And now another monster storm is set to wreck havoc on Florida.

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We have free-will and do not have to ALLOW it. See video link in my other comment...

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I read recently the weather can be manipulated to cause or divert storms.

Leaves a lot of ifs right before election.

Just caught this on yt. Very evil.


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Firsthand Stories from Western NC


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The government has been doing weather modifications since the 40s. The Lioness has written about it recently. What the government has done to Milton in its rapid and massive intensification, I fear the destruction will be worse than what is being reported from Helene. Continual prayers are needed!

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Kyle Young of 'Secular Heretic' on Substack writes often about the Advanced Technologies. He's quite prolific with very accurate information out of Southern Arizona. Can't recommend him enough. The Archive in his Substack in amazing.


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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

"Calling and working toward the death of 4 billion “useless eaters” with orchestrated “disasters,” adulterating and destroying the food supply, using biological and chemical weapons, destroying life-saving energy supplies, encouraging lawlessness, engaging in nonsensical and deadly wars - PURPOSELY HURTING human beings made in G-d’s image."

You said the truth. I would add the primary target is to destroy America along with western civilization. America with the Bill of Rights and the constitution is very inconvenient for the globo homos.

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I understand your emotions, but we get it also.

Yet, many are trying to help, but detailing the horrors and putting energy into that

can put readers into a fear and anger mode. Depressing is another description.

Lets put it into perspective. The same evil that created wars, 9/11, weather disasters,

GMO and glyphosated food, and the Covid psy-op and jabs..created the "hurricanes".

Why be surprised, when it's well-known that their agenda is not to care about humans

or Americans. Lowering the population is their glee. Also, they want the LITHIUM in the

mountains, so they had to "depopulate" (no offense intended) to do that.

Let is come together and stop being divided by politics, religion, or other choices.

Let us focus on LOVE, and stop detailing horrors and FEAR. If the choices are fear or

love, we know what is best. Fear weakens us, and love supports us.

Here is a video to ground us with a positive focus, we need not be VICTIMS. love to all,


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Lithium and Quartz Rock of a purity beyond any other place in the world for Silicone Chips in Semi-Conductors as are produced primarily in Taiwan at this time. WE MUST PUT A STOP TO THIS AND DISMANTLE THE INVESTMENT BANKERS; Vanguard is one few talk or write about and it's larger than Blackrock or State Street with all three invested in the same organizations as well as one another. ALL BANK OUT OF



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Evil beyond belief is an understatement, I can wrap my head around Gods ways to an extent because they are perfect, so what happens in that regard we must have faith and know that God has it under control. What I can’t wrap my head around is how people can be so evil and treat life with such disrespect and pure hatred. How can they do this to beautiful loving families, to children, innocent children?? There will be wars and “Rumour’s of wars” is starting to take on a whole new meaning, it’s direct very very direct. A war that is created by a third party is technically a rumour of war, and more of a direct genocide. He says there will be natural disasters and there are, they are just not so natural.

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About freaking time! If you haven’t written your state reps (both parties), what are you waiting for?!

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What am I waiting for? I've written letters in the past and what I got back was along the lines of either, there there peasant we know better or we are working to correct this and of course nothing gets corrected. Not really. Once you understand government is a one party system and things get worse every election cycle perspective changes.

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"We're done arranging the big steal so bring in all that aid now. Hurry it up, people are dying." Unbelievable rancid level of corruption. The dying is done now too. They don't even pretend to be helping people. They aren't really helping migrants either, not really. Long term their outcomes will be tragic. The party of chaos & death & ruination strikes again.

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10 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

the idea with the third world illegal alien invasion is to replace White people and create millions of dem voters. the only tragedy there is for America.

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HHS Mayorkas...jewish. FEMA executives...jewish. Lahaina Mayor...jewish. Sandhook Mayor....jewish. Is there a pattern here?

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you aren't supposed to notice that.

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

They've admitted that weather can be manipulated. Given that, the fact that they didn't manipulate the weather to avoid these two disasters is the proof that they created and wanted these disasters

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I just read over on the Dr. Margaret Aranda substack that some unmarked helicopters were hovering over a supply site of the Cajun Navy relief effort. The pilots were wearing masks. They caused 100,000 dollars worth of damage and some people were sent to the hospital. So apparently, not only are they not helping, but are engaged in sabotage efforts.

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Why aren’t the American people just ignoring fema and doing a rescue anyway. America needs to grow a pair now, we have no time left!!!!!!

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