Pure f#cking evil. IT IS MONSTROROUS.

Thank Bill Gates, Rockerfellow, the Ckub of Rome, all glbalists, and his WHO Patsy's like Tedros, Klaus Scwab and Yuri etc.

To do this delibeterately, secretly, to tens of thousands of women deserves one thing, and one thing only.


It is beyond premeditated torture and genocide.

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Absolutely evil

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What kind of newspeak is this? “If women have been given these [fertility-regulating tetanus] vaccines, [there] is an increase in idiopathic infertility where you have a normal man and a normal woman. You investigate them for infertility. They are totally normal, but they won’t conceive a child.”

First, if infertility is caused by vaccination, it is not idiopathic. Second, if someone is sterile, that is in no way "totally normal". There is another way to state the latter, for example replacing "but" with "other than that", or by rephrasing with "aside from". Making nonsense statements, however, potentially serves the purpose of normalizing the sound of nonsense in peoples' hearing.

Words have meaning!

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beware the who pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water in fact its going to be ack much sooner than you think for the details check out the james roguski substack....be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org..your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 million petition...its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours using all platforms and alternative outlets and thats where you come in firstly by signing it and then by resharing it widely with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same it currently has over 2,511000 signatures it urgently needs many more

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I've been looking into this for the last couple years. It's very difficult to find anything on the subject. I do know that Gates was run out of Africa for sneaking the HCH into the tetanus vaccines. I think two doctors lost their lives running independent lab testing to prove this was happening. So sick and twisted

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Do not forget the lab doing the testing was Christian.

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If I am not mistaken, Mephistopheles GATES carried out the same “vaccine” procedure on women in Africa.

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But the Gates of Hell could have 3 children? All unvaxed. Do as I say but not as I do.

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“Let’s Talk About Sustainability and Thinning the Herd” is video I made after a bit of research in the area of population control and depopulation, and it supports the premise of this disturbing article. It’s on my substack https://open.substack.com/pub/oxgmcxo/p/flash-back-15?r=pf0i9&utm_medium=ios My substack is a free platform; my objective is to alert people, not an effort to support myself (I’m semi-retired, and want a better life for my kids!)

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The WHO needs to be buried.

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The De-Population program began when the Human Reproductive Drive was ABORTED (deleted) from the Education (Schooling) System. www.DrJudithReisman.com. This gave “birth” to the lucrative Contraception Industry. And of course, Trillion dollar Global Abortion Industry.

ED (Erectile Dysfunction) is another “creation” of the Pharamcide Cartel. Why is Viagra the solution?

PRS= Problem…Reaction…Solution.

What does women’s reproductive rights mean? Is Planned Parenthood preventing women from reproducing or perpetuating the religious misuse or mal-use of the C0-Creative drive?ie. Sex drive.

How does Abortion produce health? Women’s reproductive health? Oxymoronic? Oxymoron?

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Anyone seen the movie


How about a sequel?

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I remember the professor discussing this evil in medical school and she condemned it .

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How about the 'Men of Africa'- 'Program'? The U.N/WHO/GSK program MIS/DISguised as 'Health', with 'Forced' (Agents Restraining 'Candidates' whilst 'Volunteering' for Jabs) Vaxx protocols resulting in 1,000s Dead including 181 infants. IncluDead in Jab ingredients - Chemical Sterilisation components. Years of 'Operations' of Program circa - 2005>2015. The U.N denied several times, that these 'ExperiMental HEALth programs' included Depopulation & sterility of Future Generations, until the African Congress of churches, sent Jab samples to German Labs for assay. After evidence was 'Fronted', via Laboratory test results, the U.N admitted to THAT side of programs. The same programs were carried out in Central & Sth America, & including parts of India & Asia. Thank God for the U.N, the W.H.O, & PRIVATE Corporations ColaboRations!

Wellness - John D.

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The evil entity, having talked humankind into breaking all of the Ten Commandments and into indulging and homosexual and pedophilic acts, now turns to the last remnants of God's commands to us and those would be the commands he gave to Adam and Eve in the garden and immediately thereafter as well as After the flood. The first would be to go out and replenish the Earth. They were to go out and reproduce and multiply. It wasn't a suggestion. It was a command. Vaccinations and abortions are helping to prevent Mankind from achieving this command . Secondly, the placing of woman under the headship of man after her deception by the evil one. I should mention that so many women kick against the goads on this one but do not hesitate to go to work where they must show submission to a male boss! Add to these the Commandment to eat meat after the flood. Of course immediately after the flood there were no crops or vegetation to eat and the lifespans of mankind were already being drastically shortened indicating some kind of change in their biological systems. One of the ways to bandaid or mitigate this was apparently to eat meat. All one has to do is look at the emphasis on veganism and vegetarianism today as well as the constant closing of production plants supplying us with meat on the flimsiest of excuses to see that this one is a huge Target for the evil entity today. Of course meat is the number one supplier of vitamin B12 which helps to prevent neurological disease and also hinders brainwashing. We are now down to the basics! This indicates that time is running out! I, for one, I'm glad to see the End come and the return of Jesus Christ!

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Great Article...

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