"Labour minister Pat McFadden announced that the exercises, involving thousands of participants across various regions in the UK, are scheduled for the autumn and will span several days."
They live all over the world! From America to England to the Netherlands and Denmark! Klaus Schwab and his band of 2,000! There are about 2,000 people in a group that wants us dead! The young global leaders are Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin. There are many more! These people are members Bill Clinton, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates ect. The WEF members who speak at Davos and have an influence on WEF policies such as “Agenda Contributors.” Joe Biden, Xi Jinping, George Soros, Pfizer’s Albert Bourla, Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan, transhumanist author Yuval Noah Harari, State Street’s CEO Ron O’Hanley and BlackRock’s CEO Larry Fink they all sit on WEF's board and they are Agenda Contributors. It's their exclusive club.
They’ve had this plan since 1949! This is the World Economic Forum, the Bilderberg group, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, etc. These people have been working for years to set up their agenda and our demise. They plan on killing off the World’s population of 6.6 billion to about a million people.
It is incorrect! There are about 6.6 Billion down from between 8 to 9 billion people. No one can say with 100 percent accuracy. They claim that the population is 6.6 billion.
People have to understand any figures of casualties or numbers of illness.
As with all the lies when all this shit started at the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020.
Reading from scripts all around the globe.
Orchestrated fear and lies was the agenda.
Even now some still believe covid was real.
Sadly that was never the case.
The Vaers system and the yellow card systems supposedly to show figures of harms and injury was all massaged to a lot lower amounts.
This is the travesty that’s occurred and their 2030 plan is still in play.
They will not stop until the right body or group of people with the power to stop their evil agenda.
I do not have time anymore for those who don’t wish to believe the evil that took place and who don’t believe the truth.
Too much global evidence that’s come out showing the real agenda.
The msm and the like can lie and bullshit all they wish it’s too late and just a matter of time before it’s all exposed.
It’s still being pushed expecting us all to believe it and they think it shall be forgotten and they got it wrong absolute horseshit.
Eugenics and global depopulation by all means.
If people don’t wanna believe then it’s their downfall.
I looked the figures up years ago and done the math.
From what is written and recorded up until the beginning of the early 19th Century the global count was about a billion.
Then from that time it magnified 7 fold to just short of 7. Some thing billion.
I researched and contacted a site I found if that’s and their figures are accurate then in the coming 250 or so years it will grow to over 40-49 billion going on their figures and accuracy.
They replied with a load of bs and spiel saying it does not work this way but I was quoting their math and figures.
After this I still believe they are showing much higher numbers than actual real numbers.
Why ?
To make it appear more for the climedemic currently in play too.
At the start of this Plandemic this site forecast and showed global population numbers.
From 2017.
And showing forecasts for 2025.
It showed all the western countries including us.
New Zealand,
Australia naming a few with population numbers a lot lower than 2017.
And because of the rona and the convid lie and roll out of poisons then I was say this was them assuming those figures.
News came out of this and they took the site down at that time and now changed its format not showing those forecast figures and tried to change the headline of figures.
None the less.
The damage is part has been done and their plan under way but the numbers they tried to target did not happen.
So from the off to get people’s trust to get confidence so they could record false info on people testing positive from a PCR test run too high and his words.
A PCR test run at high enough cycles one can pretty much find anything in anybody.
And it was never meant to determine what a person has in the way of infection but it was used for that very purpose.
This was to build confidence so people would line up to get what we now know something that never done anything but harm and unalive people all over the world.
I believe if the accurate true numbers of people who’ve passed since taking these vaccines the truth would shock the world.
What has been presented by any one person or body is only a fraction of the actual true numbers.
Even if I used 1 in 10 globally who got a vaccines passed from a reaction or illness to it.
Doing the maths globally
So 1000 for every million people.
Every 10 million a million.
1000 million. 100 million deaths.
A tenth each time
So if there are 6 billion people population an and let’s say 5 billion globally took at least 2 shots.
I’m just a little old me who never believed anything because from the off I knew this to be a plan and this started me to do my own research .
I’ve never accepted any test anywhere up my nose or down my throat.
Never trusted anything.
I’m not vaccinated and shall never be vaccinated .
Nature has more than enough to protect me
As a child I had my mmr.
Mumps had it after being vaccinated.
Measles twice after being vaccines.
Second time in my teens.
Rubella ?
Rubella (german measles)
Rubella (german measles) is a rare illness that causes a spotty rash. It usually gets better in about a week, but it can be serious if you get it when you're pregnant.
As reported from a nhs website
The vaccines I had as a child did not work for me .
So what was I given back in the 60’s early 70’s.
Who really knows.
I’ve not had anything for over 30 years.
A question we have to ask ourselves!
Is anything synthetic actually safe ?
I would say no.
But people believe that a doctor and the medical profession knows best ?
We now know that to be untrue.
Unless one’s needs an operation to fix us.
Or to look inside us to see if a problem is there with our health.
If people research our medical history and how’s its manufacture to make money whilst people become ill from what doctors prescribe people.
It’s very worrying.
But it’s their choice as the world has found out.
They believed to take something they never needed and many have paid a heavy price.
With millions unalived.
Millions ill very many different ailments that before were healthy!
Sars cov 2 or whatever the crap made up thing is called (I call it bogus 19) has not even been verified as a real virus by any government. So I don't know how they're getting away with this scamdemic response shit, honestly. I read about 30% of the population is awake by now, surely it's got to be more. I just think "wake up Sheeple" !
Yeah i still have come to the conclusion that it dont even excist, it was normal flu and media propaganda, and medical murder and incompetence. I joke about when i "had it" if i had been hung over, i would not have realised i had it.
Yup, statistically the normal flu but a $600million NIH funded gain of function Wuhan laboratory gene altering bio-weapon. The side effects are the so called vacination and cancers, diseases of unknown strains to come. But don't fear, that's what these scumbags want...fear. f em!
Yes - these people and the globalists - and now doctors, and our own politicians, military and cops - are now what i fear. I dont believe that they would release some virus that could potentially kill them self.
I dont even think that is how viruses work, if they excist at all, i dont find it easy to prove they excist!
But the system is what i fear, not nature.
Its also kinda funny -- covid killed millions, then they had to admit it was gain of function, hey what about we start to invent even more dangerous virus??
I was just 🙄 what about you go to jail, all this sick research is stopped and the tax payers dont have to keep funding their sick tyranny???
You are absolutely 💯, just after the gain of function came out they said Wuhan had an additional 500 "viruses" gain of function that they could deploy. This is a biological weapon gene modifier. We are the targets.
I’ve had flu in the past and I had COVID 3 months ago. The id definitely did not feel anything like the flu. The upper respiratory symptoms were mild but there were unusual sequelae that are sometimes associated with COVID. When the incidence of flu cases early on were near zero, they were probably intentionally misdiagnosed as COVID. There definitely has been something else out there, whether it’s a virus or a chemical poison. And it is highly transmissible to others, including certain pets.
I have had the flu basically every year since i was a kid, and i dont see much difference really to me personally. I had something years ago, where i in a whole week was freezing, and had it hot, then cold, sweating and hurting so much i was basically in a fetus position for a week, i had to take the medicine old people take for "gigt" i think its called arthritis? The joints start to touch and inflame and hurt? Or i could not sleep, then i had a pain flowing slowly out one arm, and then the other - still had to take these powerfull pain medicines that was not prescribed to me, but the doctors would not even look at it or touch it! One basically didnt care at all, dismissed me, though we all pay taxes to the system in Denmark!!! The other said it was just a virus and it will go away -
I still have some neurology conditions where the nerves or muscles kinda hurt, and there is not the same strength in the arms as before. I am sure if i had been 80 i would have died! Did almost not eat at all a whole week. Then came covid and all the doctors was all over the place like little mindless drones thriving to jab everyone for profit!!
But i agree with your statement that it was either a poison or very transmittable, we in my family of four kids, mom and dad, basically got it the same time.
A common infector? Or some kind of poison in the air? I could argue it was somewhat like the migranes i have too, which a Danish professor have figured out happen because the brain release a substance into the brain, which release the attack, so i can see how it could be poison, some aerosol or something, and with all the crazy shit going on in this world of tyranny, i can easy believe that military aircraft spray something - there seem to be many at night now, only when overcast, that flies over, but is not visible on flight radar apps which uses the adsb transponder system to monitor, which indicate military aircraft flying with transponder turned off, i find that very odd if they are just going to Ukraine? Like they try to hide something. Btw our fighter jets also fly without this system and not visible on flight to, so maybe its common practice.. ?
There are no viruses that kill off everyone! God didn’t design the planet like this. There’s no such thing as Global warming. Climate change is normal, and I’m positive that is why the WEF uses the term.
President Trump understands about 80% of the WEF platform. Elon Musk understands it all and should ensure President Trump understands. My dad investigated the WEF quietly, but he is dead. I wouldn’t be speaking about it if he wasn’t. You might consider reading the platform of the WEF. I haven’t read the site in years, but there’s not much that I don’t know.
The next virus will be deadly. They are hoping you go about your life believing it’s not true. The bird flu will be far worse than the so-called COVID-19. I wouldn't get any injections because they might be deadly. Stay healthy and stay in if they claim the bird flu. I can tell you bird flu is created in a lab by Americans. Sadly some have no idea about what they are doing.
"According to the BBC, the inquiry’s chair, Baroness Hallett, concluded that the UK was “ill-prepared” for the coronavirus pandemic and “failed” its citizens." First thing that comes to my mind is that too many people survived, so they will practice and keep practicing until their pandemic measures have killed the numbers that are acceptable to the government.
Sounds plausible to me. They all seem to want to kill us, of course not them self, such paper pushers are way to valuable! How would money waste them self if not for them??
Is this planned for the autumn of 2025? If it is then it corresponds exactly with the dates laid out in the SPARS document the criminals at John Hopkins put out in 2017. In this document the outbreak of a deadly sneeze starts in Minnesota in October 2025.
The deadly sneeze 🤣 Yeah still not taking their shit! But it wont surprise me really if those who they need to prepare for, is to plan a demic - to hide people dieing from the vax - and i can guess they would be most affected by the annual flu season.
The next virus will be deadly. They are hoping you go about your life believing it’s not true. The bird flu will be far worse than the so-called COVID-19. I wouldn't get any injections because they might be deadly. Stay healthy and stay in if they claim the bird flu. I can tell you bird flu is created in a lab by Americans. Sadly some have no idea about what they are doing.
Why are they wasting their time and money? Surely all we have to do is wait for WEF and Bill Gates to give their instructions for the PM to obey.
Let's not forget what happened last time. The UK was one of the best prepared countries in the world for a 'flu-like' pandemic. What did they do? On day one of a 'flu-like' pandemic, throw all their preparations and plans in the bin and obey their masters in Davos, just like all the other world 'leaders'.
They live all over the world! From America to England to the Netherlands and Denmark! Klaus Schwab and his band of 2,000! There are about 2,000 people in a group that wants us dead! The young global leaders are Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin. There are many more! These people are members Bill Clinton, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates ect. The WEF members who speak at Davos and have an influence on WEF policies such as “Agenda Contributors.” Joe Biden, Xi Jinping, George Soros, Pfizer’s Albert Bourla, Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan, transhumanist author Yuval Noah Harari, State Street’s CEO Ron O’Hanley and BlackRock’s CEO Larry Fink they all sit on WEF's board and they are Agenda Contributors. It's their exclusive club.
Exactly 💯, a psyop to see how high the individuals will jump.
It’s seems they are still being advised to stay on their script of delusion thinking that their plan is still in play.
I cannot fathom what their thought process is of trying to control all of humanity !
Nothing is concrete,
They are also not realising what’s taken place in people’s mindset these last 5 years.
People have totally had enough of their evil agenda.
They’ve had this plan since 1949! This is the World Economic Forum, the Bilderberg group, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, etc. These people have been working for years to set up their agenda and our demise. They plan on killing off the World’s population of 6.6 billion to about a million people.
Hi I noticed you’ve used the population figure of 6.6 billion.
Would I be correct in saying the figures currently showing just over 8 Billion are inaccurate or just a blatant false figure.
I’ve been feeling for years that the numbers they are showing are a lie ?
It is incorrect! There are about 6.6 Billion down from between 8 to 9 billion people. No one can say with 100 percent accuracy. They claim that the population is 6.6 billion.
I guess their plans are working
Who’s they ?.
People have to understand any figures of casualties or numbers of illness.
As with all the lies when all this shit started at the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020.
Reading from scripts all around the globe.
Orchestrated fear and lies was the agenda.
Even now some still believe covid was real.
Sadly that was never the case.
The Vaers system and the yellow card systems supposedly to show figures of harms and injury was all massaged to a lot lower amounts.
This is the travesty that’s occurred and their 2030 plan is still in play.
They will not stop until the right body or group of people with the power to stop their evil agenda.
I do not have time anymore for those who don’t wish to believe the evil that took place and who don’t believe the truth.
Too much global evidence that’s come out showing the real agenda.
The msm and the like can lie and bullshit all they wish it’s too late and just a matter of time before it’s all exposed.
It’s still being pushed expecting us all to believe it and they think it shall be forgotten and they got it wrong absolute horseshit.
Eugenics and global depopulation by all means.
If people don’t wanna believe then it’s their downfall.
I looked the figures up years ago and done the math.
From what is written and recorded up until the beginning of the early 19th Century the global count was about a billion.
Then from that time it magnified 7 fold to just short of 7. Some thing billion.
I researched and contacted a site I found if that’s and their figures are accurate then in the coming 250 or so years it will grow to over 40-49 billion going on their figures and accuracy.
They replied with a load of bs and spiel saying it does not work this way but I was quoting their math and figures.
After this I still believe they are showing much higher numbers than actual real numbers.
Why ?
To make it appear more for the climedemic currently in play too.
If you’ve heard of Deagel.com. ?
At the start of this Plandemic this site forecast and showed global population numbers.
From 2017.
And showing forecasts for 2025.
It showed all the western countries including us.
New Zealand,
Australia naming a few with population numbers a lot lower than 2017.
And because of the rona and the convid lie and roll out of poisons then I was say this was them assuming those figures.
News came out of this and they took the site down at that time and now changed its format not showing those forecast figures and tried to change the headline of figures.
None the less.
The damage is part has been done and their plan under way but the numbers they tried to target did not happen.
Science now shows clearly their plan.
Our government and I wouldn’t take their figures. I would take figures by Edward Dowd.
That number again.. 6.66 billion.. hmm.
I heard it was 500 million.. or maybe it was 500 thousand...
500M on the Guidestones.
Since the beginning of the plan demic systems supposedly were put in place for the roll out of harms to be recorded what was presented.
I cannot fathom only add to what was repeated.
What would have been recorded as data was supposedly 10% of actual numbers.
I’ve seen figures running into the millions.
The Covid death syndrome I’ll call it where deaths before the roll out were being recorded as a Covid death.
Meaning if someone tested positive for Covid but died of heart issues or another illness it was recorded as a Covid death.
This was how fear was manufactured to get people to in part comply to get the poisons.
Mr Dowd done his own data research and come out with his findings within certain age groups but he reported what he found through data recorded.
Thing is with any data that has been recorded from any so called official source.
First and this is how I view these findings from what I know.
Numbers will be shown that are seems except able.
It’s not going to be the whole true number.
Studies were done.
This site above!
Little snip it of findings.
As of September 2022, more than 600 million cases and 6 million deaths due to COVID-19 have been reported to the WHO.
What we have that was used was a PCR test then went to lateral flow tests.
Kary Mullis,
The chap who invented the PCR test.
Excerpt of him explaining.
So from the off to get people’s trust to get confidence so they could record false info on people testing positive from a PCR test run too high and his words.
A PCR test run at high enough cycles one can pretty much find anything in anybody.
And it was never meant to determine what a person has in the way of infection but it was used for that very purpose.
This was to build confidence so people would line up to get what we now know something that never done anything but harm and unalive people all over the world.
I believe if the accurate true numbers of people who’ve passed since taking these vaccines the truth would shock the world.
What has been presented by any one person or body is only a fraction of the actual true numbers.
Even if I used 1 in 10 globally who got a vaccines passed from a reaction or illness to it.
Doing the maths globally
So 1000 for every million people.
Every 10 million a million.
1000 million. 100 million deaths.
A tenth each time
So if there are 6 billion people population an and let’s say 5 billion globally took at least 2 shots.
A tenth of this is 500 million.
I know it’s just figures but globally ?
It’s going to be close.
Add to this illness ?
Effects of birth ?
Millions world wide effecting future generations
And what do we read.
Mistakes were made.
Sorry this was never a mistake.
A very well thought out plan.
I’m just a little old me who never believed anything because from the off I knew this to be a plan and this started me to do my own research .
I’ve never accepted any test anywhere up my nose or down my throat.
Never trusted anything.
I’m not vaccinated and shall never be vaccinated .
Nature has more than enough to protect me
As a child I had my mmr.
Mumps had it after being vaccinated.
Measles twice after being vaccines.
Second time in my teens.
Rubella ?
Rubella (german measles)
Rubella (german measles) is a rare illness that causes a spotty rash. It usually gets better in about a week, but it can be serious if you get it when you're pregnant.
As reported from a nhs website
The vaccines I had as a child did not work for me .
So what was I given back in the 60’s early 70’s.
Who really knows.
I’ve not had anything for over 30 years.
A question we have to ask ourselves!
Is anything synthetic actually safe ?
I would say no.
But people believe that a doctor and the medical profession knows best ?
We now know that to be untrue.
Unless one’s needs an operation to fix us.
Or to look inside us to see if a problem is there with our health.
If people research our medical history and how’s its manufacture to make money whilst people become ill from what doctors prescribe people.
It’s very worrying.
But it’s their choice as the world has found out.
They believed to take something they never needed and many have paid a heavy price.
With millions unalived.
Millions ill very many different ailments that before were healthy!
And supposedly a mistake.
Seriously !
Sars cov 2 or whatever the crap made up thing is called (I call it bogus 19) has not even been verified as a real virus by any government. So I don't know how they're getting away with this scamdemic response shit, honestly. I read about 30% of the population is awake by now, surely it's got to be more. I just think "wake up Sheeple" !
Obviously, people do not know their enemies on this site.
Yes, all monarchy, government, and public servants!
Yeah i still have come to the conclusion that it dont even excist, it was normal flu and media propaganda, and medical murder and incompetence. I joke about when i "had it" if i had been hung over, i would not have realised i had it.
Yup, statistically the normal flu but a $600million NIH funded gain of function Wuhan laboratory gene altering bio-weapon. The side effects are the so called vacination and cancers, diseases of unknown strains to come. But don't fear, that's what these scumbags want...fear. f em!
Yes - these people and the globalists - and now doctors, and our own politicians, military and cops - are now what i fear. I dont believe that they would release some virus that could potentially kill them self.
I dont even think that is how viruses work, if they excist at all, i dont find it easy to prove they excist!
But the system is what i fear, not nature.
Its also kinda funny -- covid killed millions, then they had to admit it was gain of function, hey what about we start to invent even more dangerous virus??
I was just 🙄 what about you go to jail, all this sick research is stopped and the tax payers dont have to keep funding their sick tyranny???
You are absolutely 💯, just after the gain of function came out they said Wuhan had an additional 500 "viruses" gain of function that they could deploy. This is a biological weapon gene modifier. We are the targets.
I’ve had flu in the past and I had COVID 3 months ago. The id definitely did not feel anything like the flu. The upper respiratory symptoms were mild but there were unusual sequelae that are sometimes associated with COVID. When the incidence of flu cases early on were near zero, they were probably intentionally misdiagnosed as COVID. There definitely has been something else out there, whether it’s a virus or a chemical poison. And it is highly transmissible to others, including certain pets.
I have had the flu basically every year since i was a kid, and i dont see much difference really to me personally. I had something years ago, where i in a whole week was freezing, and had it hot, then cold, sweating and hurting so much i was basically in a fetus position for a week, i had to take the medicine old people take for "gigt" i think its called arthritis? The joints start to touch and inflame and hurt? Or i could not sleep, then i had a pain flowing slowly out one arm, and then the other - still had to take these powerfull pain medicines that was not prescribed to me, but the doctors would not even look at it or touch it! One basically didnt care at all, dismissed me, though we all pay taxes to the system in Denmark!!! The other said it was just a virus and it will go away -
I still have some neurology conditions where the nerves or muscles kinda hurt, and there is not the same strength in the arms as before. I am sure if i had been 80 i would have died! Did almost not eat at all a whole week. Then came covid and all the doctors was all over the place like little mindless drones thriving to jab everyone for profit!!
But i agree with your statement that it was either a poison or very transmittable, we in my family of four kids, mom and dad, basically got it the same time.
A common infector? Or some kind of poison in the air? I could argue it was somewhat like the migranes i have too, which a Danish professor have figured out happen because the brain release a substance into the brain, which release the attack, so i can see how it could be poison, some aerosol or something, and with all the crazy shit going on in this world of tyranny, i can easy believe that military aircraft spray something - there seem to be many at night now, only when overcast, that flies over, but is not visible on flight radar apps which uses the adsb transponder system to monitor, which indicate military aircraft flying with transponder turned off, i find that very odd if they are just going to Ukraine? Like they try to hide something. Btw our fighter jets also fly without this system and not visible on flight to, so maybe its common practice.. ?
There are no viruses that kill off everyone! God didn’t design the planet like this. There’s no such thing as Global warming. Climate change is normal, and I’m positive that is why the WEF uses the term.
Bingo! 🎯
Trump let them all have it at Davos yesterday, like a BOSS! Lol 😂
Don’t trust him! He’s coming for us through AI expansion!….big time! Through “Star Gate!”… look it up!
Good grief!
President Trump understands about 80% of the WEF platform. Elon Musk understands it all and should ensure President Trump understands. My dad investigated the WEF quietly, but he is dead. I wouldn’t be speaking about it if he wasn’t. You might consider reading the platform of the WEF. I haven’t read the site in years, but there’s not much that I don’t know.
Call it a gene editing bio-weapon
So the ridiculous over reaction to a cold needs refining and practising?
We need rules to prevent any future restrictions of freedom. We are supposed to live in a democracy not a fascist kleptocracy.
The next virus will be deadly. They are hoping you go about your life believing it’s not true. The bird flu will be far worse than the so-called COVID-19. I wouldn't get any injections because they might be deadly. Stay healthy and stay in if they claim the bird flu. I can tell you bird flu is created in a lab by Americans. Sadly some have no idea about what they are doing.
No, we are not supposed to live in a Democracy! We live in a Constitutional Republic! Get your wording correct!
It will not let me correct the message, and that's not what I wanted to say! We DO NOT live in a Democracy! America is a Constitutional Republic!
Exactly Mark
We all need to vote Reform UK.
So, let me see if I have this right ...
they successfully co-erced the vast majority of the population ..
to take a Death Needle that has killed 37,000 and counting ...
not to mention disabling 10 times that number ...
and their concern about that performance is ...
that it was not efficient enough ...
In the US, the airline pilots said no to the Death Needle.
They tried to force them, but they all just said no ...
knowing that the economy could not survive the loss of 1000 flights per day.
So the pilots got their way.
No Death Needle for the pilots.
We all need to stick together.
We all need to act in unity.
They cannot jail all of us.
The economy cannot function if they sack all of us.
We have the power.
They work for us.
I didn't take the first Death Needle.
I will not take the second ...
or the third ...
or the 1066'th.
They can drag me out of my home.
They can sack me.
They can jail me.
I will not lockdown.
I will not mask up.
2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
4 The king by judgment establisheth the land: but he that receiveth gifts overthroweth it.
14 The king that faithfully judgeth the poor, his throne shall be established for ever.
18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
25 The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.
27 An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.
Proverbs 29
God Bless
"According to the BBC, the inquiry’s chair, Baroness Hallett, concluded that the UK was “ill-prepared” for the coronavirus pandemic and “failed” its citizens." First thing that comes to my mind is that too many people survived, so they will practice and keep practicing until their pandemic measures have killed the numbers that are acceptable to the government.
Sounds plausible to me. They all seem to want to kill us, of course not them self, such paper pushers are way to valuable! How would money waste them self if not for them??
Is this planned for the autumn of 2025? If it is then it corresponds exactly with the dates laid out in the SPARS document the criminals at John Hopkins put out in 2017. In this document the outbreak of a deadly sneeze starts in Minnesota in October 2025.
The deadly sneeze 🤣 Yeah still not taking their shit! But it wont surprise me really if those who they need to prepare for, is to plan a demic - to hide people dieing from the vax - and i can guess they would be most affected by the annual flu season.
Yes the Order Following Fascist Scum preparing for another Orchestrated Plandemic .
Thank you for keeping their scheduled scam in check. Don’t they know it’s Game Over!
I’ll not be participating in anything like this, count me out!
Thankyou Julian
So, let me see if I have this right ...
they successfully co-erced the vast majority of the population ..
to take a Death Needle that has killed 37,000 and counting ...
not to mention disabling 10 times that number ...
and their concern about that performance is ...
that it was not efficient enough ...
In the US, the airline pilots said no to the Death Needle.
They tried to force them, but they all just said no ...
knowing that the economy could not survive the loss of 1000 flights per day.
So the pilots got their way.
No Death Needle for the pilots.
We all need to stick together.
We all need to act in unity.
They cannot jail all of us.
The economy cannot function if they sack all of us.
We have the power.
They work for us.
I didn't take the first Death Needle.
I will not take the second ...
or the third ...
or the 1066'th.
They can drag me out of my home.
They can sack me.
They can jail me.
I will not lockdown.
I will not mask up.
2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
4 The king by judgment establisheth the land: but he that receiveth gifts overthroweth it.
14 The king that faithfully judgeth the poor, his throne shall be established for ever.
18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
25 The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.
27 An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.
Proverbs 29
God Bless
Well boys, ya know practice makes perfect. So for the next 5,000 years keep practicing. When you get to lockdown 5,001.0, let 'er rip.
Total garbage. Planning for martial law is what that looks like.
So, let me see if I have this right ...
they successfully co-erced the vast majority of the population ..
to take a Death Needle that has killed 37,000 and counting ...
not to mention disabling 10 times that number ...
and their concern about that performance is ...
that it was not efficient enough ...
In the US, the airline pilots said no to the Death Needle.
They tried to force them, but they all just said no ...
knowing that the economy could not survive the loss of 1000 flights per day.
So the pilots got their way.
No Death Needle for the pilots.
We all need to stick together.
We all need to act in unity.
They cannot jail all of us.
The economy cannot function if they sack all of us.
We have the power.
They work for us.
I didn't take the first Death Needle.
I will not take the second ...
or the third ...
or the 1066'th.
They can drag me out of my home.
They can sack me.
They can jail me.
I will not lockdown.
I will not mask up.
2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
4 The king by judgment establisheth the land: but he that receiveth gifts overthroweth it.
14 The king that faithfully judgeth the poor, his throne shall be established for ever.
18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
25 The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.
27 An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.
Proverbs 29
God Bless
The location where Lockdown started initiated by the Royal College of London in UK . Where are the WE THE PEOPLE. No sleaple please.
The next virus will be deadly. They are hoping you go about your life believing it’s not true. The bird flu will be far worse than the so-called COVID-19. I wouldn't get any injections because they might be deadly. Stay healthy and stay in if they claim the bird flu. I can tell you bird flu is created in a lab by Americans. Sadly some have no idea about what they are doing.
People are policy.
Why are they wasting their time and money? Surely all we have to do is wait for WEF and Bill Gates to give their instructions for the PM to obey.
Let's not forget what happened last time. The UK was one of the best prepared countries in the world for a 'flu-like' pandemic. What did they do? On day one of a 'flu-like' pandemic, throw all their preparations and plans in the bin and obey their masters in Davos, just like all the other world 'leaders'.