And no one does a thing. THAT is what’s shocking.

I can only imagine what else “they” are doing.

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And hiding.

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And quitting their prestigious careers…

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Wow, shocking. I wonder what can destroy the heart. Let's see, spike protein, mRNA or Graphene hydroxide? The new product insert for the Pfizer Vaxxx shows myocarditis and pericarditis as side affects. It had been blank since the shots came out. In the last week the Florida Department of Health cautions against use of the Vaxxx shots due to Myocarditis, autoimmune diseases, POTS and damage to your DNA. Well they are on the same page now, but people will still demand the shots. LOL

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Florida's surgeon general is honest, so the populace gets told the truth. This information has to go mainstream, because what is mainstream now from what I hear over and over on the radio (sponsored by Pfizer) are doctors encouraging more shots. It is surreal.

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Until legacy media reveals this news, it won't have impact.

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I am beginning to think you are absolutely correct.

I have sent information from this site and many others from the beginning and they say.

That just can’t be correct, if it was we would see and hear about it on the news.

Brainwashed !!!

Even after death and adverse events in my circles, 95% still can’t connect the dots.

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.

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Yes, I say that from having a similar experience as you. When I chat casually to people when I am out and about, they totally believe legacy media. As soon as I contradict the narrative, they start to withdraw from conversing, and I get the cold shoulder. If all the anchors started broadcasting about adverse effects and what happened in the hospitals and the payments received by hospitals, the public would have to swallow the bitter pill of truth. But that won't happen, because legacy media is funded by pharma.

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Or the FDA. If, as expected, DT wins, and keeps his promise to put RFK in charge of purging the deep state, you can bet he'll go after the CDC/FDA first. Steve Kirsch says that most of the 'workers' at the CDC genuinely don't know because the bosses hide the data from them. Not sure about that, but kicking out the leadership, and others with pharma connections, will get the correct data out.

Once that comes out, the media will have to report, and everyone will know for sure. Then, it gets ugly.

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..."A leading cardiologist"...meanwhile, the other 99.9% continue to bow down to big pharma and the AMA. Take no drugs and vaccines of any kind to be safe and 1,000% healthier. Let your body do the job and help it do it.

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my friend has had 10 covid jabs, a shingles and a flu jab, she's 75 and now her legs hurt all the time, she's losing her eyesight, her lupus has gotten worse and her diabetes is acting up. So far though she hasn't had any heart ailments as surprising as that is.

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Sonia Elijah's stack has a video with a v damaged Dutch young woman and a data wizard who has managed to download every reported adverse event ever recorded, drugs, vaccines, plus tied it to drug usage as well. It is a very impressive dashboard. Reason I mention this is from this data the most common side effect of the vaccine was actually getting ill with Covid19! I forgot to mention it's the Eudra Vigilance European Medicines Agency (EMA) Database. More broken hearts to come? From his data, higher drug use for different ailments since needlework project too.

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beware the who pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many believe in fact its coming back much sooner than we think check out the james roguski substack for the details..also go to citizengo.org and scroll through till you find a petition stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours...when resharing it dont bother using you tube/twitter/gestapo book as they are sure to suppress it it currently has over 242000 signatures it urgently needs many more

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beware the who pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many believe in fact its coming back much sooner than we think check out the james roguski substack for the details..also go to citizengo.org and scroll through till you find a petition stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours...when resharing it dont bother using you tube/twitter/gestapo book as they are sure to suppress it it currently has over 237000 signatures it urgently needs many more

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And still they’ll not report it on our state-run media (you know, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN, etc…) and still people will line up for more…

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And they’re still lining up for more at my retirement home!

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What is REALLY bad (in my mind) is the fact that many (who knows the number) of vaccinated people are clueless to the heart damage that they have. If they have had myocarditis for example, exercise can kill them. I had a 55 year old friend who was a daily runner just “die suddenly”. He was of course vaccinated. He should have stopped running. So “healthy and athletic” people have heart time bombs that can kill them at any time. But YET no one wants to talk about this. We just have to watch them die in front of our eyes. Nothing to see here… move along… hearts just stop sometimes…

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Good thing they put AEDs everywhere, then. They must've had a real crystal ball.

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I had a heart attack after second moderna but several warnings after the first. Angiogram found no blockage, PET found peripheral necrosis consistent with micro clots.

Nattokinaise is suggested.

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