This news is to TEST the waters and get feedback from sheeps, we are in an outrage culture. Your outrage response is then measured and then whole response is created.

Like how its legal to shoplift in America, this would be a piece of cake. Next BIG NEWS on assisted suicide would not be a SHOCK, it would be the NEW NORMAL.

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Remember when we used to help suicidal people to want to live?

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Can humanity get any more stupid.

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Also there is a very fine line between presenting an option as a choice or alternative...to making that choice the only option. Whats to prevent the state from deciding this is the best and only treatment option in the not too far away future. When humans play God they really make a mess of things. Humans that follow, one almighty God, have no confusion about the worth and value of each and every life.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

In a godless society

cruelty becomes kindness

murder becomes comfort care

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She was def offered MAID. There has been multiple veterans also being offered MAID unsolicited when calling veterans affairs for financial help/support. I believe there are lawsuits

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Well fighting fire with fire has been proven very effective. So it would seem the reality of her situation has improved by her facing the truth.

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It's beyond belief, reprehensible, criminal - there aren't enough words to condemn the fact that people are being murdered under the guise of public health. I was horrifed to learn about MAiD late last year; that inspired me to create this cartoon: https://open.substack.com/pub/annecantstandit/p/maid-in-canada?r=qowdg&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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The Canadian version of - Jump, jump!!

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Sadly, here in Chinada, the fakes occupying the halls of fakepower are hellbent on making death preferable to living. But the big fail is underway. Watch their circus. And heckle at the absurdity of Socialized Anything.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I can't help but think of the scene in Soylent green when older people turn themselves in for euthanasia. we discover they were leaving the facility as green patties. I get chills...

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I've come to realize that the movies are nothing but predictive programing telling us what is to come:


I wrote an article on how the books brave new world and 1984 warned and got us ready for the world we live in today:


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I was quite young when I saw this movie (Soylent Green). It shook me to the core, but it is then I realized I was witnessing a possible/probable future ... I never thought then I would have my toes in this Orwellian world right now. Soon my two feet will be fully into it. Unreal. Thank you for the links, It gives me some reading and movie time this week-end!

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Next up will be the Logan’s Run healthcare plan, mandatory death for everyone when you reach 30 years old. I pity the fact Canada is now a communist country, I shall miss all of the wonderful people there as well as the once untouched wooden forests which are now ashes just to prove a point. When are you canucks going to stop being so damned nice and polite?

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Maybe we would speak out more spontaneously if access to our bank account was not cancelled when we manifest collectively... (in reference to our trucker convoy). Our opinions/stands sure have dire consequences to our livelihood.

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This is heartbreaking because it is VERY VERY POSSIBLE this woman simply has a vitamin B3 (as Niacin) deficiency.

Yes and FACT . Read on.


There are NO good anti-depression or mental health issue drugs produced by CORRUPT LYING PHARMA.


Ask TWO of the greatestand most famous "psychiatrists" that ever lived, and affirmed this imporyant message to the public after FULL careers.

They also lived and practiced almost 4 decades apart.

1. Dr. Peter Breggin

And also the GIANT of all good psychiatry

2. Dr. Abram Hoffer (CDN) .

Dr. Abram Hoffer released and treated THOUSANDS from the most dangerous and cruel "Asylums" by his groundbreaking discovery of B3 deficiency and ABSORTION issues in many requiring higher doses.

Today asylums are HIDDEN from sight and called PSYCH WARDS in most hospitals.

Dr. Abram Hoffer had studied and noted the dreaded Pandemic disease called "PELLAGRA", which has been sometimes called "death by dementia" and indeed turned out to be ONLY a VItamin B3 deficiency.

Note vitamin b3 comes in several forms BUT use only flush Niacin (Nicotinic Acid). Hoffer also combined Niacin at high dose with high doses of vitamin C and had miraculous recovery rates and even CURE with this simple vitamin combo.

Worse, some people cannot absorb B3 well and they need dramatically higher doses . Absortion issues was a second hallmark discovery by Dr. Hoffer. Humans DO NOT all absorb the nutrients we need to survive - at the same rate. Some need much higher doses .

Reference for MORE

- a Great book (he wrote many)


"Niacin- The Real Story by Dr..Abram Hoffer and Dr. Andrew Saul"

Big pharma has totally and successfully SUPPRESSED this life saving info, for decades while making trillions of dollars in drugs that harm and WILL make you get addicted,, hopeless and YES MORE suicidal.

Proxac, Paxil, Lexapro, and MANY others are FAMOUS for increasing suicide thoughts. Get off these medications OR you will never get better.

SHORT SUMMARY - Psychotropic drug use is THE SINGLE WORST FRAUD in the medicine and science world ttoday, followed by Cancer treatment (in 2nd) and VACCINES in 3rd place for total FRAUD.


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All vitamins are made from Petrochemicals. Vitamins are another BIG LIE

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Have you ever bothered to study atoms, molecules, abd compunds.

Have you studied organic chemistry.

Vitamins and their discovery won a Nobel Prize.

Dr. Linus Pauling who made Vitamin C a household name, is the only person on our planet to have ever won TWO undivided Nobel Prizes.

Vitamin C as a molecular level is C6H8O6 , and without it YOU DIE.

Equally , you EAT FOOD, and decsdes ago we started to realize you are what you eat .

Well guess what your foods are the exact sources of vitamins , Amino Acids and minerals that KEEP you alive .

Orthomolecular Medicine is ALL ABOUT the molecules found already in the human body.

We ha e come a long way in science and your comment is 100percent inaccurate.

Usually I do my best to bridge gaps and deliver honesty with kindness , but your comment is actually dangerous to health for naive people .

Go back to school. Read some books or even watch YouTube VIDEOS on vitamins .

Watch how a man's LIFE was saved by a SINGLE VITAMIN .


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Thank you for the excellent advice

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Surely there’s no $$ in fecal transfer modality as its proven having proper gut biome has had huge success in mental status..Shhh!

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Beyond sick! Offering assisted dying to someone seeking help because of suicidal thoughts?!

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

As a Canadian, I wonder each day what is happening in this country? Many of our political and social decisions are made without consideration for others. We seem to have the whims and desires of ngos and foundations thrust upon us. These guidelines are then turned into law, without much consideration for the people. Maid has become a turning point for Canadians and has controversy. How made has been presented, it is not life affirming. It also shows that there is less compassion for people with physical and mental illness, including disabilities. This is a slippery slope that needs to stop. We, as a country are heading towards a void of chaos and darkness.

This is not Canada.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

i'm surprised the usa hasn't imported this modality. it's sick enough to grab their interest. they could market it as a "going away party". no need for sadness, c'mon get happy. bon voyage.

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Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023

In America hospitals get away with dumping patients on the streets if their insurance runs out and so that their numbers look better. It’s been happening for decades, but more so lately. You’d think the government would frown on it, but crickets.

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sad. disgusting. disturbing.

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