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There’s no human organization that has the power to bring these criminals to justice. The vast majority of the people — who are certainly not innocent — go along with the criminals. There’s no system of justice. There’s only a system of injustice. We live in a criminocracy. https://winteroak.org.uk/2024/06/10/wars-resets-and-the-global-criminocracy/

Christians are NOT going to prevail against this evil system and overthrow it and establish a good system. This evil system needs to be destroyed by Christ at his coming. This evil system has been established by the son of perdition, the man of lawlessness. The mass of the people — including many Christians — are hopelessly deceived.

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That is what the book says. Satan's malice is irresistible without Jesus. He's got spiritual and corporeal agents whispering in the ears of the installed heads of state. What is the baby whose mother is taking refuge in the wilderness in Rev ch. 1? Freedom or anarchy. Anarchy is the opposite of hierarchy. Satan is the top of all hierarchies of men. It seems as though many of us will be martyrs and some already are. Our hope is not in the old world being destroyed, but in the baby who is about to be born.

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I couldn’t agree more, Pal. I think that men are initially attracted to these hierarchies in the belief and hope that they can do good. Instead, these hierarchies corrupt their integrity, presuming that they had any integrity to begin with. I assume (perhaps wrongly) that men who are initially attracted to positions of worldly power are the children of pride, whose king (over these children) is the monster named in the book of Job “Leviathan”.

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Ironically, the more status you have (the higher you are on the pyramid), the less autonomy you have, and the more under control you are. If there is any freedom in the system it's those at the base of the pyramid who are on the plane, the level, and the square who have it.

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