Holocaust Survivor Raises ALARM For America's Future - Vera Sharav Testimony
Warning to Americans about the parallels between the U.S. and Nazi Germany
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Vera Sharav joins Eric Metaxas to describe her escape from a Nazi concentration camp as a child and immigration to New York. Sharav opens up about what led her to medical activism and also shares her warning to Americans about the parallels she sees between the U.S. and Nazi Germany.
“…what I remember is, first of all, being demonized…we were ‘spreaders of disease’, that’s what the Nazis called the Jews. They put a great deal of fear through propaganda…”
“Murderous Medicine: Nazi Doctors, human experimentation, and Typhus" by Naomi Baumslag. CDC's "Shielding Approach” - Modern Ghettoization
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The today's rulers are Satans and Satanists.
Satans & Satanists (Ted Gunderson)
“Sie opfern Kinder”, sagt Ronald Bernard, Insider der Finanzelite
"Children must have sexual partners" - say the UN & WHO
How the WHO grooms children for pedophiles in public schools worldwide
(51:40 they eat 28 day young babies/ sie fressen 28 Tage alte Babys)
The next wave of terror unleashed on humanity by the WHO
https://stopworldcontrol.com/terror/ (Since birth, any age)
WHO, i.e. Big-Pharma has gone from mass injections now to early sexualization of children!
(From playing with the "Willie" to touching and stimulating the clitoris/
WHO, d.h. Big-Pharma ist von den Massen-Injektionen jetzt zur Früh-Sexualisierung von Kindern übergegangen!
(Vom Spielen mit dem "Willie" bis zum Berühren und stimulieren der Klitoris) https://t.me/uncut_news/54689
Pope calls sex abusers ‘children of God’ deserving of ‘love’
„Lolita-Express“ – Kompromittierung amerikanischer Politiker durch Israel
(0:49 Bill & Hilary Clinton 26 times customers from Epstein/ 26 mal Kunden von Epstein) https://www.kla.tv/Paedophilie/11603&autoplay=true
FBI-Chef und Zeugen sagen:
„Politiker missbrauchen und ermorden Kinder“!
(Könnte es wahr sein, dass unsere Spitzenpolitiker, Prominenten, königlichen Familien, die Polizei, das Militär, die Justiz usw. in Missbrauch, Folter und Mord an Kindern verwickelt sind?
Wie sich herausstellte, wurde er (Ronald Bernard) eingeladen, an dem satanischen rituellen Missbrauch und Mord an Kindern teilzunehmen. Zu seinem Entsetzen entdeckte er, dass dies eine Praxis ist, die für die oberen Ränge unserer Welt charakteristisch ist. Es ist die Eintrittskarte zu unbegrenztem Reichtum. Inkl. Ted Gunderson https://youtu.be/ExLkW_EYqSs + https://youtu.be/aRle_QEUxTE hier im folgenden Link)
(Could it be true that our leading politicians, celebrities, royal families, police, military, judiciary, etc. are involved in the abuse, torture, and murder of children?
As it turned out, he (Ronald Bernard) was invited to participate in the satanic ritual abuse and murder of children. To his horror, he discovered that this is a practice characteristic of the upper echelons of our world. It is the ticket to unlimited wealth. Includes Ted Gunderson https://youtu.be/ExLkW_EYqSs + https://youtu.be/aRle_QEUxTE here in the following link) https://stopworldcontrol.com/de/missbrauchen/
the parallels I see are much closer to the communist states that murdered, starved and sent to gulags somewhere around 1-200 million people from 1917-1989 and in North Korea, China, Venezuela and Cuba, is still happening.