Great article! I can see — “they’ve” cooked up a long term plan befitting of the Anti-Christ. We need to not just be anti- the anti- , we need to be Pro-Christ. We need to join Forces with God’s Son, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

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"The truth is always an absolute defense" is the core of rule of law and successful human relations.

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Well, I don't know about you, but I'm pretty 'Normalized Demoralization.'

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I remember that interview. Solzenitsyn had already given his warning to the West in his Harvard 1978 address. And how the media scorched him. Thank you for bringing this back to light. The powers of darkness are very patient . They had eons studying humanity and what could manipulate them. But there is always a light in the darkness.

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That is what dawned on me, the 33% of angels thrown to earth have had eons to learn and then build their earthly kingdom from the ground up. Subversion and psychological warfare are their tools at this point and man’s sinful nature is being used against him, just like in the Garden of Eden. Humans need boundaries. God provides the ones that provide the most freedom. Ironically, Satan easily convinces man that anarchy is true freedom and that morals are for the weak.

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Ephesians 6 but specifically v12 “Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage.” (The Passion Translation) For me, that is the scariest verse in the Bible yet it is exactly why we must center our lives on God and walk boldly through the darkness because we have God with us! Psalm 23.


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Thanks to Yuri for outlining the strategy and tactics. Coupling this info with who the Players are and their Agenda, will help decipher what’s really going on. The Real Culprits and their Useful Idiots become easier to identify. Media propaganda is easier to spot and dissect.

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This article — https://winteroak.org.uk/2024/07/30/china-from-real-tao-to-mao-and-then-to-multipolar-fake-tao/ — provides an excellent overview of the history of communism.

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Thanks going to share it.

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Ordo ab chao

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Not sure how to reverse this. All the commies are in teaching positions, political positions and corporate positions - especially the media. Have been for decades. We’ve been asleep at the wheel. When Trump was president was when I noticed the fake lying media. They’ll do anything to not elect him again.

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Great article given all the crap happening currently!!

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The far more effective decades of mass brainwashing since then by the CIA are not mentioned:).

Yuri is great, but the KGB does not have a monopoly on mind manipulation. In fact, the same cabal who set up the Bolsheviks are behind the deep state in the West today. Rothschilds, Rocker Fellers, Freemasonic secret socks, I mean secret societies (😄, maybe they wear different colors of secret socks!) are our invisible rulers. They own most of the world's wealth and have no plan to share it.


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You need to wake up to the fact that you live under Liberalism not Communism.

Communism collapsed in the 1990s. Liberalism then took over the world.

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