Sep 7Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry




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Nah. They may self-assemble or clot together......they sure as hell can't control our brain or CNS. Just like AI is just algorithms on very fast computers. They are not God. They can only pollute and destroy. They cannot create. They cannot manipulate and do not control the result because they don't understand the process.

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Sep 7Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

This is great. It's getting more and more mainstreamed.

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Funny really.

John being aghast at such old news.

Unusual phrasing in the report; to say "mostly" Moderna and Phizer.

What do the microscopists mean by that sort of distinction?

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Every day I am reminded why I refused the covid jab and thank the Lord for keeping me safe.

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Anybody read Dean Koontz book series called Jane Hawk Series!! ????

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There are endless stories and articles concerning this. And yet nothing is ever done about it. There is also the added problem that Dr J Campbell is an invert. So this words cannot be trusted.

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Why do you think he covered that...and why is the video allowed to remain on YT?

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He's controlled opposition and most people in the public eye like that are inverts...the video is allowed to remain because he is no threat to 'them' ...the ones who are doing the manipulating...if you understand the bigger picture.

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What does "invert" mean in this context please?

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An 'invert' is someone who is transed from birth. The baby has no choice and one gets whole invert families everywhere. It is evil and it is about inverting God's creation. All of celebrities, journalists with MSM, Journalists with alternative media, finance, medicine, all govts are inverts. It is a level of incomprehensible evil that many have been seduced into not seeing. We've just had the olympics which was a complete invert fest. Most on utube are inverts. If you study forensics you can tell. It's simple...the skeleton NEVER LIES...so those transitioned from birth may look male but were born female and vice versa. One can see it in the skull, arms, clavicles, rib cage, gaits. If in doubt about anything else...watch the gaits. Females walk differently to males. For instance Keir Starmer ...UK PM is an FTM. Immediately looking at his face one can tell. It is an incomprehensible level of evil that most dismiss ...

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John Campbell is really a woman?? That's what you're saying Aileen?

Whole families are transgender?

ALL celebrities, ALL journalists, EVERYONE working in finance, EVERYONE working in medicine, and EVERYONE working in Government are ALL trans??

As well as "most" on YT?

That's your position?

The only thing you were right on is it's "incomprehensible".

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It is absolutely incomprehensible to the average person out there. Unless one really has a concept of good and evil, of God and Satan and the how this goes back centuries and how evil is disguised as good...few 'get it'. John Campbell was born female. He was transed at birth and these particular transed ones are called inverts. His face is the female skull...an upside egg head, lower eye sockets, higher set ears, larger forehead. The male has a blocky/rectangular skull, strong angled lower jaw, rectangular/square eye sockets and lower shorter forehead...Most don't want to know...because it's too much. Another obvious example is NZ PM Luxon...FTM...he has an egg shaped head...and when they're given the opposite sex hormones from birth..what happens to the female is there is nowhere for the extra testosterone to go...so much of it goes into elongating the forehead. All the inverts in MSM, Politics, finance, medicine are all in position sof power, which also includes pastors online, many whistleblowers, famous singers, celebrities it does not include so much the ordinary folk. We're to be lied to controlled. They are the gatekeepers as to what we get to know. This is about developing one's discernement capabilities. If you're interested in skull and gait training i'll find the videos.

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This "study" is horrible. If wouldn't surprise me if they pulled it after a bunch of well-known personalities share it and then the normies would associate all those people with the retracted paper.

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I have taken the video from X and put it on my subbstack. I've been thinking putting on the Internet Archive is one way to preserve it.

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There's always some evil creep who wants to rule the world.

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Sorry I have no time for John Campbell it has taken him three and a half years to get the message when he has had a great following and could have actually made a difference. All he seems to care about is being de-platformed by YouTube. Shame on him!

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Exactly.. glad he finally said it and thanks Lioness , but …I agree with Terry Silk

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Better late than never 😁

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I hear where you guys are coming from about Campbell but the views are now in excess of 340k, a good many of whom don’t know about good stacks like the one put out by the Lioness.

It is like what Paul said about the gospel; regardless of the motive, the gospel is preached.

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His trusted worldview was broken, it took 3 years . Some are still stuck back there.. I do not believe he is controlled opposition - the man is sincere. I was frustrated with him pushing the injection but he really did trust the government and their narrative.

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Bread and circuses to take your attention away from the real problem. Hasn’t anyone else wondered how our world got so crazy so quick? Why the debts around the world are allowed to skyrocket? Have you all not look for the catastrophe that is being hidden? The one TPTB can’t control? They are controlling the panic by creating other concerns. But I’m not going to share it here because the conspiracy is so large that few would believe it and those that do believe it… well, let’s just say if you’ve been waiting to look into Christianity, now’s the time.

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We keep allowing ourselves to be played…a medical paradigm driven by big Pharma encouraged by Globalists and their perverse agenda

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He’s a nurse, not a doctor. Please be accurate as it affects credibility

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Author

"Dr. John Campbell" that's how he presents himself on the YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Campbellteaching . You can address him directly there with your comment.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7

He has a doctorate innursing, so can use the title. Nurses who have a bachelors degree and higher do study much of the same material as medical students, and this done since nurses spend far more time with patients overseeing their care than doctors do.

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