The world owes these Japanese experts a debt of gratitude. Let's hope the Japanese government - and governments globally - listen. But will they?!

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Nope. The CYSTem murderers can stick their freaking jabs up their fat asses. Flock off!

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They also warned about MurdeRNA contamination, early.

But it is still getting used.

Props to them for standing. But WTF? Who in Japan is going to be taking this new 'scary' version? And what moral pygmy is approving it?

There is no stopping condition for this democide, no point at which Organs will say: "Geez, these things are bioweapons, after all!"

I'm not registering what is different about this SA type bioweapon vs the standard classic MRNA bioweapon?

The classic contains an ungodly amount of code, DNA trash, and the ever-present toxic LNPs themselves. It turns a human into a bioreactor pumping out hundreds of billions of spikes and other dangerous fragments. It sheds through every possible vector. Possibly with no brake, just always straining the body. Until it kills you.

So by what mechanism is the SA one any worse?

How could you make the perfect bioweapon worse? Or better? Depending on what colour hat you wear.


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They will be forced to take it.

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Well this is one sure way to depopulate.

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And not just for Japan but the world at-large! It’s absolutely insane anyone would take this kind of risk and for what end??…it’s like a nuclear bomb detonation.

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But that's the whole point. It's not insane or a risk. It's a deliberate, cold, calculated, evil act of war against humanity, no different from a nuclear bomb detonation. We are all under attack.

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Meanwhile most of the MedRxiv study authors get compensated directly/indirectly by Arcturus, even the 'independent' contractor?

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Murder most foul, she wrote.

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Evil 👿…

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Planned evil.

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Definition: Self-amplifying mRNA (saRNA) vaccines include additional genetic elements that enable the mRNA to replicate within the host cells. This means that a smaller initial dose of mRNA can produce a larger amount of the target protein, ostensibly enhancing the immune response and making the vaccine more efficient and, of course, less costly/dose to manufacture. The sheep are being slaughtered, long live the sheep.

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"...ostensibly enhancing the immune response..." Ostensibly is a very serviceable word. Ostensibly, yes. But I'm not sure about "enhancing." Degrading might be a better choice. Depends on what you want, of course.

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The definition of insanity….

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This won't stop until we are all murdered

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What is everybody so worried about? All this is is a technique to cause the body's own cells to create foreign proteins -- similar to the cv "vax" originally deployed. But this time it seems the instructions for creating the proteins get incorporated into the cell permanently. Self-replicating, or "amplifying," I think is the word I was looking for. It recalls a term used in Frank Herbert's Dune; I forget the exact word, something like "residual poison" -- where the antidote has to be continually administered, otherwise death ensues. Monkeying around with DNA: it isn't natural, and trouble will come of it.

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Even the name “self-amplifying” is already deceiving… We could stop here….

There is no law in physics that would allow the dead matter to self-anything, like self-amplify but one - to self-degrade and very quickly…

No, I’m not saying the products claimed to be vaccines are safe but their dangers are not going to be due to self-amplification… this is pure nonsense…

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be aware the pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many believe in fact its coming back much sooner than we think check out the james roguski substack for the details...also go to citizengo.org and scroll through till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world thatbsaid dont bother with you tube/twitter/gestapo book who you can be sure will censor/suppress it it currently has over 252000 signatures

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I tried to go to the citizengo.org site and “no healthy upstream come up.

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Lots of conflict of interest in this study. Go to the study & read yourself. Also 10 subjects died during the study, all “ died from Covid.”


They talk about protocols but don’t explain specifically what they are. The study looks like a lot of trial subjects left the study after the first dose. Their approval process may have taken CDC lead by approving this without

positive results. The study continues & will be examined fully in a year. That’s a long time for harm & death to happen. Of course, it wouldn’t be “ vaccine related”, it could happen from anything. 😳

Profit over people strikes again.

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If it has been tested in Vietnam w/16,000 - hasn't the damage already begun via shedding ??

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How anyone can be sure what EXACTLY been tested in VN? Saline perhaps? And we should trust them on it? LMA0!

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"new “self-amplifying” Covid mRNA “vaccines”? AMPLIFYING? What does that mean? People who take them get dead-er faster than just the regular covid toxic shots?

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And why is no-one asking why Australia seems to be up to its neck in this kind of ‘research’?

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