We’re supposed to feel bad? She made her choice while ridiculing others as if she knew what she was talking about. I say act in haste…repent in leisure. She’d be the first to throw the non-vaccinated into camps.

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Darwin Award 🏅 with Oak Leaves for Propagandizing 🍂

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It's all about the ridicule. Ridicule does not permit a sane dialogue. That's when you know you are not dealing with truth, but rather with coercion.

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Excellent comment !!!

To the point and so true.

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Adios dumbass

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So what’s your claim to fame ?

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Uh, I'm still alive...

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Did she die recently?

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She's responsible for millions of kids getting harmful shots. What an evil witch.

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The author of the piece did not connect glioblastoma with any shot she took. This is the 'denial' that has resulted in the death of so many. If the truth was spoken, many young people would have refrained from compliance.

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Oh well🤷‍♂️ Maybe people have their eyes wide open now…IDIOTS!

You bully, ridicule, trash, push the death jab on kids…you deserve whatever happens!

It’s in God’s hands now!

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I'm feeling a bit of schadenfreude right now. Actually, a lot of schadenfreude.

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I think that's very appropriate. A lot, with not even a bit of remorse for the thought.

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I agree!

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It is an instant human reflex, I think. But if we step back, she thought she was doing good, she was brainwashed.

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Well as they say Karma is a REAL BITCH justice is served

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She went down with the ship she was steering onto the rocks. A diehard to her end and guess she showed us.

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The hand of God works in mysterious ways.

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There are abominable things going on and the fake jab is one of them. Abortion was legalized in 1969 and shortly after I found proof in the prestigious magazine, "Gazette du Palais" that aborted baby tissue was being sent to France from Britain to be used in cosmetics and other products.

An abortion is a mental' physical and spiritual desecration of women as well as the torture and murder of an unborn child. I never heard this statement before from the radfem baby murderers who were supposed to represent all women but were liars. The above statement was mine. If you do not believe my words search Women Exploited by Abortion"

Homosexuality and abortion are the two sins God hates the most. Click on this link for another shock I have known for decades.


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You can find homosexuality in at least 600 animal species. Please study biology. Does god condemn these animals too?

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Aug 10·edited Aug 10

God is the Authority on all things. Let us leave Him out of this and I will prove to you why homosexuality is unacceptable. Mother Nature has ruled against it but how? According to CDC one to two percent of the population have over half of ALL CASES OF ACTIVE HIV. Now why would that be? It is the lifestyle more accurately referred to as a deathstyle that is killing young men and destroying that critical category of contributing citizens.

As to wild animals, do they have a sense of morality? Doubt it. The worst indictment I have about homosexuality is NAMBLA and homo organizations like the Rene Guyon Society Do you know what NAMBLA is? It is the North American Man/Boy Love Society that for decades has been lobbying for the age of sexual consent of boys to be written off the books. I ask you, why do homosexuals tend to be pedophiles? They have the right to be homosexuals but not to meddle and seek to recruit children!

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I have been propositioned twice in my life by homosexuals, at age ten and again at age 24. I declined on both occasions.

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Incidentally, I could never understand why homosexuals would prefer the whiskered face and hairy legs of a male instead of the soft smooth and feminine woman with curves that were aesthetically pleasing. Nothing is more amazing, wondrous, precious and beautiful as a real woman.

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If she could talk from the grave, she’d deny that the poisonous injections caused her cancer. She’d talk about “coincidence” and “anecdotal evidence” and “correlation doesn’t prove causation” and “the vaxxes ended the pandemic” and spout the same old, same old “safe and effective” lying line of 🐂💩.

These idiots never learn. They’re completely devoid of common sense. You’ll never be able to find common ground with them, even after they suffer the consequences/effects of their choices. These people are the useful idiots working for the slavers and the depopulationists and the pathocracy.

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Yes. Her type never change.

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Yep. All the more reason to be capable of preaching repentance with the power of the Spirit of the LORD. (I question this capability within myself.) 🤔

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Some sinners may be beyond redemption:).

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You know, I wonder about this--about what these folks must go through if, in the next life, the truth is revealed to them.

I've heard that a ghost is the spirit of a person who's still attached to this world, who doesn't really realize that they've departed.

If, from beyond the grave, she completely denies any remote possibility that the injections caused (or say, even contributed to) her cancer, then she's probably a ghost, wondering aimlessly about...in wilful denial of the reality of her situation.

If, on the other hand, she's able to accept the truth, then she may have to accept her karmic debt and move on.

(Of course, there are other possibilities, such as the Christian ones of salvation.)

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In Buddhism, there’s a realm — one of the six realms or six modes of existence — for the (so-called) “hungry ghosts”. Sometimes I wonder if one’s individual belief system determines one’s existence after one’s physical death. I suspect that one’s mortal probation is a fairly long one, extending from when one reaches the age where one can reasonably discern good from evil behavior until the great and last judgement before the great white throne of GOD described near the end of the book of Revelation.

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There is no one who knows. It's all speculation and experiences from others. We can't ask them questions and check their threories out. After death - nobody knows. I feel there is much too much concentration on the after life and nowhere near eough on the present life.

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“I feel there is much too much concentration on the after life and nowhere near enough on the present life.” Your feelings about this are totally valid. One of the great little books that has helped me focus on this present life is “The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book” by Miguel Ruiz. “In ‘The Four Agreements’, don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, the Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love.” https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6596.The_Four_Agreements

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I just read the reviews of the 4 agreements. I think if these work for people, go at them. But we should be finding out if they actually work. We could be taking the data to find tis out. I don't know how many paths I've taken that led to nowhere but we may need to find the ways that work. We need to start taking our data and holding tests for those who try these methods. And find synergies and what led down the wrong path so we might learn from their experience. We all have experiences that we could share if we wanted to be part of the "experiment". It would require us finding consensus, a true consensus.

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What if a person (like me) doesn’t trust consensus-making by the tyranny of the majority? I don’t trust the majority of the people. To see why not, https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/emma-goldman-anarchism-and-other-essays#toc4

As for finding a belief-action system that works for you, this is an individual investigation. It doesn’t really have to do with the objective, concrete, factual, phenomenal reality shared by rational observers. It more has to do with the subjective, abstract, opinionated, noumenal reality experienced by everyone’s singular unique consciousness, which experiences are generally unable to be shared with another or explained to another. Since “The Four Agreements” didn’t resonate with your inner truth and integrity, I trust that you’ll discover some set of wisdom teachings which will. 😊

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One of my top fave books and I love the little, shorter versions. Actually, I even prefer 'The Fifth Agreement.' Life changing.

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The souls of the dead can communicate with the souls of the living through symbols and the psychic system if it is sensitive enough.

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Not really sure about this myself, but I realize that it’s a powerful aspect of others’ belief systems.

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It isn't a belief; it is an experience. You have to experience it to really 'get' it I think.

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There is no brain to deny anything, after death. Her soul consciousness will not be constricted, and she will understand at the level of conscious awareness, a knowing without intellectual interference.

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I speculate that the brain produces a form of psychic energy called “mind” and that the mind lives on after the death of the body’s brain. One’s mind doesn’t become magically transformed by the death of the body when one takes his or her last breath, i.e. when the spirit leaves to return to its original source. One’s mind (or psychic energy) is attuned to one’s belief system while in the body. There’s still plenty of “constricted conscious awareness” until one unlearns his or her previous beliefs.

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I think the brain is like the hardware of a radio, it transmits and receives information. However, our intellect based on its conditioning and its nature draws interpretations that could be wrong or right. When you take out the intellect in the equation you are left with unadulterated awareness. It scares the heck out of me because it is so vast and untethered to the security we find in the familiarity at the material level.

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It’s quite challenging for me to imagine a mind separated from the intellect. Maybe I need to stretch and exercise my imagination. 😊

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In meditation people observe the intellect via watching the thoughts arise and dissolve, which is a way of standing aside from the mental mind. It is awareness of thought without identifying with the thought as it arises, meaning not grabbing it and using it as a form of self-reference. I hope this doesn't sound like gobbledygook; many people experience this.

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Yes I read that some ghosts stay around for years until realization finally sinks in or live person they haunt relesses them

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The Wikipedia entry on “hungry ghosts” — https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungry_ghost — is pretty interesting. Beware of evil deeds!!

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The true believers are deleting themselves from the gene pool. Unfortunately, population replacement is filling the ranks of government stooges, afraid of deportation if they do not do what government says.

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From a secular perspective, I think it’s the individual against the state, with the state desiring to enslave the masses and kill those who refuse to be enslaved. From a spiritual worldview, it’s the prince of this world aka the father of lies aka a murderer from the beginning against Jesus Christ. Those who belong to Christ are called to join his kingdom, which is not of this world.

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I agree with you. You accidentally triple-posted because of a Substack glitch

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Yeah, I’ve seen other triple posts.

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I had to delete my own tripples, thinking it was just me. But it seems to be a Substack wide hiccup.

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From a secular perspective, I think it’s the individual against the state, with the state desiring to enslave the masses and kill those who refuse to be enslaved. From a spiritual worldview, it’s the prince of this world aka the father of lies aka a murderer from the beginning against Jesus Christ. Those who belong to Christ are called to join his kingdom, which is not of this world.

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From a secular perspective, I think it’s the individual against the state, with the state desiring to enslave the masses and kill those who refuse to be enslaved. From a spiritual worldview, it’s the prince of this world aka the father of lies aka a murderer from the beginning against Jesus Christ. Those who belong to Christ are called to join his kingdom, which is not of this world.

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That's why they are lost. It's like they've been entranced by fairies. Walking around in fairy land.

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I want to believe that people who have a great love for the truth will never give up seeking truth until they find it. And then truth will build on truth. Naive?

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I think it depends on life circumstances. Faith can be tested, and even lost.

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I suppose that it depends on what one believes “faith” is. For me, faith comes from having the ears to hear the living & spoken words of GOD and then actually hearing those words. The loss of this faith can happen when the hearer stops listening.

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As I get more familiar with the truth the less flattering it is. The destructive Kali phase of the truth is taking place now. The wrecking ball phase.

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This phase of the Kali Yuga cycle. Aren’t we the lucky ones. 😊

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The ultimate test is the bedside of seriously ill family member a spouse being the worst, that is when your connection to the one above is only way to endure..I know because I experienced such recently. Praise Him!

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Fyi not from the jab I'll never take that poison.

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Yes, but life circumstances can become so overwhelming that reception is obscured.

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Absolutely. I’m faithfully certain that allowances are made for such “overwhelming circumstances”. I believe that Nature’s God is full of pity and compassion and mercy and sympathy for such persons who get overwhelmed.

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Exactly! Good riddance to another one down

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Live and learn.


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Sorry. Not sorry.

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And they were so tyrannical in Australia! Going door to door was lunacy! Video footage was out and people in America thought you lost your mind when you would talk about Australia🤷‍♂️being so tyrannical!

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No one in their right mind would show up in my neighborhood going door to door.

Mr. Smith and Wesson would answer the door in most houses.

Maybe Mr. Glock.

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We got the guns and that is probably why America didn't do the full lock down Australia did.

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That makes a lot of damn sense too👍👍

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

Brain cancer is not a nice way to go, but I might be a little more sympathetic if she hadn't been such a vociferous advocate of jabs and an opponent of personal choice.

As it stands.....

I'm sure it would have been worse if she hadn't been....



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I am waiting for Peter Hotez to have a similar “aha” moment. Hard to argue vaccine side effects from the grave.

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I doubt sneaky Pete would take the crap. Most CDC personnel did not take it for some weird, inexplicable reason.

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Not sure. Most of his kids are messed up by vax from what ive read. But, maybe he would give shots to them, but not twke them himself?

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It is hard to believe liars, cheats and thieves.

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He wants to have NATO troops in the US to make us comply.

Alex Jones did a story on it yesterday.

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I need to watch that😃

Alex was right🤷‍♂️😂

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Alex did a segment on his show yesterday.

Here is a link to an article from the end of last month about nutter Hotez.


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Gee thx👍👍

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Here is the link from his show yesterday about nutter Hotez and NATO troops...I finally found it.


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I heard that - Karma

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Maybe he had a vaccident on the way to that big pharma life-saving treatment reserved for the special evil people and....out a here.

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She was brutal! I have not one ounce of sympathy for her! The saying You made your bed, now lie in it!! That she did. I honestly hope any person who was this mean to unvaccinated people get theirs!

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9

yes, reading the article about what she did,

"Ms. Hansen spent her life ridiculing vaccine safety activists, and actively lobbied to have unvaxxed kids banned from schools, before and after the pandemic, with initiatives such as the 2013 "No Jab, No Play" Campaign." This and everything else in the article removes any sympathy. Rather being someone who thought she was doing the right thing her actions made her look like a malicious crazy person.

The question is, how could anyone be so sure, so certain to take the stands that she did? what would make you be like that? Whatever it is couldn't be good.

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She would have been paid.

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She would have been paid. Isn't there a point where you might have to start thinking, maybe this is wrong? And at least back off ? Nothing is easy and everything comes with a price.

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Living the high life in Australia gets expensive fast:).

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Yea It was either the money or she flat out believed vaccines were the invention of the century Very close minded for sure!! I was trying to tell people at cvs not to take the bivalent booster Only tested on like 8 mice or something like that A guy started yelling at me Saying Oh yea What about measles shot and polio Bet u were glad we had those!! I just said u don’t know the half of it and left the store. There were many many people with this mindset during covid I can’t wrap my head around the fact it was experimental and that fact was not hidden Brand new technology!! My thought was I’ll wait!! No thank u!! Other people were raving to get it first!!!

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9

I went to big store pharmacy early in the hysterical scamdemic and asked the pharmacy tech what they were doing for informed consent? She was confused and showed me a pfizer print out. I asked an M.D. friend a few weeks ago , why would you take an E.U.A. "vaccine" ? He replied with a barrage of pseudo medical gibberish. One thing he did say is that no one should be coerced, forced, ridiculed or in any way made to take the injections. I agreed and that ended the conversation. We agreed to not speak of it again.

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I can't seem to shed a tear.

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I endured a lot of crap for my antivax stance. I ended up quitting my job.I won't lament the death of anyone who pushed the vax.

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