This is definitely election interference, depopulation agenda, and Fema are deepstate infiltrated thugs.

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I'm not clever enough on X to find and share the posts I saw yesterday, but there are very many speaking up.

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Time for Americans to start taking care of ourselves and not depend on the government.

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Perhaps we would do well to remember what The Declaration of Independence says: "...when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Not only our right, but our duty!

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Same people stealing land said the jabs were safe! :)

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FEMA probably runs HAARP:).

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My family is in Boone, NC….which is where I grew up.

I can corroborate the devastation and general disposition/level of shock displayed by the gentleman in the included video. I spoke to my youngest brother on Sunday and he was still beside himself with shock.

My family has been in Boone for 43 years. There are areas that are known to flood; the mall parking lot, the golf course…and there are areas that don’t. Like, ever. Like downtown.

The video footage of downtown Boone, although not a terribly devastated area, is unbelievable. It looked like a river. That area is situated on a slope - and not at the bottom of it - and there is no obvious source of water, like a stream or river right there. This event is anomalous in every way.

My stepmom opened her school to the greater community as an emergency childcare facility.

The SBI was there day before yesterday…just trying to handle misinformation. You know, there’s just a lot of misinformation out there…and they just wanted to get clear in what resources are available. While there are still missing people…a lot of them, the SBI is showing up to see if the childcare that is being volunteered is real. Your tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen!

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I can’t imagine what you and your family have experienced. It is heartbreaking to see and hear all of these stories.

Thank you for sharing yours.

We must never forget what was done and what others did to help when no one else would.

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“As of yesterday, at 1 PM Eastern Standard Time (10/02/24), the United States, Incorporated, ceased to exist. An emergency appropriation of Territorial funds has provided a three-month transition period during which truly essential services will be further identified and extraneous or illegal services will be shut down.” - Anna Von Reitz

These tragedies are to cover-up this massive shift in time. There IS an American Government. The federal government we THINK is our American government is actually a foreign corporation that was subcontracted to provide government services FOR our American government. They took over our American government 160 years ago under an “emergency basis” after shutting down (by force) a portion of our American government so it seized to function.

This is a fork in the road, everyone. A pivotal point in time where you are able to CHOOSE your path and the path of future generations. Take your U.S. Citizenship they’ve forced you to register for (which is a foreign citizen that’s here as a temporary resident) and record your birthright as an American on the land… what we were always supposed to be.

They will eventually have you sign non-disclosure agreements to have your wealth and assets converted into their new system. They’re starting to call everyone American Citizens now which doesn’t and has never existed. A citizen is a federal government employee. That’s why we’re forced to pay taxes because we’re all registered as federal employees! Their new debt system tool will most likely be called the “United States Note”, which is just another promissory debt note I.O.U. (Like the Federal Reserve Note), so they can continue on with their fraud scheme for another 160 years, if we let them


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Let's face it Folks! The United States Government Hates We the People!! When are we going to realize that?

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Evil will continue until we stop it. We’ve seen too much of this already 😢

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You people still don't have the slightest clue as to what is really going on!! The picture has to be seen in its entirety!! There is no such thing as Coincidence Period!! Things are happening for reasons that unfortunately fly over the heads of people like Geese heading South... its not unbelievable at all when you understand the nature of the beast... it is however completely reprehensible that these people in need are being treated like "enemies" on a battlefield!! As opposed to fellow Americans In need... if u read what I say carefully you can ascertain the "reality" of how and why this is occuring..

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They geoengineered the hurricane and now they’ve been trailing-up for a severe winter season. The south will have no chance to thoroughly recover and the north is going to be hit hard with ice nucleation, blizzards, flash freezes, etc. They will shut down the power grid (making it look like it’s because of the weather) - it’s obviously what they’ve been testing these past few weeks with the power going off and on.

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