More and more comes out as the dominos continue to fall!


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The theater started over a hundred years ago, and it's still what it is: a theater...

Still, it turns out that it's always been out in the open:


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And the ones that were in there slowly got murdered as time went by

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yes... no one ever died from Covid unless they were in a hospital. They tried to give Remdesivir to my mom, but I stopped that and she was fine.

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Yep, September 2019.

And interesting to take note of the flight logs to and from Fort Detrick in September 2019...😉

And someone (they posted anomously on a forum) early in October tracked the flight paths from Wuhan and looked at the epidemiology patterns of where it spread to- big guess, they dont match any kind of previous epidemiological patterns for respiratory viral outbreaks- ever! 🤔😐🤦‍♀️ That little thread seemed to get lost in all the noise of pcr test, pcr test.

#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Yes, several members of the US team at the Military World Games in Wuhan in Oct19 came from Fort Detrick and Fort Belvoir, where there had been an outbreak of a mysterious illness in the summer of 2019. In April 2020, CDC/Redfield admitted in testimony to Congress that it was "probably" Covid.

At the Games in Wuhan, the US team were so sick that they came 35th in the medal table, despite having the biggest team at the Games.

George Webb has been all over this story for years:



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Revelation now - who is this guy and why should we believe him -

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Every day we get in a dither about manipulation in the past - what about manipulation now - light on every thing in government by DJT but not on Covid deaths by vaccines and maiming by vaccines - now mRNA vax mandated for infants - no wonder DJT can blithely continue genocide in Gaza cause he is engaging in democide in US every day-in bed with Pharma when all of life is focused on health or the lack of due primarily to vaccines and multiple side effects from drugs which should never have made it to market - now they want to manipulate the food source further. Where will it end? Death by treatment what a way to go.

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Some of us have know for at least 3.5 years that it was a Scamdemic.

We have also known the same about the Medical Cartel pushing "virus" of the day with

assistance from the fake news and rags like Time, Politco, Salon, The Atlantic, Rolling Stone etc etc

The gig is up, and normies are ... peaved to say the least

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Constant revelations appear to be manipulation and diversion - keep the population worked up with no actual accountability- pure conjecture-read statistics and know we are being lied to every day without any action taken to change anything.

The theater continues - via daily revelation- enough already - if the actuarials know, the former statistician for Black Rock and now his own hedge fund knows our population is sick unto death from vaccines designed to disrupt our economy and bankrupt families - soon like Canada we will opt for suicide parlors with a family plan - evil walks amongst us.

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My favorite parts of Covid:


Dopes on Dope.

They are just doctors.

… History’s Jekyll’s.


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check out and read carefully a petition at citizengo.org.....say no to the who,s health dictatorship...reject the pandemic treaty..be aw3are its a worldwide petition ot can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours...also be aware ciutizengo.org are an independent organisation which simply means no government can interfere censor or suppress this petition

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My brother is an electrician and he is hired to keep his local hospitals in good working order so he has to check all the circuits in the hospitals, he said all the top floors were completely closed, he still has to check them, the staff wanted to stop him... but he persisted, he said the lower floors only had few people in them.

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"I couldn't communicate with the outside world..."

Sorry, but having worked in China myself, I don't believe that for a second.

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Some have been pointing out these exact details and much much more regarding Flaws In The Coronavirus Pandemic Theory since March/June 2020. Exactly this and so much more! Do you have the courage to read it or will you just ignore me like most everyone else since June 2020? This is proof that those who dissented were right. http://saveelsobrante.net/CoronavirusPanic.pdf

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Some have been pointing out these exact details and much much more regarding Flaws In The Coronavirus Pandemic Theory since March/June 2020. Exactly this and so much more! Do you have the courage to read it or will you just ignore me like most everyone else since June 2020? This is proof that those who dissented were right. http://saveelsobrante.net/CoronavirusPanic.pdf

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Yawn. Didn't we all conclude this years ago? Of course. It was purely fiction with a few centers of bioengineered weapon sprayed like Seattle or northern Italy. Listen to peoples' testimonies and you'll know everything. The main point of the psyop was to determine how easily and how many people could be brought to do anything asked and turn on their fellow citizens. That's all.

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Definition of psyop and crowd control and domination and Evil. Beelzebub is Smiling.

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Crap is crap whether thrown or not. It still stinks. Grow up People... Evil is trying to Reign and I don't mean Rain.

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