appear normal but as we’ve grown and lived to see and experience what appears normal is far from what I would consider any level of normal.

Days and years going by and seemingly life is productively and orchestratedly and increasingly more difficult and my eyes starting to see the agenda in play.

For most have they accepted their fate and all I hear is !

“What can we do “

I’ve never accepted this but the holders of power have all the cards of power.

And then the last 5 plus years happened!

Yet here we are now and still most cannot except the movie in play and how it’s been planned out for now the whole world to see.

Yet still many are blinded by their programmed ignorance.

I work in the aircraft maintenance industry and one would think we work with levels of intelligence ?

I found how wrong that was.

I’m not vaccinated saw through the whole plan and agenda.

Knew something was going or be dropped on they whole world and boy was it dropped,

The biggest surprise for me as to how many coalesced around the globe to the narrative all at the same time.

And because named people were paid to lie and weaponise the Covid scam and now most so called named viruses since time began way back and scholars of their time who people looked up to have written theories on viruses and germs this recorded in history to be shown to be factual for me only to find their agenda and all part of their plan to programmed society into a false belief and reality.

Then to live realisation that most have believed in lies and propaganda but not educate themselves to honour our bodies designed immune system.

What from nature we can consume to keep us healthy in all ways.

Eat clean natural foods that keep any and all illness away.

Through education keeping our immune that’s been designed to fight any and all illness

And to realise illness in part has been manufactured all around us by our environment led by evil people their lies and evil to enslave people to a false reality of their implemented governance on all levels to keep people unwell.

And yes it’s still being pushed upon us.

Thing is nothing happens good and bad for no reason,

There are no coincidences!

Words are definitely weaponised and used to manipulate societies minds adding to their plan of trying very hard to change us from human to synthetic bodies that never was intended.

Whether one believes this we are fighting to not have our souls ripped from us and humanity as a human changed for ever.

It does read as something of science fiction but we’re living the reality right now.

But as I’ve said I’ve never believed any narrative they’ve thrown at us and society.

Sadly many have and have paid a heavy price.

I’ve since found many have been unalived and never chose to from a spiritual level.

Meaning we choose to be here living the experience to learn lessons.

Somewhere in time a different time line was introduced in humanity’s evolution going forward as if a higher plan was changed using humans as experimental objects as we can now see.

A wake up call for humans to grasp and find their true power.

All I know is evil is near its end!

How far !

Not too far away but sadly and a continual price is being paid by us all.

How we accept this is down to us to help as a collective getting truth out to those who have open ears to wish to learn the true reality of what we are living through all of us to a degree and it’s up to us who know to help make this change to those who still need waking up.

We cannot give up and keep being and staying positive in all ways to help magnify our true power.

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But can the fake jab stand the process of thorough cooking?

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It can't survive stomach acid either...

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I did read somewhere that it could take stomach acid but cooking at 350 degrees F as in a meat pie for an hour? Or fried like crispy bacon? Or boiled in oil? I also would consider that a criminal act, like murder. Like putting poison in someone's ice cream?

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The CYSTem is setting itself up for retribution. Death by terrorism. I was reading about Tim Mc Veigh and weighing in my mind the degree of hate he had for the FBI to actually kill hundreds of innocent people by a bomb to get at some FBI agents. It is not logical though it is equaled by the religion of pieces and specific leftist loons scattered by manure spreaders all over the world.

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They are genetically modifying lettuce and tomatoes to produce mRNA. Where do you think children get their immunity from the mother...it's in the breast milk. Of course these can program your system to react to the mRNA thru your stomach. Don't worry though, no sv40, glycol or preservatives like mercury in these vegetables...yet!

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No! You actually have to destroy the entire content of each cell just like the RmDNA to not consider it "viable"! Because if the RmDNA can still function 'viable/readable' on the DNA of the human, this means changing the human DNA! In other words, creating a defect on the human DNA! What they call repair or improvement of and on the DNA is actually creating 'defects' on and in the DNA structure! Who says that what changes in the DNA structure does not have negative effects in and on the body? Preparing drinks and food is a 'discussion' worth talking about! But I myself am convinced that people already know that this also has an effect on the human building structure of the human after consuming food! But that is purely my opinion!

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Interesting but is extreme heat as boiling in hot water as is spinach prior to eating or cooking in an oven for a roast well done not destructive of Mrna? Perhaps some heavy weight mental geniuses in the medical field can answer this question.

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How far will these sick warped pricks go to see us all dead or transhuman?

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Obviously as far as it takes.

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You have to try and understand that they are rich, narcissistic, satanic psychopaths. They don't see us as even human. There is no reasoning with evil like that.

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France would serve the world were it levelled and rebuilt as part of any neighboring nation.

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Poor animals 😢

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😆, not the poor animals you have to worry about...it's your son's, daughter's, cousin's grandmother's, grandfather's, neighbors you need to worry about especially when they get cancers enduced from these bio-weapons these scumbag globalists self proclaimed elites are pushing on us. Don't worry about the animals, worry about the pack of wolves.

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Demons, they are 😈 demons

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Between bovaer and mrna i feel discouraged for humanity.

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Not to ever eat a French duck….if not a fresh local duck with no mRNA…then if I did not shoot the seasonal duck then never again.

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Thank you Lioness!

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I am carefully watching the Swamp reorient itself to be less visible. I explain what the Swamp is in this podcast here:


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while in the U.S., we just learned of this $500 billion Project "Stargate" vowing to deliver mRNA 'cancer vaccines' completely individualized by an AI medical control grid...


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Well, plandemic 4.0 coming up.

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Only way to survive this is to raise one's own food in pristine conditions as greenhouses and for the lifestock...Be certain they get EDTA in their water to maintain purity from the poison as much as possible.

Animals do become ill at times and they also get parasites which are in the soil and surface water on Earth which necessitates medication. Must check vet to be certain of what is given to our livestock to maintain health or animals and humans.

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Guess, who is stopping the purchase of french duck meat. Ya thats me.

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No more French duck, then. Although I have not eaten duck in a long while - with the exception of a few bites on 12/25. Will the toxic crap make it into the liver paté? Looks like there are people hell bent on removing as many useless eaters as possible in the shortest amount of time?

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For fuck sake. Thank goodness I don't eat duck but I do eat chicken in the UK so I will do my research. Thanks.

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