Why is Bill Gates still alive??? How can one man kill so many & be still poisoning our food supplies & buy our farm land & just continue killing children ????? Where is the justice , what are we doing to stop all of this in the name of God!!!!!!
Why is Bill Gates still alive??? How can one man kill so many & be still poisoning our food supplies & buy our farm land & just continue killing children ????? Where is the justice , what are we doing to stop all of this in the name of God!!!!!!
Amen. I pray every day God will do something about Bill Gates , Klaus Schwab and the Soros group. They are Satan’s lieutenants. There are more of us then them. Go figure........
Why is Bill Gates still alive??? How can one man kill so many & be still poisoning our food supplies & buy our farm land & just continue killing children ????? Where is the justice , what are we doing to stop all of this in the name of God!!!!!!
You should be asking that question about Tony Fauci... Other than Stalin or Mao, the most prolific serial killer that has ever lived.
Yes!! Fauci is with Satan, too. He sold his soul to Satan. Hope he loves that Eternal Lake of Fire. God will send him to be there forever.
.,0l’ Fauci has no clue how bad it will be for him.
Amen. I pray every day God will do something about Bill Gates , Klaus Schwab and the Soros group. They are Satan’s lieutenants. There are more of us then them. Go figure........