When will people begin to get angry about what was done to them??? How much proof do they need????

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Most people cannot bear the psychological burden of accepting that they have been duped, and what their irrational fear has made them do to themselves, or worse--to their children.

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Violence Is

As Violence Does.


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Bad/toxic batches - evil people. In GOD we Trust ...

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Yes but they consider them as the good batches and the next roll out of Va€€ines will consist mostly of these bad/good batches

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But what about the good batches that contained no vaccine, do we call them good/bad batches ? In the danish study they said that many of the batches were those good/bad batches, so do the people get their money back ? In Pfizer/Biontech we trust ... not.

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I don't think you understood what I said. There will be very few real good batches next time there will be mostly bad batches ( which they call good batches cos they will kill us useless hackable animals)

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The level of inhumanity within the ranks of pharma executives makes me wonder if any them have people they actually care about who could accidentally receive the bad batches that are intended for the peasants.

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It was a military operation

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is a military operation

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Department of Death.

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Global Inocula Promotions proudly presents, live on stage, representing The World Eugenic’s Forum Hood, dropping the latest chart-topping sensation: “Vaccine Auschwitz!” Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give it up for Rap’s Great Reset: Dr.StrangeSwab!!

♪♪ “Diversity! (Pause) Equity! (Pause) Inclusion! (Pause) Just words of decorum,

From a depopulation villain (Single Scratch) at the World Eugenics Forum! Apartheid! (Pause) South Africa! (Pause) Good things don’t last long-

Except my tech transfers (Double Scratch) that birthed their nuclear

BOMB!! (Skilful scratching medley)

My mentor’s a real humdinger (Pause) Master depopulator (Double Scratch) Henry Kissinger! Laos! (Pause) Cambodia! (Pause) Vietnam! (Pause)

Henry’s Top Gangsta’ (Double Scratch) at culling the Asian man!

(Skilful scratching medley)

Big shoes to fill but (Pause) I'll steal the show(Audience: Show! Yo!! Yo!!)

8 billion people to cull (Pause) got miles to go (Miles to go! Yo!! Yo!!)

Henrys watching on (Pause) with a frown Pause)

I promised him (Double Scratch) to get zose numbers down!!

(Skilful scratching medley)

COVID jabs (Double Scratch) toxic effects too slow (Pause)

Let’s see what these two teams can do (Pause) on this pandemic show!!

Avian Avengers and (Pause) Primate Panic- (Double scratch)

Lets go to work on (Pause) zee culling magic!!

(Skilful scratching medley)

Pluck it! (Pause) Banana boost! (Pause) The magic potion (Double scratch)

To get dear Henry’s depopulation (Pause) back in motion!!

I can help (Pause) got the right pedigree! (Pause)

My father was high in (Pause) the Nazi Party!! (Skilful scratching medley)

Goosestep! (Single scratch) in lockstep!! (Double scratch)

Trimming zee herd requires prep! (Double scratch)

No objections! (Pause) No lame excuses! (Pause)

All board to the (Audience Screams) VACCINE’ AUSCHWITZ!!

(Skilful scratching medley)

Wanna be a billionaire? (Pause) You gotta be bold! (Pause)

My legacy’s a nightmare! (Pause) But the profits are gold! (Double scratch)

So, grab your needles! (Single scratch) Get get ya’ potions ready!

Everybody dance (Pause) to the beat of (Pause) this eugenics medley!

(Skilful scratching medley)

Let me hear you cheer for the (Pause) population’s end (Double scratch)

This show ain’t just about winning but (Pause) how low we can descend (Pause)

No protests! (Single scratch) no delay-(Double scratch)

We’re on the path to (Pause) a ‘bright’ new day!!

So, teams, let’s get the (Audience) CULLING UNDERWAY!!”♪♪

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Bravo for the research but I must push back. Bad “batches”? I’m only going off the wealth of data from numerous sources I’ve read in the last 2 years but it wasn’t random bad batches but *every* batch that was contaminated. That’s the whole point of the exercise…kill, injure, debilitate, and destroy fertility. In the meantime, there’s also the issue with the nanobots in the bloodstream (see Substack, Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea) whose purpose hasn’t been defined as of yet but I can assure you it’s not for our betterment!

If you are in doubt about the Great Reset aka Agenda 2030, the Plandemic was part and parcel of the plan. I’m posting the following information everywhere so people can understand the reality and do some research for themselves to prove the validity.

If you want to know just one facet of Agenda 2030 plans, please check out this video posted a couple days ago from the North Oakland, Michigan Republican Club. The presenter is a nurse that has dedicated herself since the beginning of Covid to exposing the Cabal. In under 30 minutes she gives you an education and proof on the UN’s future land/property grab. Share it far and wide!


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I find it difficult to wrap my brain around "bad batches", does this mean they think there are "good batches"? The mRNA platform is flawed, it is altering immune systems with increased doses and the most sensitive to this is children who show marked changes to their immune system after two injections. All of it is bad and showed never have been given to one single human, we still do not know to what extent this will affect the health of humans and future generations.

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We're being sucked in with these studies that never change anything. There are no 'bad batches'. They want to maim and murder us under the false flag of 'health'. Virology has been PROVEN to be pseudoscientific. There is no need for any vaccines ever.

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bad batch?? How can you a have a bad batch of poisons?

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True, but apparently three different batches were released, from sudden reactions, to some being delayed reactions to placebo as they can't kill off everyone at one time as that would be suspicious. Also heard more bad batches were sent to red states? 🤔

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They are all bad.

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Studies and more studies everywhere

Confirming what we already know

People are dying like cockroaches after a blast of Raid

But no one can do anything

Because the perps are above the law

They make the laws and the lawmakers both

It's the DoD and the Rockefellers in collusion

Creating mischief and confusion

Reminds me of the old Alice Cooper hit from the

Welcome to my Nightmare album

Department of Youth...

Except now it's the Department of Death

Ah ha

They've got the vaccines....

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