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Jul 5
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I am not intentionally trying to sugar coated what happened. I am aware it is a tool to depopulate the world under the guise of an emergency. It is evil. I pray that legal systems will find the culprits guilty. Yet, I know all too well we are looking at large scale corruption. Yes, I am aware it is a bioweapon.

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There’s no human organization that has the power to bring these criminals to justice. The vast majority of the people — who are certainly not innocent — go along with the criminals. There’s no system of justice. There’s only a system of injustice. We live in a criminocracy. https://winteroak.org.uk/2024/06/10/wars-resets-and-the-global-criminocracy/

Christians are NOT going to prevail against this evil system and overthrow it and establish a good system. This evil system needs to be destroyed by Christ at his coming. This evil system has been established by the son of perdition, the man of lawlessness. The mass of the people — including many Christians — are hopelessly deceived.

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That is what the book says. Satan's malice is irresistible without Jesus. He's got spiritual and corporeal agents whispering in the ears of the installed heads of state. What is the baby whose mother is taking refuge in the wilderness in Rev ch. 1? Freedom or anarchy. Anarchy is the opposite of hierarchy. Satan is the top of all hierarchies of men. It seems as though many of us will be martyrs and some already are. Our hope is not in the old world being destroyed, but in the baby who is about to be born.

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I couldn’t agree more, Pal. I think that men are initially attracted to these hierarchies in the belief and hope that they can do good. Instead, these hierarchies corrupt their integrity, presuming that they had any integrity to begin with. I assume (perhaps wrongly) that men who are initially attracted to positions of worldly power are the children of pride, whose king (over these children) is the monster named in the book of Job “Leviathan”.

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Ironically, the more status you have (the higher you are on the pyramid), the less autonomy you have, and the more under control you are. If there is any freedom in the system it's those at the base of the pyramid who are on the plane, the level, and the square who have it.

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This part about the scriptural command for the true believer to “come out from among them” and to “come out of her, my people” is interesting:


I think it’s referring to spiritual Babylon, the mother of harlots, which is the spiritual assembly and dominion of the devil.

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WTF took them so long

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Why so long? They had to wait until everyone was irrevocably injured and on a sure path to death and disability. Looking for the cause? Purposeful democide and destruction of humanity and all life on earth. This was no accident. It has been planned for over 100 years. I will NEVER trust the medical professionals or institutions again. They have proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that they have no conscience and will kill for money. Absolutely demonic.

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I totally agree. They do not deserve to be trusted. This should soil their name wherever they go to remind anyone who tries to pull something like this off again.

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I agree! All the signs were there but mineymtalks. Mmmmm wonder if they’re immune to lawsuits by the injured

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Well of course not every single medical professional. 🙄

Many quit or got fired for not participating etc. Many, many were screaming from the mountaintops and roof tops and the dumb masses were ignoring or ridiculing them and shunning with them with mob mentality. That was after 100 plus doctors were murdered within about 2 years, 60 within 1 year in Fl/Ga area. That doesn't include the downed plane on the way to the Immunology convention in Europe. Now you are being warned about the birdie flu from the Drs in the know. What are the masses going to do about it ? Listen to the useful idiot ( non physician ) dictators ? Not listen ? Fraudci is not a licensed physician neither is the WHO stool pigeon Tedrous and a lot of others probably the CDC and FDA leaders also. They have NO patients, for a reason. Just keep watching CNN and LSM ? Watch people Insist that their teacher/ pricinipal, travel agent , concert organizer, husbands's boss insists that they get it? Oh, and to see the baby....the baby mothers were insisting and the stupid relatives would listen to the uneducated new mother and run out and get a clot shot. It was the patients that came in demanding it, and if they were Dems , they would throw a fit to be first in line! ! I would hear ( prob Dems ) on the phone walking down the street talking about how they would drive a couple hours to some parking lot to get injected before everyone else! ! Often they were being told by TV commercials of paid actors and actresses dancing dressed as syringes or people off the street working in check out lines! It's not the Doctors it was the uneducated masses in droves. Doctors never did the injecting you will notice. Right? Why ? Because they don't know what the hell they are injecting and they do not want to be responsible for it. That is the truth.

Lucy, Denise, Moomoo, take some ( or how about ALL, responsibility ) over your own body, not to mention any baby you are birthing. YOU are responsible to do your research ! Nobody else. Ever. Even for food you put in your mouths. Do your research. Easier when you buy it from a farm or market you are familiar with. Take responsibility! When in doubt stand back and observe.

The knowlegable have been trying to warn about the new Psychops Birdie flu and other factual medical information of the dangers people are being exposed to by the DOD/ Us Gov. The masses don't want to hear it again !! Don't forget it is they, the layman for the majority that are pushing this Depop. and World wide Monopoly being built.

Don't trust them. The Bankers, Politicians Business workers producing and marketing the poisons in all the medicines, food, air, water, they are running this show

Do you know that part?

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It wouldn't be surprising if it were that they didn't want to give up very lucrative, big pharma payouts for getting patients jabbed or for promoting the bioweapons. Now that--years later--actual jail time or execution loom on the horizon for their participation in the genocide that their attitudes have shifted somewhat.

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Jabba Jabba Doo! is their mantra.

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Thank you so very much for your kind efforts to warn those who do not yet

see, nor hear, though thinking themselves as wise.

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I would also think a wise thing would be to look into the funding of mRNA gene therapies and their intent. It is clear the jabs were intended to do harm. The testing was never done for safety. It is very likely the diabolical intent is clear. I would like to have hope, yet I suspect these people are not to be trusted. I pray that everyone can constructively work through these problems. Yet, it is clear there are people and organizations that seek destruction. Justice may or may not be served. I pray for the souls of the people who committed these atrocities.

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‘It is appointed unto man once to die, and then the judgement.’

Hebrews 9:27

Repentance should be an ongoing way of life; as we all sort through each day’s many temptations, we ideally should acknowledge them to our Creator, while it still is called ‘today.’

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I, agree. As people, we need God's guidance, mercy, grace and forgiveness. God is the way.

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I dislike this ALL so much !!!! We’ve always known EVIL existed in this dual world - but this ALL is beyond comprehension !!!

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It's not "beyond comprehension" at all; you know the reason and cited it yourself: evil has existed for thousands of years on this planet; there is nothing new about that. The only difference is that now, with the Internet and social media, there is a means of shining a light on that evil and people are starting to become aware of its depths and of its extensive depravity.

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Guess I never wanted to accept its depth !! I’m so sad !!!

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These are great days for bringing out the evil. Like a pimple with puss on it, it has to come out before we can all heal.

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True! You can’t heal what you can’t recognize.

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As to the extent of the “depths” that is moot, but a mountain of evidence suggests that the world is run by satanic pedophiles that routinely torture children as much as possible, to oxidize their adrenaline as much as possible—thereby creating the best possible adrenochrome—before sacrificing them for their blood. If they are willing to do that you can be sure that there isn't anything that is physically possible that they wouldn't do. Adrenochrome, if you are unaware, was the drug of choice (referred to as drencrom) in Stanley Kubrick’s 1971 film “A Clockwork Orange”. Supposedly, Kubrick (along with a handful of others) had been trying to warn the world about what was going on until “they” killed him when he when too far in “Eyes Wide Shut” in 1999. So, this is nothing new; unfortunately, few took notice. Channel, I would suggest, your sadness into anger and your anger into action (if you have not already). Let’s collectively bring an end to the corruption and suffering.

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Exactly, this video proves it.


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What does it mean to come out from among them? @GotQuestions. org

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Should be thousands!!

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None of these doctors are nicknamed " Speedy ", I hope?

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Sounds like these doctors are enabling the medical profession an escape route. We need to overhaul the entire medical structure and not give those who perpetrated this holocaust to get another go at it. Their names need to be dragged through the mud because if it isn't, that sends a clear message that it will be forgiven again. This has to stop NOW and any doctor who got paid for debilitating their patients publicly disclosed.

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beware the pandemic treaty which far from being dead in the water as so many believe its going to be back much sooner than you think...be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org..your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 million petition..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide on all platforms and alternative outlets from any country in the world including yours..it currently has over 2,510000 signatures...in closing here in the uk although convid and the snake oil have got mentions albeit reluctantly in msm or to call them by there real name mainstream manipulation as far as im aware the treaty has not been mentioned even once here in the uk i stand to be corrected on this but if and its a BIF IF its found that it has never been mentioned or reported on then the reason will be blatantly obvious id be interested to find out if its the same in other countries???

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What will be done about the thousands of new bird flu mRNA shot O’Biden administration is now investing million’s of dollars in?

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I think people who get those shots will grow feathers and start squawking.

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Question … where are the hundreds of doctors signing a declaration stating the mRNA CV treatment is safe and effective? 🤔

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Hiding behind their employer no doubt.

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You know there are only two reasons I can think of, that makes sense of 'doctors' advocating mRNA injections; 1. They are completely taken by the idea of the 'safety' of vaccines, and have no clue that mRNA treatments have always been risky, or 2. They are getting a big payoff from the shadows BY the big pharma snake oil salesmen!

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Bingo. We have a winner.

Excellent point made.

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Would love for that to happen, the suspension, but in todays world, morality and scruples don’t talk, money that Pfizer and Gates has has been doing the talking, walking and murdering. Yep, justice is blind to the crimes against humanity. Justice today prefers cash to justice.

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They can sign anything... but why not instead stop giving shots of this cr*p to patients?

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1000's could sign. Ain't going to make any difference. 2 powers at play here, money & malfeasance.

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“Hundreds of doctors and scientists from around the world have signed an accord calling for the suspension and investigation of mRNA Covid vaccines due to serious concerns about their safety and efficacy.” Isn’t this compared to the thousands and tens of thousands and even the hundreds of thousands of (so-called) “doctors and scientists” who are still 110% convinced that the mRNA Covid vaccines are safe and effective?

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If I develop a vaccine for Baffled Doctor Syndrome I'm going to be able to retire to the Bahamas!

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