SMH. Such an obvious scammy pretext for tyranny. Anyone who goes along with the covidmania yet again is an irredeemable fool. I think the majority is finally waking up, and may actually refuse to self-suffocate, snitch on unsuffocated neighbors and inject poisons this time. At least I hope the sheep have gathered their few neurons to function better than last time.

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Vigilant. What i hear around the traps is an outbreak of something will lead to enforced quarantine camps. This appears to be a consensus among the awake. 🥹

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If they believe it’s only from one person, what’s the big deal? It’s obviously not spreading to anyone else. If this is even true. I believe nothing that comes from the government l.

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Oooh, no but "the potential" Celayne, potentially it might! Especially if they use "modelling" to prove it. LOL

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It “might” spread and kill 50k before autumn. I remember the modeling of 2020.

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Wait...OHIO, again....

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This couldn't possibly be completely fake could it????

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Another bullshit from the official organizations.

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This is such horse-shit 😂

1) how do they know it belongs to 1 person?

2) how are they "detecting" it? I assume via PCR - don't even get me started...

3) how do they know it goes back 2 years?

4) if its a "variant of concern" and could lead to an outbreak .... yet, 1 guy has been carrying this super-deadly "virus" around a 40 mile radius for 2 years now...... forget it. Logic, reason, and common sense just don't fucking exist anymore.

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Also they began “negotiations on global agreement to protect world from future pandemic emergergencies” They expect to have it By 2024.

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Right a person, they assume is a man in part of the article, has had covid for years - they have no clue who it is but they know it is just one person, a ticking time bomb! But he is probably healthy although possibly not (huh?!). And the best is a few people comment about the importance of masks. An IQ test people are still failing. What are they going to do if they find the culprit - cart him off to a quarantine camp for testing never to be seen again.

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Omg.. They don't even know what a Woman is!! How can they have it both ways? Lol. Nevermind, I know why.

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This is hilarious!

This is to get your mind off the USA being invaded in a few days (May 11). Title 42 will give “invaders” a “red carpet” to the USA (you should see how many Chinese nationals are in these groups)!

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If I had a dollar every time someone predicted something bad happening with a very specific date..... id be filthy rich!

Why would we be invaded in a few days? And what is your logic for that?

The so-called "truth" community is engaging in the same fear-porn as the "other side", and quite frankly, its getting old.... yes, we are all aware (or should be by now) that China has infiltrated every institution, corporation, and every level of government. But engaging in fear-porn isn't helping anything.

Also, I dont know what title 42 is, but I did not consent or enter into contract with anyone. Im assuming you didn't either. Therefore, we are not as powerless as most people seem to think....

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Yes, we are being invaded by an army of fighting age men from all over. They are probably already on someone's payroll and just waiting for orders to report.

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You got it!

TPTB already got Europe. They want the USA bad!

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I sometimes have trouble understanding the science on things... honest question, how do the researchers know that the poo in this 40-mile area belongs to one person? Couldn't it be that many people in one neighborhood have this strange contaminated poo??

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This is all totally fake, scripted melodrama. Like everything else in the "news".

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Right?? Spray disinfectant on your poo after you go. Lol

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Thanks for sharing. What a sack of contradictory bullshit! Yet, that is what we were getting for 3 years now! Any excuse to get the ball rolling again!

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"It is being repeatedly picked up along a 40-mile area, signaling that one person is carrying and shedding it through their stool."

If you see a suspicious looking turd, DO NOT approach it or try to apprehend it yourself. Call 911 immediately.

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😂😂😂😂 Please! Post this statement under one of the above memes on TWITTER!

Rex, thanks for putting all in hilarous perspective!

Hope to SOMEHOW get this hilarous comment into conversation...

"Warning: If you see a suspicious looking turd, DO NOT approach it or try to apprehend it yourself. Call 911 immediately"

literally a better laugh than the Derby today! Thanks!

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Unfortunately, I'm not on twerker or farcebook (just gab), so I can look but not post.

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Panic, terror, fear are their goal.

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And 90% depopulation

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What hogwash. I’m sick of the medical profession and the msm BS

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The lies and the bullshit will never stop

Only when people re-educate themselves to the truth about the scam of germ theory, virology and vaccination will put an end to their controlling lies




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One of the first court cases against the state for proof of the sars cov2 virus, was more than 2 years ago in south africa. They could not profide proof then and can still never proof it today. It was a computer simulated model they used for their "science" and never a real one.

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