I wish more people knew the truth Lioness . 😢🙏

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They are not the first to prove that the mRNA vaccine causes heart failure amongst other internal and DNA damage. The knowledge has been out there for a number of years.

Too many people relied on the wrong sources only to find out later that they were lied to.

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I bet this is happening all the time and not marked as vax injury or death)

Take this example of a heart transplant story... PS to be working in Western Australia at the time this happened this girl is almost certainly vaxxed, you couldn't work anywhere unless you were...

The doctors only discovered what had caused this young girls HEART to suddenly fail after they REMOVED IT, her immune system was attacking the heart due to a "previous infection"... ??

I may have it wrong but I suspect this is a classic covid vaccine injury I'd think?...

Swept under the carpet deliberately or through cognitive dissonance? ...

I'll allow a one in one million chance this was a real "infection" it happens...

But given her AGE and the SUDDEN onset this seems very sus

(one would think she'd have been experiencing a massive cold and heart problems onset for a while if it were via natural infection?!)


You are doing great work Lioness, I forward and save a lot of the articles you do.

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Definitely correct. All are labeled from the illness, even months or a year ago. PEs and heart issues. But very very very few are labeled from the shot. Just few days ago know a young man cardiac arrested Vfib during exercise. Blamed on the illness nvm 3-4 jabs. Millions.

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You can barely get anyone to do a cardiac MRI much less a biopsy. College kid with SIRS and new HTN and they still didn’t do cardiac MRI even after I ordered one… I’m just a silly NP ya know. He has dropped out of college nearly disabled. Woman in her early 60s and another guy mid 60s. Woman early 80s dead, hospital told her dtr it was bronchitis- they gave her one nebulizer and one dose of antibiotic yet her troponins, 100-180. Yeah it is not just young men, its everyone. Yesterday young athlete cardiac arrest during exercise. I could go on and on. Seems my simple case reports were on target years ago. https://www.amazon.com/Vaccine-Injuries-Lies-Deaths-Resources-ebook/dp/B0BYMMW3QM/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=qkQvS&content-id=amzn1.sym.042bebc4-d831-4e88-a194-fd9d3e8daf95&pf_rd_p=042bebc4-d831-4e88-a194-fd9d3e8daf95&pf_rd_r=XKV7QHC3ASS6HZ4ZABZP&pd_rd_wg=uETaH&pd_rd_r=118dfec5-78ec-4ec3-aded-4ae5f7a61c52&ref_=pd_hp_mw_btf_rtpb

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Myocarditis is caused by upregulation of CD68 cells by Endotoxin in Covid19 jabs and we can expect a tragic list of other diseases associated with this gene.

CD61 is also upregulated.


CD57 has lots of synonyms for th deep diver.


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shallow dive… yikes

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Concurrent with an epidemic of Baffled Doctor Syndrome.

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and those that were jabbed just drop dead, out of no where, with little or no warning, and the majority of the time, defibrillators are useless.

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There is a ticking time bomb of ill health ahead for some people because of the covid injections, this is now a real-time lottery.

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Pfizer vs Moderna = RUSSIAN ROULETTE! A no brainer - but some still take these poisons.

NO MORE JABS until they ACCEPT LIABILITY for Vax injuries and Vax related DEATHS!

So, not only is the SAFE and EFFECTIVE experiment useless on both counts, it can also kill you. Perhaps that was all part of the Plan?

They tried to poison everyone with Gain of Function (Bio-weapon technology) to maximise the Coronavirus, along with a pretend 'Vaccine', but many people soon realised it was a Depopulation Plan. So, instead of modifying Covid still further, they've switched to modifying the 'nearly harmless' BIRD FLU. They could open Pandora's Box with their evil experiments and then we're all doomed.

The WEF's New World Order, along with the NOW OBSOLETE and CORRUPTED World Health Organisation are trying to justify the NEXT SCAMDEMIC = Lab modified Bird Flu along with another DEADLY injection (which they'll again pretend is another (deadly) mRNA VACCINE') to complete the carnage!

The know we've sussed their Control and depopulation Plan and are retreating back into their pathetic existences, under the slimy Davos slime pit from which they operate.

We're ready next time and they'll be lucky if 20% of the surviving world population will believe their Bird Flu lies.

Maybe half will accept the lies about the associated BIRD FLU VACCINE which has probably been formulated simultaneously in an adjacent laboratory.

Their MASS MURDER will not go unpunished.

No doubt the Bird Flu VAX will come with ZERO LIABILITY CLAUSE, but they know we're coming for them so they'd better be scared. Their MASS MURDER will be dealt with by the most aggressive punishment imaginable and the main protagonists will be PUBLICLY terminated.

We the people, have spoken!

Unjabbed Mick - UK (I'll live longer without evil medical interference.)

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Really??? WOW!!!

Heart trouble via jabz.

Well, DUH!!!

These things were plainly obvious from the get-go.

And that was FOUR YEARS AGO!!!


Slow and stupid, and they catch on eventually.


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