I always knew covid was the flu.

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Did not fall for it

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As I've said so many times.. Here I am with my worthless Bachelor of Music (performance) degree; I support myself, my wife, my vaccine-injured stepdaughter on a security guard's wages. Everything about "Covid-19" for me, simply stank and and continues to stink to high heaven of wanton criminality and fraud. How is it I could "get it," along with maybe 2% of the rest of humanity? ... And all these Medical Professionals with qualifications up the ying-yang, could not?

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Because your not submerged in bullshit every day.

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Appreciate what you are doing for your family. Some of us just saw through the BS, for me it was when youtube videos were being taken down of possible cures/remedies. Why wouldn't we want to know more about saving people? it as you said stank to high heaven.

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It truly is breathtaking. I saw it right away too, the very first day and knew they would use the farce to bring in vaccines which I saw as the bioweapon of the Military Industrial Complex. It was a continuation of 9/11, how very educated people fell for the story that it was Muslims that took down 3 buildings in one day. It taught me that credentials are meaningless in regards to smarts. If an education cannot teach you when you're being thoroughly scammed, then it isn't much use, unfortunately.

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As for my degree? Six years of my life down the toilet for nothing. https://sexdiaryofanoboist.wordpress.com/2017/03/31/talking-to-deltas-about-liberty-part-2/

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This culture sucks. We need to form small nouveau cultures everywhere- there are plenty of us now!

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Formal education is a form of indoctrination. I confronted several professors about the sublimation messages they were using. None of the other students ever saw it - ever!!! It is not by chance that all of a sudden being trans and gay “happened” in young people. This is undermining family units, our military, values, morals - all with a few subliminal messages, targeted marketing and hypnosis. We are under attack on many fronts!

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There too many red flags for me. Fauci, Zeke Emanuel, the triage plan, the Dems squealing don't take the shot because Trump and then when Biden was in office saying Take The Shot!, people I know are liars looking into cameras saying the shot will fix everything, the list that advertisers came up with for the CDC of ways to coerce people into taking the shot, the shot required very low storage temperature, and then magically every drug store and grocery store could administer the shot......and my reluctance to do anything that cannot be undone. Nothing was logical. So nope. I also doubt that many at the top of the pyramid actually got the shot.

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Another great find. Kimberly has moved the Overton window for me.

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exactly and the fact so many died in hospital should have acted as a wake up call but instead its been met with a tidal wave of apathy and censorship and the masses sleep on

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Gee, didn't the nurses and doctors notice people were dying from Remdesivir?

How many had to die before they finally figured it out?

I was just following the "protocol" just like how the Nazis were "just following orders."

They are murderers...

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17 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

The nurses were being paid 10,000 a week, and the doctors much more. Hospitals, which are billion dollar corporations, got paid for COVID deaths, sometimes in 6 figures. So, yeah, just following the protocol doesn't cut it for me either. More like paid assassins.

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Yes "Paid assassins" indeed they are!

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They hired a team of employed physicians who were only allowed to see Covid patients and write orders , where I was at . One self employed pulmonologist got canned for speaking out .

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I allegedly had Covid pneumonia in 2021. I was hospitalized and the first thing the ER doctor said to me was...I needed remdesivir. My son was with me and he told the doctor absolutely not. Doctors tried to give it to me for the 8 days I was hospitalized, but I refused and never did get it. I probably saved my own life. Whew

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So glad I have critical thinking skills and didn’t get the toxic waste dump injection. Thank you GOD.

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See here: https://vaxxed3.childrenshealthdefense.org/

The hospitals were incentivized (bribed) to create deaths. See above, and below: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ylu755nRLpkq

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Kimberly‘s frontline reporting couldn‘t make it much clearer: the so-called 'pandemic' was nothing more than state sponsored murder through the use of Remdesivir, ventilators, and toxic jabs. Iatrogenesis at its finest!

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Fake virus, fake disease, fake pandemic. A psyop in other words. And a very effective one. Probably the best and biggest psyop since the Beatles:).

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Truly unbelievable. They can just murder anyone as long as it's in a hospital and the perp has a badge saying Dr X.

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JJ Couey and Scott Schara have been reporting this for a while..... https://stream.gigaohm.bio/search?search=grace%27s%20dad&searchTarget=local

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CoV2 was a disappointment... fell far short of what was hoped for... really just another flu. The modified experimental gene-therapy, aka the Death jab, was meant to play clean up of the survivors. But too many survived a virus bioweapon that turned out to be less of a threat than the flu, so they had to find other ways to kill off the population and they did their best. I mean each patient on a vent was worth a $40K bonus to the hospital, Remdesivir (Run-Your Death is Near) earned a 20% bonus for the entire hospital bill so a half a mil hospital bill would earn an extra $150K to the hospital. Basically they incentivized a eugenics operation. The Pfizer Papers made it clear both the government and Pharma knew the jab was going to kill a lot even before it received an EUA....

So, what is going to happen now.... Atlantis....we are the new Atlantis and you know what happened to them.

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They had to kill people to form the perception of a deadly virus and fear of a pandemic. So that they would beg for relief in the form of a vaccine. Bill Gates is a mass muderer.

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