Dear Sam and Larry. Technology doesn’t cure disease. Healthy lifestyles help it not happen to begin with. It has always been thus. Nothing new under the sun
But why do we kill ourselves and have been by use of alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs, homosexuality, (HIV) etc? All these things are proven deadly. It was the same with the fake jab! Is not the fake jab just another dangerous killer? Then scriptures are true. "There is nothing new under the sun!!! FASTER CARS WITH THE EMHASIS ON HIGHER FUEL MILEAGE = more plast8ic instead of steel = LESS PROTECTION.
And that is just one small area of danger!!!! Think about it. Legalization of weed a gateway drug to more deadly drugs = MORE DEATHS!!!!
FOOD KILLS!!!! OVERWEIGHT KILLS!!! WAR KILLS!!! etc etc etc "When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn"
"...knowledge will this what is happening?" I am not inferring that advances in medicine is wrong. We all know the jab caused/causes serious side effects up to and including death but will other medicinal advances be beneficial or a danger to health?
They were not with the fake EXPERIMENTAL jab. If there will be a slow process of involvement step by step by way of mRNA as there should have been with the EXPERIMENTAL JAB, things might have been different.
I will not be the only one to be skeptical and want each step to take time and be proven INSTEAD OF A BIG RUSH AND TRAGEDY that embodied the dangerous mRNA jab. It was too fast. Too much an EXPERIMENTAL process rushed into. Human testing by exposure to side effects and death is not the way to go. If it is pushed, how many will accept it? None of us should. LEARNING IS A VOYAGE NOT A HARBOR AND IT CANNOT BE RUSHED!
mRNA still needs to be SLOWLY developed using animal experimentation! I think we all GET THAT! Millions died in that process. The experiment was a failure but was it planned to be a population reduction process.
Is this why gun banning is proceeding world wide? Is the CYSTem trying or will it again to use a non dangerous disease as a methodology to de-populate the earth? Because many think it was and could be used again!
"Rich men will OPPRESS YOU" and it does not mean the regular rich people, it means the ULTRA RICH!!! Evil can still wax worse and worse ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURES.
Fortunately, cancer is already curable by several different cheap and effective - though not Big-Pharma-patented - means: Ivermectin/Fenbendazole and The Tippens Protocols, Rife frequency therapies, high-dose intravenous vitamin C, chlorine dioxide, to name but a few.
Other drugs are just as outrageous. Ozempic, for example.
Or monoclonal antibody drugs for $35,000/yr plus, in perpetuity. That's the cost of just MAB management drugs (not cures) for a vaccine induced auto-inflamatory disorder like rheumatoid arthritis, as long as the patient lives. MAB drugs are rarely stopped to challenge the condition & see if they are still needed. The body can replete deficiencies, heal & cure itself while not under assault by severe inflammation, oxidation and pain.
Cost for OTC supplements to resolve many autoimmune conditions is about $25/month but are only necessary until resolution. Not unlike ivermectin that cures, not just manages many conditions, for relative chump change.
Also, FB is already censoring this information. I had to take a screenshot, and then post the link in comments. So far it stayed up. But, posting the link directly get you a community warning that your posting from a unsafe website. That repeated violations would result in a time out.
😐🤨🤦♀️If your house is near a proposed scouted "data center" then get out in the next 3yrs. Sell before the data centre gets activated or you will lose all value $$$. Those sites will become deadzones that those who can afford to buy, will not want to. For health reasons. Those that can't leave those who areas will suffer greatly.😐 premature deaths, unusual and "rare" cancers, perpetual fatigue, infections and general malaise.😐 Fight the proposed sites as soon as you are aware of them.
Re the OpWarpSpeed king- he's just being a business man, following the money. They banked (literally) on this fact. He will throw all in to address the "mysterious turbo cancer", that was ok'd on his last sojourn in the white house. That means he will choose what the "science" tells him. Right now it's 2000 papers for mRNA tech, versus 200 warning of the dangers.😐🤦♀️🤦♀️
It's good to see that "Mr. Operation Warp Speed" has not changed! NOT! Trump is part of the Cabal! I always said our political/medical system is bought and paid for by big money and globalists, and that will not change; we as individuals have to take personal responsibility for our health through selective and healthy eating practices, exercise, and faith in God (most importantly)!
Dear Sam and Larry. Technology doesn’t cure disease. Healthy lifestyles help it not happen to begin with. It has always been thus. Nothing new under the sun
But why do we kill ourselves and have been by use of alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs, homosexuality, (HIV) etc? All these things are proven deadly. It was the same with the fake jab! Is not the fake jab just another dangerous killer? Then scriptures are true. "There is nothing new under the sun!!! FASTER CARS WITH THE EMHASIS ON HIGHER FUEL MILEAGE = more plast8ic instead of steel = LESS PROTECTION.
And that is just one small area of danger!!!! Think about it. Legalization of weed a gateway drug to more deadly drugs = MORE DEATHS!!!!
FOOD KILLS!!!! OVERWEIGHT KILLS!!! WAR KILLS!!! etc etc etc "When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn"
Well now that Trump has taken over Fauci's job, we can all rest in peace. In our coffins that is.
"...knowledge will this what is happening?" I am not inferring that advances in medicine is wrong. We all know the jab caused/causes serious side effects up to and including death but will other medicinal advances be beneficial or a danger to health?
They were not with the fake EXPERIMENTAL jab. If there will be a slow process of involvement step by step by way of mRNA as there should have been with the EXPERIMENTAL JAB, things might have been different.
I will not be the only one to be skeptical and want each step to take time and be proven INSTEAD OF A BIG RUSH AND TRAGEDY that embodied the dangerous mRNA jab. It was too fast. Too much an EXPERIMENTAL process rushed into. Human testing by exposure to side effects and death is not the way to go. If it is pushed, how many will accept it? None of us should. LEARNING IS A VOYAGE NOT A HARBOR AND IT CANNOT BE RUSHED!
mRNA still needs to be SLOWLY developed using animal experimentation! I think we all GET THAT! Millions died in that process. The experiment was a failure but was it planned to be a population reduction process.
Is this why gun banning is proceeding world wide? Is the CYSTem trying or will it again to use a non dangerous disease as a methodology to de-populate the earth? Because many think it was and could be used again!
"Rich men will OPPRESS YOU" and it does not mean the regular rich people, it means the ULTRA RICH!!! Evil can still wax worse and worse ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURES.
They can take their injectable poisons and stick it up their ar*e.
Fortunately, cancer is already curable by several different cheap and effective - though not Big-Pharma-patented - means: Ivermectin/Fenbendazole and The Tippens Protocols, Rife frequency therapies, high-dose intravenous vitamin C, chlorine dioxide, to name but a few.
So in one day and Trump is already announcing plans to basically Make America China.
Cost: $500,000, according to Dr. Makis.
Other drugs are just as outrageous. Ozempic, for example.
Or monoclonal antibody drugs for $35,000/yr plus, in perpetuity. That's the cost of just MAB management drugs (not cures) for a vaccine induced auto-inflamatory disorder like rheumatoid arthritis, as long as the patient lives. MAB drugs are rarely stopped to challenge the condition & see if they are still needed. The body can replete deficiencies, heal & cure itself while not under assault by severe inflammation, oxidation and pain.
Cost for OTC supplements to resolve many autoimmune conditions is about $25/month but are only necessary until resolution. Not unlike ivermectin that cures, not just manages many conditions, for relative chump change.
We're being fleeced like farm animals.
isn’t it amazing
I knew this was gonna happen.
Also, FB is already censoring this information. I had to take a screenshot, and then post the link in comments. So far it stayed up. But, posting the link directly get you a community warning that your posting from a unsafe website. That repeated violations would result in a time out.
Edward, I echo the same thoughts!
Follow the money 💰.
😐🤨🤦♀️If your house is near a proposed scouted "data center" then get out in the next 3yrs. Sell before the data centre gets activated or you will lose all value $$$. Those sites will become deadzones that those who can afford to buy, will not want to. For health reasons. Those that can't leave those who areas will suffer greatly.😐 premature deaths, unusual and "rare" cancers, perpetual fatigue, infections and general malaise.😐 Fight the proposed sites as soon as you are aware of them.
Re the OpWarpSpeed king- he's just being a business man, following the money. They banked (literally) on this fact. He will throw all in to address the "mysterious turbo cancer", that was ok'd on his last sojourn in the white house. That means he will choose what the "science" tells him. Right now it's 2000 papers for mRNA tech, versus 200 warning of the dangers.😐🤦♀️🤦♀️
#crucialmomentsintime #follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
It's good to see that "Mr. Operation Warp Speed" has not changed! NOT! Trump is part of the Cabal! I always said our political/medical system is bought and paid for by big money and globalists, and that will not change; we as individuals have to take personal responsibility for our health through selective and healthy eating practices, exercise, and faith in God (most importantly)!