If you take it, [the vaccine] and then a year goes by and everybody's fine, then you say, OK, that's good, now let's give it to 500 people; and then a year goes by and everything's fine. You say, Well, then, now let's give it to thousands of people, and then you find out that it takes twelve years for all hell to break loose, and then what have you done? -Fauci, 1999, https://old.bitchute.com/video/VdgvTd4LPwGg [29 seconds]

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🤬. It’s a Bioweapon to depopulate.

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Sep 15Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I still vividly remember the day I told my brother and sister to never ever get the killshot. They thought the idea was preposterous and made no attempt to cloak their feelings about how dumb they thought the idea was.

Only mass hypnosis and sustained weaponized deadly propaganda can explain that reaction. All it took was 9 months of sustained fear to turn the world on its head and nullify any previous notions of common sense. People cried out for a savior from a lie, and the liars responded with poison. Fake problem, real reaction, deadly solution. The liars got what they wanted and the world will never be the same.

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Agree , never be the same.

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Let’s hope it does not repeat!

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💯🎯Very well summised!!

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I remember driving to Miami every day during the plandemic! Worked the entire time. Passing the dolphin stadium every day. Thousands of cars of asymptomatic sheep waiting for hours to get brain raped by a swab and no one had any symptoms of anything. And then headed to the hospital my ex works at. She’s like all these people are showing up here with nothing wrong! But the test said they were a carrier of a disease!

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I used to live right down from a large hospital and I took my dogs walking every morning and I remember seeing the lines of cars. Waiting in line for a dang shot. Now the obituaries are more and more people than there ever was before.

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Having no symptoms was one of the symptoms! Sheep science!

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100% It's so clear when you frame it like that, Eric.

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No doubt I’m asleep, but, aren’t we all?

Read this and get back to me: https://tritorch.com/degradation

What am I missing?

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Yes but the murderers will know the Wrath of God in this life and in the spiritual one to follow.

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In Jan 2020 I was a member at Peak Prosperity. Chris Martenson was an executive in biological companies, and he was the first person I heard use the term biowarfare, and it was that early, long before the shots. I told everyone then to avoid getting the illness, and to never take the shots, which they were already talking about. Of course, I am a tin-foil-hatted conspiracist.

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'35' million DEAD worldwide.

Millions disabled and fighting for their lives.

And "Th e Murderers" keep advertising and pushing it with their disgusting phoney concern, from The Pit of Hell.

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My son is one of the millions who was recently diagnosed with an incurable autoimmune disease.

27 years old. "Disabled" now. 😭

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🙏God bless you and your son- I am so sorry.🙏

To watch this Global Genocide marching on and lwatching family suffer is Impossible! Crushes our hearts.

Stay closer to Jesus.

Jesus defeated Impossible and Death.

These Last Days only strengthens our Faith & Resolve to warn others, save lives, and save souls for Jesus. No debate anymore.

My 96 yo mother was healthy, taken from her home, 571 days in "rehab"-, murderd- Fentynol She saw it coming.

My Globalist Bankgster "brother" murdered his own mother.

🙏See you in Heaven- I promise🙏

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My heart ❤️ breaks for you and the loss of your dear mother. I understand how you feel. And my heart breaks for all of the others who are suffering from the terrible loss of loved ones or from illnesses that have been caused by the jabs. Yes!!! We must continue to pray for our fellow Americans.. and we must turn everything over to Him and have Him guide us.. Sadly.. so many have turned their backs on Jesus and they listen to the devil and our wicked government.. politicians the media and the Mr. Globals … who don’t give a hoot about us. And they don’t understand that the media is the Virus 🦠


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Thank you so much for your kindness.

The godless arrogance of our culture is a sign of The Great Deception- Zombiez. Last Days.

God's Wrath & Judgement is on top of us now. USA is Soddom and Gomorrah.

#1 Planet Earth sex & child Trafficking. 900,000 or 1,000,000 + Border children LOST. Where

are vthey?

• The media- you nailed it. They are supposed to hold tyrants accountable not be tyrants too.

• Operation Mockingbird 1950 controls all media- + Controlled Opposition- the Fox in the hen house.

• I lost my 2 daughters 1994- 15 yrs "hate daddy Lawfare. The Globalists were destroying families 30 years ago- (Not "POOR DADDY DIVORCE pity party" Propaganda)

• 1996 I was hurt at work- saving my life- disabled forever-

**THEY CUT my WC$$- 4 years- I coulnt pay child support**

I fought for my girls not $$$.

I finally paid 100% but my girls hated me. *19 years Corrupt Injury Lawfare. Globalists again. They knew I was a Christian. They still Robbed $2 Million dollars.

* Sarah since 1994 lost my girls- I knew it would be impossible to live without them.

Not seen 30 years

but I "TRUST IMPOSSIBLE" 30 years!

•No Surrender.

•Gratitude...to God

•Eternity....The Promise

Jesus defeated Impossible....and Death.

I will keep you & your son & family in my prayers,

.... in my heart!

...... belongs to God.

"We pray without ceasing"

🙏We meet in Heaven*

❤️Jesus with you Sarah, your family, and all you pray for🙏

Thank you again for your kindness.

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I am truly sorry for you and your son’s pain and suffering. All the best to you and your son and God Bless you both … just turn everything over to Him for He is your healer. Please look into natural healing ❤️‍🩹 of autoimmune diseases. Dr. Barbara McNeill is now writing about natural remedies to help with diseases on her Sub-stack. You can follow her on her very informative videos on YouTube.

Be well.🙏

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Omg so sorry to read this. My prayers and support and this is so relatable X

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The boosters are out again for the fall . We had 3 fetal demises this week in the OB office I work at .

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Good grief!

You clearly know what’s going on.

Do the people you work with know?

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Horrible. What might be typical/common before vaxx rollouts?

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😞so saddened by the tragedy playing out as a result of the gene therapy jabs.

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It's not a coincidence. We know what it is.

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They tried to turn the first SARS-CoV virus into a huge deal. I still remember how the media hyped it back in 2002 in Asia. They allegedly traced it to bad plumbing in a block of high rise flats in Hong Kong. They gave this "new" disease outbreak a scary sounding name: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS. It was blamed on a coronavirus. But was basically a nothingburger and quickly fizzled out. Attention faded. They knew then that the next time they had to go BIG or go home. Nothing less than a total global pandemic would suffice for the big brother of SARS-CoV-1 - the bad boy they called SARS-CoV-2 which would shut down the world and bring in masks, lockdowns, distancing, restrictions, and lastly the "vaccine" - which was what it was all about. Sell a trillion dollars worth of quackery. These bastards are slick. They got away with the Covid crime and the cover up is ongoing. Billions of people are now scared of the "Coronavirus". It was a genius level psyop, one must admit.

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More masks again in the grocery store . 😡

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Most morons wear them as chin straps! Trust the science!

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When they give a condition a description and it ends with 'syndrome', that means that they don't know what it is, and have no interest in finding out what the 'real' reason is, for those symptoms. But as we have seen, any and all symptoms will be used to describe their next plandemic.

If it makes headline news, you know they are up to no good, trying to scare you.

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Like Stiff Person Syndrome, lol.

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At this point, anyone that takes it of their free will is stupid, parents should be shot for getting their kids to take it!


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Nothing say …… “TRUST the Science” like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years 🤫 @Pfizer

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Treating the documents like the JFK assassination documents.

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Rogan said that, while talking to Tucker.

Said the quiet part out loud.

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Trust The Insanity

Trust The Tyranny

Trust The Genocide

....or God given Common Sense and Discernment.

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Now I truly understand why my Grandfather use to say.

Common sense isn’t common.

Grateful that I got to spend a lot of time with him when I was a young boy. He taught me a lot about the Bible and things of this world.

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See you in Heaven, at The Banquet Table with Jesus, the Saints, David, Moses, Daniel, Paul, etc...... and our families!🙏

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What a day of rejoicing that will be.

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Sounds like *Divine FUN*

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But that’s how vaccines or jabs always worked! If you don’t drop dead right away that means it works, it’s super safe, and your immune to nothing but bullshit! If you die a week or longer later it wasn’t the jab! It was natural causes. SADS, SIDS, egg salad, long naps, or too much sunshine! It wasn’t the toxic syringes filled with poison! Now that’s science!

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Yes! The tsunami of autoimmune conditions, the astronomical floods of ADHD, autism, "neurodivergence" is horrifying, but we KNOW it can't be due to Safe and Effective! (TM). This article is an absolute must read:


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"The tsunami of autoimmune conditions..."


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It’s premeditated murder of an individual under the guise of saving the herd from nothing but bullshit!

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The whole thing with the entire drug scene, legal or illegal, is that you never know what is going to happen to your body. Know that anytime you are introducing a foreign substance into your body, like all drugs really are, you are asking your Heavenly created system to deal with it. Except in the most dire of emergencies, choosing to take any drug is an exercise in Russian Roulette.

Unless on my final deathbed, there is no way I am trusting big pharma, the government medical terrorists or even my doctor. They can take all their drugs and shove 'em where the sun ain't never gonna shine. I'll go out and take the best drug the Creator ever invented...THE SUN!

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These devils have been pushing their toxic agenda forever. There were campaigns in the late 1800’s warning parents to avoid getting their babies vaccinated. Is all about creating illness as folks get older (feeding the machine) and depopulation. Rockefeller family had a huge stake in this as well as B. Gates (gates of hell). His father was big into eugenics and that rotten apple did not fall far from the tree. The sheeple must awake and stop the madness. If not for us … for our children and their children to come. History will not forgive or forget, not putting these devils down when we had the chance. We must stand and fight …. while we have fight left within us, or die on our knees🫤

Watch and share:


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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Horrible all of it! These times are insane, arduous and will test our wills to the extreme. Free Palestine and light and love to you xx

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Forgive me Jesus for even hinting at my own condemnation of baby murderers but I pray your Wrath on these sons of Satan who jab pregnant women. I know of your warnings about those who hurt these little ones and it may be raw hatred on my part but I believe hatred is part and parcel of life.

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“Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and “patient” Buster Keaton join forces to remind us “Trust the Science.” Watch the hit music video TRUST THE SCIENCE RAG here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/trust-the-science-rag

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I just reposted this important information along with the video interview of Kevin Sorbo , but Facebook Immediately Removed my post on my Facebook Feed, and I asked for review, said I am gong against the rules. The question is whose rules has Adolf Hitler been reincarnated to AI with the Obey or Die Agenda. Rich people have too much un entitled power and I hope they disappear quickly!

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Terribly sad.

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