I have one commentary say these vaccines were well planned out. Nothing left out.

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Wait . Wait . Wait . I Get It.

It's Not A Virus.

It's A Pastiche.

A Pastiche Of Primordial Soup.

As Old As Time Itself.

You Just Have To Know How To Add

Eyes Of Newt. ( Synthetic Not Stirred )


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And Moderna is ramping up new factories for the KP variant. This COVID madness is not ending any time soon. The idiots will all get their jabs.

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Yup. This is how you get the guy who's in a road rage getting out of his car to beat up a female driver in broad daylight. Or "'Like Lord of the Flies' – HUNDREDS of Youths and Adults Beat the Tar Out Each Other During Wild Riot in Florida After Party is Cancelled (VIDEO)." Or "Delta flight diverted due to unruly passengers." Or "'Out of control' woman attacks 10-year-old boy, bites arresting officer at Jersey Shore pool: Police." Or "Man charged after trying to strangle woman, calling on dog to attack her in McHenry: prosecutors."

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Golly that's all really bad things that are happening.

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Never before in the history of mankind has such a globally organized crime against humanity been plotted and successfully carried out. These are NOT 'vaccines' and to call them 'jabs' is whimsical and misleading as to suggest they have some redeemable, beneficial medical purpose. They do NOT! These lethal injections are BIOWEAPONS... plain and simple! Because the makers of these products have been knowingly and purposely pursuing a satanic, world-wide depopulation agenda they MUST be hunted down, arrested, tried, sentenced and EXECUTED as the laws of all our civilized societies deem necessary for the benefit and preservation of mankind.

This is what THE GREAT TRIBULATION looks like and we're now in it. WAKE UP sleeping Christians!!

William Raymond: pastor & ambassador at Law for the Christ

MartinTaylorRickenbacker@gmail.com - THE GREAT TRIBULATION REPORT ONLINE (daily blog)

WilliamRaymond@thechurchatSalem.info (personal email)

www.thechurchatSalem.info (website)

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" ... arrested, tried, sentenced and EXECUTED as the laws of all our civilized societies deem necessary".

Would be very surprised if this ever happen.

TPTB owns police forces and their chiefs of staff, judges and lawyers and they also are the ones who make the laws written the way that fits their intentions.

Would be very surprised.

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Horrifying...All big pharma drugs are dangerous to your better health. If they weren't, your body would never be trying to reject them.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Each day brings more sorrow. If we’ve not had these we know/ love others who have.. This is heavy duty avarice. We are witnesses. . .


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Rwanda test bed for this? https://youtu.be/90OFZQx_7xI?si=IkYvhMifITfzzU2K great scene but disturbingly grotesque

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