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Dec 21, 2023
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Naw, I couldn't eat another thing! I'm absolutely stuffed!

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What a freaking anti-human turd.

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You and I both know he doesn’t see humans, only $$$

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Why is Bill Gates still alive??? How can one man kill so many & be still poisoning our food supplies & buy our farm land & just continue killing children ????? Where is the justice , what are we doing to stop all of this in the name of God!!!!!!

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You should be asking that question about Tony Fauci... Other than Stalin or Mao, the most prolific serial killer that has ever lived.

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Yes!! Fauci is with Satan, too. He sold his soul to Satan. Hope he loves that Eternal Lake of Fire. God will send him to be there forever.

.,0l’ Fauci has no clue how bad it will be for him.

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Amen. I pray every day God will do something about Bill Gates , Klaus Schwab and the Soros group. They are Satan’s lieutenants. There are more of us then them. Go figure........

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Like in the Matrix, we just feed the system.

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We’ve seen these discussed before. Micro needle patches . It’s not new. A

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May God protect us from Gates and the criminal cabal!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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I would be glad to find a colorectal doctor for Mr. Gates

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I would settle for him just taking the jabs he's encouraging the rest of us to take - or else.

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I don't doubt that he will get many takers on this novel administration of a vaccine. Too many people have their heads in the sand and don't know how to live any other way but by following the false prophets of our day.

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it’s only going to get worse as the older wiser generation dies off and they raise up a generation who will not know or learn from the past and will be dependent upon the government to feed them.

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One of the "benefits" of foisting fluoride on us is that it lowers the IQ. The U.S. started using it on its victim/citizens just about a bit behind when the nazis started adding it to the water drunk by its concentration camp victims. Still one of the few countries that adds it to water.

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My next door neighbor’s Uncle was the guy who first introduced Fluoride to the US water system. He’s proud of his Uncle, too.

And, yes, my neighbor took the vax. Why stop when you’re on a roll?

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Gates is the anti-Christ.

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"Some Christian denominations receive a “wafer” on the tongue for Holy Communion. Is this an attempt by Satan to mock that solemn Christian expression of God’s love and presence among us"


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Quite possibly... 🤔

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Lionesse, I couldn't agree with you more. That wafer is JUST LIKE HOLY COMMUNION.

It couldn't be more blasphemous.

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This poor excuse of a human is evil personified. He spawned 3 children, even though he doesn't want you to have any. His wife supposedly divorced him, but let's her name still appear on his foundation. Evil thy name is Bill and Melinda Gates<of Hell>.

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The vaccine will be embedded within a film that will be administered as a wafer which is eaten. The germ theory and the theory of vaccination describes how immunity in the blood, natural or induced via vaccine, will oppose an infection. What is the mechanism by which a vaccine that passes the digestive system to end in the stomach will induce immunity in the blood?

Gates has long been successful in investing in projects, esecially technology projects, be it software or drugs. In the latter case he is the manufacurer, not the agency tasked with confirming safety. His strategy is to buy low, sell high - and don’t wait for safety studies.

The similarity of the vaccine wafer to the bread wafer distributed in Christian churches as the Roman Catholic Eucharist and the Protestant Communion is unnerving, and likely deliberate as it may intentionally reassure the consumer.

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Dec 21, 2023
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It may be aerosolized and given surreptitiously for those who refuse

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These are given orally also:

Rotavirus, adenovirus, cholera vaccine, and oral typhoid vaccines are the only vaccines administered orally in the United States. Oral typhoid capsules should be administered as directed by the manufacturer.

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and the polio vax is oral

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id rather clean out a dusty closet with my tongue than take one of their poisonous death wafers


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