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My work with dementia points to occult infections, such as a neurospirochetosis. You see when the immune system is compromised infections take hold in the brain. Over a century ago Hideyo Noguchi was able to link neurosyphilis to dementia....his discovery is long forgotten by most, but today 20% of the world's population is infected with the Gain of Function organism developed 70 years ago on Plum Island using Borellia bacteria - commonly known today as Lyme disease.

The COVID 19 bioweapon jab greatly impairs the immune system and these occult infections have a field day. It had been my hope when I first published Incurable Me in 2016 that by now the infectious cause of dementia would be recognized... it has not been. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21816039/

I submit the rise in dementia cases is becasue the COVID-19 bioweapon jab is causing these occult infection to destroy the brain.

I hope someone out there is listening (reading this). We are all in big trouble.

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I am puzzled that people don't instinctively comprehend that vaccines are harmful. It should be obvious that injecting an unknown-to-them-substance into their bodies with a needle is dangerous.

Apparently, they believe the false propaganda that vaccines will be good for their health

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Jun 26
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People run to get tattoos all day long!

These hordes love to stick needles in themselves.

The Evils glamorized it just before the Plandemic. How opportune.

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Discernment, the connection to nature (their own bodies, their own intuition) has been bred out of the Western populations now for several generations. Americans have always been so blindly trusting of all the wrong people, so easy to experiment on without push back. Indoctrinated in schools to trust the untrustable... and now it is time to pay the piper.

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Not all people, just the most gullible. And there are many.

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Yes, 2SG is also promoting these ideas in several articles on his 'Stack, eg:


Meanwhile, a naturopath in Wales claims she can not only prevent but reverse dementia with a low-carb diet, B vitamins, fish oils and exercise:


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By the time your brain is starting to turn to jello it is a complex infection with spirochetes, fungi and virus.

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To those of you who didn’t take the Jabb, how relieved are you?

Because I thank all my conspiracy theories for being correct!

But as I said before, as the vaccinated are becoming more ill, they’re becoming even more angry with the unvaccinated, because the unvaccinated were correct.

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I see this in my spouse.

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