This is to get your mind off the USA being invaded in a few days (May 11). Title 42 will give “invaders” a “red carpet” to the USA (you should see how many Chinese nationals are in these groups)!
This is to get your mind off the USA being invaded in a few days (May 11). Title 42 will give “invaders” a “red carpet” to the USA (you should see how many Chinese nationals are in these groups)!
If I had a dollar every time someone predicted something bad happening with a very specific date..... id be filthy rich!
Why would we be invaded in a few days? And what is your logic for that?
The so-called "truth" community is engaging in the same fear-porn as the "other side", and quite frankly, its getting old.... yes, we are all aware (or should be by now) that China has infiltrated every institution, corporation, and every level of government. But engaging in fear-porn isn't helping anything.
Also, I dont know what title 42 is, but I did not consent or enter into contract with anyone. Im assuming you didn't either. Therefore, we are not as powerless as most people seem to think....
Yes, we are being invaded by an army of fighting age men from all over. They are probably already on someone's payroll and just waiting for orders to report.
This is hilarious!
This is to get your mind off the USA being invaded in a few days (May 11). Title 42 will give “invaders” a “red carpet” to the USA (you should see how many Chinese nationals are in these groups)!
If I had a dollar every time someone predicted something bad happening with a very specific date..... id be filthy rich!
Why would we be invaded in a few days? And what is your logic for that?
The so-called "truth" community is engaging in the same fear-porn as the "other side", and quite frankly, its getting old.... yes, we are all aware (or should be by now) that China has infiltrated every institution, corporation, and every level of government. But engaging in fear-porn isn't helping anything.
Also, I dont know what title 42 is, but I did not consent or enter into contract with anyone. Im assuming you didn't either. Therefore, we are not as powerless as most people seem to think....
Yes, we are being invaded by an army of fighting age men from all over. They are probably already on someone's payroll and just waiting for orders to report.
You got it!
TPTB already got Europe. They want the USA bad!