I realized last week that the percentage of double-COVID vaccinated people in the U.S. - 70% - is almost exactly the same percentage the Deagel Depopulation Prediction predicted would be "depopulated" in the U.S. in 2025 - 68.5% . Perhaps this was actually a "plan" and not a "prediction" made by Edwin Deagel.
The bible in the book of Revelations predicts all of this global death and destruction being released upon mankind across the globe in the last days. For my two cents, we are witnessing a direct precursor to the Great Tribulation, or would not surprise me if we are now inside the ballpark.
Better to give info to strangers at this point they can say no thank you by try family members labeled me as a conspiracy theorist the price of having a relationship was to never bring it up, I did bring it up to no avail and finally let it go with them but not the rest of the world.
To disrupt the negative flow of info to avoid having to acknowledge they have been injured. Denial, maybe they were among the lucky that received a saline injection. We know some did impossible to have manufactured this many covid vaccines in the time allotted unless they had been premadr as part of the plot. I am
78 I hope they outlive me and beat the odds. Time will tell.
I have been warning my family about this evil but they just scoffed at me and now the truth is out at last, but aside from all the people who have paid with their lives and are becoming ill all of a sudden, who else will pay? All governments knew the harms from the vaccines! They were all in on it.
And the medical communities saw so much (I did too). They have to know. They have to have some part. I have a friend who was a nurse. Retired a few years now. She always talked about overpopulation..even before the guided invasion. She didn't think twice about our hospice protocols. And mom knew what was happening, and that she couldnt stop it. Just as my mom did..
I think they are brainwashed into thinking there are way too many people with not enough resource. Tell me then, why all those self-proclaimed intelligent people are also pushing millions more here?
I tried warning others and so did friends, we were scoffed at, over 95% of adults lack critical thinking skills, know nothing about agenda 2030, the WHO agenda, etc and they are not in my social circle esp. since I dumped stupid people during covid hype. We are not involved in any org. or groups in community, now home church. Most people nihilists and even trust pastors and local politicians hyping the shots. I no longer inform anyone and people won't listen anyway.
You made a difference by speaking up. You either plants a seed or water it.
After 3 times of being told or stumbling upon some info or dead relatives, a tiny fire starts smoking in their cerebral cortex. Then each time they see it, hear it, a student dies suddenly while running or after, it stokes the fire. Then bam! !!!the next thing you know they start asking a few little questions and coming up with excuses to not go get their 5 th Booster!!!
If the Cabal is working to facilitate the Global depopulation, that means that the group of people working with these organizations have not been vaccinated.
On Sunday I was at Aldi's. I went to go check out and I noticed the line to check out was almost to the middle of the store. I go to the next line and that line was almost to the middle of the store too with several people with full carts. Then I notice a third line with just one customer. The cashier had a sign in front saying open. I ask the lady in front of me why no one else was in that line. She just shook her head saying I don't know. Since I was that last person in either of the two lanes I decided to go check out this third line, practically empty line. I walk right up to the cashier and try to ask the cashier if they were open and I couldn't get their attention as he was waiting on the one customre, but decided then to just start putting my food up on the belt. Well the prior customer left and the cashier just started ringing up my order like normal, without a word. Once I was sure that this line was open, I tried to wave down the lady I was just talking to to tell her to come over to the empty line. I finally get her attention and mouth this lane is open. She just shook her head and shrugged her shoulders and didn't move. No one moved for the longest time. I asked the cashier if I was in some kind of social experiment, why wasn't anyone coming to check out when this line was clearly the better line. I mean some of these people had at least a half hour wait in the first or second line. The cashier said he didn't know. It was the strangest thing I ever saw. I mean people were lined to the middle of the store, but refused to go into a much shorter line. Though by the time I was to leave someone did eventually come over, it took awhile.
I think in the end people just line up for stuff. They don't ask questions. They just get in line I guess. That isn't me, and that is why I am on substack. .
The cabal has a organization that is called the Medical Cartel, there are two levels of the medical establishment, the one you see and the one you don't. Check out: ahealedplanet.net
In certain low IQ countries people breed like rats, cannot afford the basics and live in squalor. Like rats in city alleyways outa control breeding ongoing in third world countries.
Try compassion for folks denied adequate birth control because of US aid rules forbidding it. These folks love their children. At least they did not use abortion as birth control like many women in US did in the past. See peoples situations thru understanding eyes. You were starting to sound like the WEF folks when they talk about useless eaters. That’s how our gov sees us thus full immunity for creating a vax kill shot, bio weapon counter measure to kill or maim us all with full immunity - democide kill us using our tax dollars to do, can’t make this stuff up.
The question is why are these governments not building real infrastructure and educating these people, and why would a government want to keep people living under these conditions?? I always recommend everyone go on a church missions trip to a 3rd world country, get up close, hands on with a good solids missionary organization, like El Ayadante in Honduras. It's an eye opening experience, make sure you have translators. Absolutely some of the most amazing people in these mountains regions that the government ignores that live under 3 dollars a day, where there are no postal addresses but everybody has cell phones. An absolutely in awe of the people that sacrifice their lives for these people and help them have better lives, . Americans are very spoiled, but that's all about to end soon, those people that survive up in the mountains of Honduras will probably be better off than we are.
I have to really like all that you say, except the last part.
I'm also flabbergasted that people think everyone on the globe need to be like Americans. Why? We chase the dollar. Anxiety ridden. Depression everywhere. Have other people "care for" and "educate" ouour children. It may look good here, but not in ways that matter.
Helping to build infrastructure right where people are is the most kind. And teach some skill and community building. Love first. Who is that group who goes to war torn countries and helps them build? I've ling forgotten about their mission. Benjamin...I can't remember.
It is self limiting, they have many children but not many live. Less then half their children live in Africa.
Perhaps some of them would be agreeable to offered birth control injections to enhance their living conditions, more food for the other starving family members.
Perhaps, just as Christ taught us, "the greatest of these is love". When we can love our neighbors enough to teach them. Help the build infrastructure so they can be successful. Teach them skills.
And success doesn't always add up to what we, in the US call it.
BC injection ala Gavi or Gates foundation caused cancer now these children have no mothers this is philanthropy as genocide. BC and reproduction assistance brought to them by a known Eugenist. Why does Bill Gates have full legal immunity from The Who for his vaccines? Because he kills and maims with them just like US gov. That’s why Gates has so much power. Weep
You sound like my sister. The one who doesn't believe in educating or giving a hand up either. That's what we're here for-to assist each other. To build community. To share the word and works of Jesus. See the face of Jesus on each we serve. "Like angels unawares". And those who will be the leaders are those who will be the servant. And so much more wisdom in the Book of Life-the Holy Bible. Thanks be to God.
I do hope your heart can grow. I know my sis struggles w compassion for others, even though we went through quite a lot growing up. She lost her "lighthouse". Hoping for her. Hoping for you too. Many blessings!
That statement is the epitome of what Christ talks about when he says "let the first one w/out sin cast the first stone.." and "..take the log out of your own eye first.."
WE are tasked w serving the poor and the nations. We are told that there will always be the poor. We are also always charge w helping them, especially widows and orphans.
Let us not pretend to know enough to judge- that's up to our Lord. We are called to proclaim to our erring brothers and sisters and To show compassion and love.
Judgement does not feed children. No mother or father wants their children to go under.Supplly chain disrupted due to covid led to mass starvation in areas experience famine due to drought.
These third world people need help with birth control, and if they are not working and supporting their family, they need to be sterilized. It's the kids who get hurt from all this neglect. Low lifes are unfit to take care of kids. I am on the kids side which are you??
I think like most of the world they need access to birth control. You can't just deem them unworthy of having children due to your standards. Let them plan their family out to the best of their ability. I don't get if Gates wants depopulation why not take some of his billions and provide birth control for free.
Have you been to those third world countries? You're right, many are dying. Perhaps, a woman w 3 children will have one left to bury her as she ages.
Here, in the US, we aborted our heritage away. We don't have enough care providers for our elderly & infirm. We have to ship them in and it is in the works that we will have robots caring for elder, minimally.
A better view might tell you that we are on the same path. The divide btwn the rich and poor is so drastic that there is little hope of getting out of poverty. Even if someone came to pay college tuition for a youngbperson, it's likely to get stolen by the very people who run the facility. Yes, this happened, personally. They are not worthless. They work damned hard. If we think we need to "help " them, let's not do it by robbing them of their families (where ones stregnth is).but put that money to better use helping them build a better institution or infrastructure.
Let us not propose that we are their god..similarly, the globies at wef think we are as worthless. You think it's OK to let them rob your possibilities?
“These people” wait we soon may be “these people” and with WEF controlling food supply we may be unable to feed our families adequately even though we work and want to. Now no one taking covid shot will get pregnant or bring child to term the gov has taken control but this wil l/effect whole world
How do you like that level of control, watch out the focus coming for you and yours.
They need food, shelter and education. It has been proven that educating third world country females results in less births. Girls and women are being subjected to rape, forced sex, coercian and regilious and cultural ways.
Just catching up on so many excellent reports like this one. And Ed Dowd just now is presenting the completed 2022 data in excess deaths, damages and disabilities, and absenteeism. He said 13 standard deviation is unheard of
People need to wake up. mNRA vaccines are not intended to prevent disease, but rather to prevent life.
I realized last week that the percentage of double-COVID vaccinated people in the U.S. - 70% - is almost exactly the same percentage the Deagel Depopulation Prediction predicted would be "depopulated" in the U.S. in 2025 - 68.5% . Perhaps this was actually a "plan" and not a "prediction" made by Edwin Deagel.
The bible in the book of Revelations predicts all of this global death and destruction being released upon mankind across the globe in the last days. For my two cents, we are witnessing a direct precursor to the Great Tribulation, or would not surprise me if we are now inside the ballpark.
The field has been corrupted. Doctors plant nonconsensual tech, falsify reports and scans, nurses stalk targeted individuals. Check out @stalkingnurses https://x.com/nazivogue/status/1718314123165941901?s=46
Barbara Marx Hubbard. How incredibly arrogant. Is she still with us?
Devastating, if only the masses knew & believed 😔
Better to give info to strangers at this point they can say no thank you by try family members labeled me as a conspiracy theorist the price of having a relationship was to never bring it up, I did bring it up to no avail and finally let it go with them but not the rest of the world.
To disrupt the negative flow of info to avoid having to acknowledge they have been injured. Denial, maybe they were among the lucky that received a saline injection. We know some did impossible to have manufactured this many covid vaccines in the time allotted unless they had been premadr as part of the plot. I am
78 I hope they outlive me and beat the odds. Time will tell.
Denial - I really think info flows and that my adult children choose
I have been warning my family about this evil but they just scoffed at me and now the truth is out at last, but aside from all the people who have paid with their lives and are becoming ill all of a sudden, who else will pay? All governments knew the harms from the vaccines! They were all in on it.
And the medical communities saw so much (I did too). They have to know. They have to have some part. I have a friend who was a nurse. Retired a few years now. She always talked about overpopulation..even before the guided invasion. She didn't think twice about our hospice protocols. And mom knew what was happening, and that she couldnt stop it. Just as my mom did..
I think they are brainwashed into thinking there are way too many people with not enough resource. Tell me then, why all those self-proclaimed intelligent people are also pushing millions more here?
Thank you for providing so we can pass on to as many people as possible to derail this Depopulation and Genocide program.
I tried warning others and so did friends, we were scoffed at, over 95% of adults lack critical thinking skills, know nothing about agenda 2030, the WHO agenda, etc and they are not in my social circle esp. since I dumped stupid people during covid hype. We are not involved in any org. or groups in community, now home church. Most people nihilists and even trust pastors and local politicians hyping the shots. I no longer inform anyone and people won't listen anyway.
You made a difference by speaking up. You either plants a seed or water it.
After 3 times of being told or stumbling upon some info or dead relatives, a tiny fire starts smoking in their cerebral cortex. Then each time they see it, hear it, a student dies suddenly while running or after, it stokes the fire. Then bam! !!!the next thing you know they start asking a few little questions and coming up with excuses to not go get their 5 th Booster!!!
Please don’t stop! You got it girl!!
Have some fun with it!
All that is left to salvage are the infants & not yet vaxxed children.
Two shot + a booster....your done.
3-5 years of life left or less.
If the Cabal is working to facilitate the Global depopulation, that means that the group of people working with these organizations have not been vaccinated.
I imagine you are right. Or a much lower dose or placebo
On Sunday I was at Aldi's. I went to go check out and I noticed the line to check out was almost to the middle of the store. I go to the next line and that line was almost to the middle of the store too with several people with full carts. Then I notice a third line with just one customer. The cashier had a sign in front saying open. I ask the lady in front of me why no one else was in that line. She just shook her head saying I don't know. Since I was that last person in either of the two lanes I decided to go check out this third line, practically empty line. I walk right up to the cashier and try to ask the cashier if they were open and I couldn't get their attention as he was waiting on the one customre, but decided then to just start putting my food up on the belt. Well the prior customer left and the cashier just started ringing up my order like normal, without a word. Once I was sure that this line was open, I tried to wave down the lady I was just talking to to tell her to come over to the empty line. I finally get her attention and mouth this lane is open. She just shook her head and shrugged her shoulders and didn't move. No one moved for the longest time. I asked the cashier if I was in some kind of social experiment, why wasn't anyone coming to check out when this line was clearly the better line. I mean some of these people had at least a half hour wait in the first or second line. The cashier said he didn't know. It was the strangest thing I ever saw. I mean people were lined to the middle of the store, but refused to go into a much shorter line. Though by the time I was to leave someone did eventually come over, it took awhile.
I think in the end people just line up for stuff. They don't ask questions. They just get in line I guess. That isn't me, and that is why I am on substack. .
It may also be that those with the toxic jab have cognitive issues and can’t think anymore.
I suppose I'm more like you...I would have wondered what bug she had..lol
Oh dear God, this is horrible. I know it is true because I am you with lines.
Carrot or stick? If I go else where I am ridiculed. Maybe here it is easier. People get what I am saying.
I think it’s the other way around. The cabal is running the show with the medical establishments.
The cabal has a organization that is called the Medical Cartel, there are two levels of the medical establishment, the one you see and the one you don't. Check out: ahealedplanet.net
In certain low IQ countries people breed like rats, cannot afford the basics and live in squalor. Like rats in city alleyways outa control breeding ongoing in third world countries.
W that many people they surely can build the neccesary infrastructure to support them. Everyone do something.
I suppose nobody has taken time to teach yet.
Try compassion for folks denied adequate birth control because of US aid rules forbidding it. These folks love their children. At least they did not use abortion as birth control like many women in US did in the past. See peoples situations thru understanding eyes. You were starting to sound like the WEF folks when they talk about useless eaters. That’s how our gov sees us thus full immunity for creating a vax kill shot, bio weapon counter measure to kill or maim us all with full immunity - democide kill us using our tax dollars to do, can’t make this stuff up.
The question is why are these governments not building real infrastructure and educating these people, and why would a government want to keep people living under these conditions?? I always recommend everyone go on a church missions trip to a 3rd world country, get up close, hands on with a good solids missionary organization, like El Ayadante in Honduras. It's an eye opening experience, make sure you have translators. Absolutely some of the most amazing people in these mountains regions that the government ignores that live under 3 dollars a day, where there are no postal addresses but everybody has cell phones. An absolutely in awe of the people that sacrifice their lives for these people and help them have better lives, . Americans are very spoiled, but that's all about to end soon, those people that survive up in the mountains of Honduras will probably be better off than we are.
I have to really like all that you say, except the last part.
I'm also flabbergasted that people think everyone on the globe need to be like Americans. Why? We chase the dollar. Anxiety ridden. Depression everywhere. Have other people "care for" and "educate" ouour children. It may look good here, but not in ways that matter.
Helping to build infrastructure right where people are is the most kind. And teach some skill and community building. Love first. Who is that group who goes to war torn countries and helps them build? I've ling forgotten about their mission. Benjamin...I can't remember.
It is self limiting, they have many children but not many live. Less then half their children live in Africa.
Perhaps some of them would be agreeable to offered birth control injections to enhance their living conditions, more food for the other starving family members.
Perhaps, just as Christ taught us, "the greatest of these is love". When we can love our neighbors enough to teach them. Help the build infrastructure so they can be successful. Teach them skills.
And success doesn't always add up to what we, in the US call it.
BC injection ala Gavi or Gates foundation caused cancer now these children have no mothers this is philanthropy as genocide. BC and reproduction assistance brought to them by a known Eugenist. Why does Bill Gates have full legal immunity from The Who for his vaccines? Because he kills and maims with them just like US gov. That’s why Gates has so much power. Weep
Parents who can't feen their children are low lifes.
You sound like my sister. The one who doesn't believe in educating or giving a hand up either. That's what we're here for-to assist each other. To build community. To share the word and works of Jesus. See the face of Jesus on each we serve. "Like angels unawares". And those who will be the leaders are those who will be the servant. And so much more wisdom in the Book of Life-the Holy Bible. Thanks be to God.
I do hope your heart can grow. I know my sis struggles w compassion for others, even though we went through quite a lot growing up. She lost her "lighthouse". Hoping for her. Hoping for you too. Many blessings!
That statement is the epitome of what Christ talks about when he says "let the first one w/out sin cast the first stone.." and "..take the log out of your own eye first.."
WE are tasked w serving the poor and the nations. We are told that there will always be the poor. We are also always charge w helping them, especially widows and orphans.
Let us not pretend to know enough to judge- that's up to our Lord. We are called to proclaim to our erring brothers and sisters and To show compassion and love.
Judgement does not feed children. No mother or father wants their children to go under.Supplly chain disrupted due to covid led to mass starvation in areas experience famine due to drought.
Ooops. Who’s side are you on?
These third world people need help with birth control, and if they are not working and supporting their family, they need to be sterilized. It's the kids who get hurt from all this neglect. Low lifes are unfit to take care of kids. I am on the kids side which are you??
I think like most of the world they need access to birth control. You can't just deem them unworthy of having children due to your standards. Let them plan their family out to the best of their ability. I don't get if Gates wants depopulation why not take some of his billions and provide birth control for free.
Oh, he does. Devil that he is. Educating women & men about reproductive health and helping them create thriving communities works very well.
Have you been to those third world countries? You're right, many are dying. Perhaps, a woman w 3 children will have one left to bury her as she ages.
Here, in the US, we aborted our heritage away. We don't have enough care providers for our elderly & infirm. We have to ship them in and it is in the works that we will have robots caring for elder, minimally.
A better view might tell you that we are on the same path. The divide btwn the rich and poor is so drastic that there is little hope of getting out of poverty. Even if someone came to pay college tuition for a youngbperson, it's likely to get stolen by the very people who run the facility. Yes, this happened, personally. They are not worthless. They work damned hard. If we think we need to "help " them, let's not do it by robbing them of their families (where ones stregnth is).but put that money to better use helping them build a better institution or infrastructure.
Let us not propose that we are their god..similarly, the globies at wef think we are as worthless. You think it's OK to let them rob your possibilities?
“These people” wait we soon may be “these people” and with WEF controlling food supply we may be unable to feed our families adequately even though we work and want to. Now no one taking covid shot will get pregnant or bring child to term the gov has taken control but this wil l/effect whole world
How do you like that level of control, watch out the focus coming for you and yours.
They need food, shelter and education. It has been proven that educating third world country females results in less births. Girls and women are being subjected to rape, forced sex, coercian and regilious and cultural ways.
Just catching up on so many excellent reports like this one. And Ed Dowd just now is presenting the completed 2022 data in excess deaths, damages and disabilities, and absenteeism. He said 13 standard deviation is unheard of