Infuriatingly heartbreaking and personal. Although I grew up in the middle of the state (Greensboro) and spent my undergrad years in Wilmington and Chapel Hill, my dad and his second wife spent their final years in Kings Mountain, and is buried not far from there.

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It is so obvious that this is exactly what took place there. There is no other scenario worth talking about. This is it people this is what your government does, in fact it really all they do and they are getting better at every day that we allow it to continue. They are killing us it’s what they do best, we just keep on voting to be governed though. You see our definition of being governed and there definition of Governing are 2 completely different things. Let that sink in!! God bless all the families hurt by this attack, I prey for justice for these families Amen!!

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I think the Li and SiO2, there is another pressing reason to move the civilians out, and that is the regions value as a military stronghold. The F

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The Phema camps dovetail quite nicely into the gov’s stacking plans. The supper strong Quonset huts/ tornado shelters are a dead giveaway imo.

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FEMA @ OperatION WARP Speed = FedErAll Endorsed Malicious Arson =

On USS/COMIC (1)EnterPrize; Captain Quirk; "ION Drive Engaged, WARP FactOr 666 Mr Spock! Scotty - EngineeRing! Is there a Problem with Orders for AnniHiliNatION Engineering?"

Scotty; "Captain- EnginNearRing - THAT'S ALL WE'VE FEMA'N GOT!"

Last; 'The Intersection of Emhoff's financial interests ^ his Wiff's (V.P Chameleon Harass - 'Non Comp' Salad language Expert) Role (Please, Let ALL of us know- Then tell Her/She Identified as 'They'/ Singular, per the CONcept!! ) - Inn Public Office, has sparked 'Debate' ( 'Mass-Debate' Pro-babl-y), - Debate about TRANSparency (2) & Ethics (Sic) in GovernMeant!' = I, AM, Amused about Folks 'Belief', that These JACK-ALLS & Hyenas, ActualLie HAVE, let alone Operate with the ObsoElite NotION of Ethics = How very pHARMa of them!

(1) COMIC - CorePoorRat OrganEyes'd Military InDustTrial CONplex.

(2) TRANSparency - 2 types = A) To Operate in a Clear & Moral Operation - For ALL to see - Minus Subterfuge & ClanDestine Slyness = PolitiCall & COMIC ImpossBiiliTie! & B) The InLeague CONVID Operation, to Destabilise the Family Unit in the Macro, &, Society@Large in the Macro = How's the latter working out for FreakZones'R'us @ CONfused.NotMyGov.MinusYerOrgans.

As with the CONVID SIDS/SADS/SODS/TADS-DODS Origins, A HARD 1st/Final Lesson to Wear/Ware!

Wellness - John D.

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Political strategist James Carville calls on Democrats to take up arms against Trump regime if Kamala loses???

It's a damn shame I can't elaborate on substack of the result of that action. 🤬🤬🤬

Substack let's us get away with saying plenty so I will respect their platform and the sensitive people on here for now.

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I feel the same way. We can't say the total truth and what should be done. He's calling for violence against the opposition and that is against the law, but nothing is done. He should be arrested, charged and sent to trial for the acts of violence he's promoting. And a proper judge and jury would sentence him to life.

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'Against' The 'Law'. THE Polit-I-Call PETS (1) of COMIC (2), 'Flaunt' the 'LAW' EVERY SECOND (DAY - & NIGHT = 'Rust' NEVER Sleeps!) until the 'End of Days' - 'VIOLENCE' InClueDead - ILLegAlly!! - It AIN'T NEW!!

Note; A Slave asks; "Is it Legal?" A FREE person asks; "Is it RIGHT'?"

Acronyms for NotMyGov EnterTainMeant;

1) PETS - Pretty EasiLie Trained StupidDoes.

2) COMIC - CorePoorRat OrganEyes'd Military InDustTrial CONplex.

Last; AppaRentLie, 'Violent Overthrowing' English repressive Govt in U.S Pre 1776, WAS 'ILLegal/TreasonoUS' as Well! 'Written' into The U.S Constitution - In PLAIN SIGHT, I think You'll find - STILL - SAME, Per 'Overthrow' of Tyrannical Governance!- Check the WRITTEN WORDING!

Wellness - John D. OZtopian ColoniAil Province

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'Sensitive People' (Or Sense'E'Tive People on 'Hear', Or CensorTive People!?!) = LOL! - EWE & ME against the World!

Wellness - John D - OZtopia

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Good article once again, Kelleigh and will be linking it today @.https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

I have seen others make the point about "Puff Dougie' ( my new name for Doug Emhoff for how he slapped a woman, kind of like "Puff Diddy"). However almost anyone that invests in any type of mutual fund are also investing in what Blackrock, Vanguard or Fidelity owns or controls, so that's kind of a mute point. Otherwise good reporting. By the way, the MSM kind of dropped the Emhoff slapping story didn't they.

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We are invested in Vanguard, they actually are bigger than BlackRock, but the problem with BlackRock is that Larry Fink sits on the board of the World Economic Forum and is fully for all the communist, cultural Marxist, woke critical theory and DEI filth they're promoting. His investments are in every piece of this. Even the south's famous restaurants with rockers on their porches , Cracker Barrel, are owned by BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street. A year ago June, they painted one of their rockers the rainbow colors for pride month. So the southern restaurant who is supposed to be family oriented thinks the perversion of one man sticking his maleness in another man's rectum is perfectly normal.

This is what these huge investment organizations are all about. I've done some research on Vanguard and they're really not doing all this, but they've invested in much of the same stuff. BlackRock with Larry Fink, is another story all together...ugly.

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or silver...

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Fink said at a WEF meeting that change must be forced upon people, he’s a dangerous psychopath.

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Yes, he really is. He won't hire anyone who doesn't go for the DEI, Woke, cultural Marxism, and critical theory and he forces it down the throats of those who work for him. Ugh, truly a psychopath.

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Great piece 👏

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Excellent information! It seems it gets worse, and worse by the day!

THIS is why I did not vote for the first time at 61. I do not trust anything the government does or says. The voting system is FUBAR. No one should be voting, which gives an illusion of choice and consent.

Thank you for this important information!

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It seems to me We must no longer call weather warfare calmly by terms such as chem clouds or weather modification. It is weather warfare that has been used on south west for the last two decades, in California priming us for the giant fires we have endured, that now justifies high rates of fire insurance and in some areas to completely refuse to provide individuals with fire insurance policies in our valuable resource rich mountain areas. What just happened in NC and the surrounding states was nothing short of using a bomb on these areas by keeping the hurricane that was naturally massive in one spot by weather manipulation much longer than it would have stayed normally. The results is similar devastation as we see in Gaza on a larger scale with actual bombs, and our government agencies responsible, their representatives already in the business of supporting the corps in taking peoples property by condemning their properties with out a real contractor present,as relayed to me by a local I personally know. All with their sights on mining the lithium and quartz under the areas coincidentally? worst hit. Thousands of deaths, thousands more unaccounted for, roads destroyed or washed out in part, all communications down, without any warning to the people from our government who knew from our weather satilities this massive storm was coming. It is time we acknowledge the use of these weather warfare programs are being used by our government on us and then selling us the line of climate change for the reasons this weahter destruction is occurring. A climate change concepte that has been programed into us for decades, one I believed until I realized our words for real concern of the toxic substances that are polluting our environment have been confiscated and manipulated to carry out a very different agenda then the one we the real everyday people who care about toxins in our food, water, soil, and air are concerned about.

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From Truth Stream Media. There are three videos about the hurricane. All worth watching. https://youtu.be/ukdvcQu9Xmg?si=5VFV5LZF6OSqNRzp

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Truth Stream Media is amazing. Been following them for years. Stellar reporting.

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From truth stream media. All three videos are worth watching https://youtu.be/ukdvcQu9Xmg?si=5VFV5LZF6OSqNRzp

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Our own government hates us and they are our biggest threat.

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Great Coverage by Vandersteel.

The 'Smoky Park' enterprise is a North Carolina Domestic Limited-Liability Company filed on September 20, 2024. Odd, it's just a few weeks before the irregular hurricane moving in conjunction with Nexrad/Dopplar Radar Network's Frequency Radiation Activation. Frequencies activated guide direction of hurricanes and empower it to produce escalating devastation.



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