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May 24
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Scam. Don't click on link.

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Looking at the miscarriages and loss of fertility it is tough to imagine these engineered genetic therapies were not designed to do this

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May 23
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Yep Vax/spikes in breast milk. Vaccinations contagious and no accountability

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Yes. And it’s peaceful and gradual. Nothing to see here. Just can’t get pregnant or can’t carry to term. Alas. Could happen to anyone. 😞

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Just remember:

Just Like Everything Else the Myth that there Are 8 Billion People on this Planet is a Blatant Lie: https://bitchute.com/video/Q0KHQdiHkXcC [6:17mins]

We live in a Matrix like reality, all of it designed to imprison our minds. The eight billion figure is merely yet another cage, making us think that population is a problem in order to strip us of our health, wealth, freedom, family, contentment, happiness, and lives.

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Good point. Kind of like the COVID tracker set up by Johns Hopkins. How the hell did they know how many people were developing “COVID” from day to day when county and local and national health agencies around the world didn’t even know this info for their own districts.

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Ludicrous isn't it?

They don't even bother trying to make the illusions real anymore because the fifth column media is the parasite globalists' primary weapon in this information war, and no one that questions their brazen lies will ever be reported by "journalism" as anything other than a whackjob conspiracy theorist. Meanwhile the majority of the population is hypnotized and swallows whole every lie they are fed.

Result: clown world just keeps getting more clowny by the hour.

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You are speaking truth. , thank you. . Their compliance to this madness and ongoing ignorance impacts all of us.

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I’ve been hearing about an upcoming polar shift of the magnetic poles. This would be a catastrophic event. The prognosticator I was listening to said by 2040, but how can we know this? 16 years is a freckle in time since the last one occurred. Another panic alarm? Not like we can do anything about it anyway.

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Every eleven years the magnetic poles shift polarity. It's normal. "They" are using this to confuse people. If you think a catastrophic "flip" is going to happen, you also have to buy a lot of other things such as the last "flip" occurred 780,000 years ago. How does anyone know this? What is really being said is - the earth is extremely old and does all kinds of things that destroy life and then starts again in yet another evolutionary cycle. Phoney-Baloney.

Anti God. Always.

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🎯 "the Myth that there Are 8 Billion"

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With recent announcement of the Covid Vaxxed, suffering the Brain eating Effects of Prions,(think Mad Cow Diease) the depopulation juggernaut, has many options, sadly.

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The transnational deep state unleashed the Covid operation far ahead of schedule when they saw that the yellow vests were winning. It will be their Barbarossa.

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Seems those of us that care, have a strong faith in higher powers than man, and are not 'completely' consumed by nexflix, musk et. al. are able to see...

The rest...


Good Luck...

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For the Biblically literate, we, (humanity), were forewarned in Biblical prophecy these current events would come to pass centuries before we began seeing them on a daily basis. For those who still believe "we can fix this" through politics, no, we can't; because it's not a temporal battle. It's an on-going spiritual war that began long before any of us existed, coming to its climax in our time - right here on planet earth. We can only choose a "side" to support and work with in that battle. But there is no "fence sitting" now or “do-overs” later. We must each actively choose the side of light and good, of YHVH God; or we default to the other side of darkness and evil and Satan. Therefore, if you haven't actively chosen Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God...then you are in default. For each of us, today, there are no other options; I have made my choice and His name is Jesus (Yeshua); I pray each of you who read this comment will make the correct choice. Eternity is a very long time to regret a wrong choice.”

That said, my only hope for mankind is the Return of Jesus Christ as King of kings. I have no faith in any governmental leaders, (or a civil war), to alleviate the problems of man's present condition. This quotation from Revelation 18 is profound and enormously timely when you consider the warning to: “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.” “And strong is the Lord who judges her.”

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Well said, Aloha & God bless... 💯%

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Thank you for the clarity. TRUTH. Jesus is our only escape. Not Trump. Or anyone else.

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You are so right. Nothing we do can change what is happening.

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HOLOCAUST rna/vaccine ongoing

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Excellent article and informnation! Thank you.

I have written a series on depopulation, if anyone would like to check it out: https://outoftheordinaryworld.substack.com/archive

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I am looking at your series now. I knew about malthus and some of the others but not in detail. About people like ted turner, I just figured he's a wealthy reptilian who thinks he is a god, like all the others, and reptiles will be reptiles. That's what they do. But it's more than that. Presented clearly in time, like you have done, the entire thing is horrifying.

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There certainly is much more to this veiled threat to humanity than I would have ever imagined a few short years ago. You are correct that it is horrifying. We are now on to them, though. Their reign of terror will be defeated. I don’t know when, but I do know that never in history have so many of the people of the world been so aware and awakened to this evil. And more are waking up every day. Take heart and keep sharing the truth…

Thank you so much for your comment and readership. I really appreciate them both!

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Even according the official narrative, the injections didn't prevent the invented illness, so ALL "side effects" can be considered intentional.

Still, there are at least 13 factors that can cause identical symptoms (severe illnesses and death), and they often depend on each other:


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If you believe it, and I do, then what do you do knowing that in a few years the monsters of death are going to come calling. You really don't know how they will murder you, but only that it is their greatest intention. Do you get some guns and defend yourself? That will give them the excuse to kill you anyway, which is what they want to begin with.

On the other hand, I don't blame anyone for not believing it because it is beyond outrageous. You are thinking how the heck they will accomplish it without some major push back? Then you look at how easily over 5 billion people never questioned getting an experimental mRNA injection. The total outcome of that is still somewhat in limbo. Are mRNA substances setting up billions for a fall in a few years.

For certain, we are being attacked from all sides, top and bottom. If the pitchforks come out in earnest, we might have a chance. But time is running out. This is what WHO and its pandemic crap is all about...the murder of billions and all for a fake pandemic that gates is going to keep pushing again and again. He really is anti-human and the major force behind depopulation.

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Yes, well the US DOD contracted the " Counter Measure Bioweapon " in the Pfizer Contract. And forced the EUA on all the poor unsuspecting citizens of the world. ( Sasha L and Katherine Watts).

See details in the Tx Attorney General Paxton's Lawsuit against Pfizer ongoing right now. It spells out everything. Sasha Lat....substack covers all the details plainly.

So B.Hates is just the figure head/Poster child, the US Gov DOD, DARPA and CIA are really behind it. For decades right? Crazy to think the US gov so bloated it went rouge on its citizens as well as other citizens. What right do they have ?

B. Hates is the advertising face to take the heat and have his fun.

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Meadows must lead by example.

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“ A computer model developed by Meadows and several of his colleagues argues that the critical line for earth’s human carrying capacity was exceeded back around 1980”

I don’t mean to sound offensive, but computer models often turn out to be wrong because of one main and only reason: confirmation bias.

I’m certain if we look hard enough we will find many computer models that will support the opposite…

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Peacefully and Politely kill. The "Politely" is important for the Authoritarian Fascists I notice.

It is so creepy. It is like they enjoy it so much it is their social entertainment, like Jeffery Daimer eating his dinner, politely with his guest.

Good trickery and cunning underhandedness to fool the poor sheeple. The sheeple will even stand up for their predator.

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My Theory, is almost every Human has Nano Technology Bots seen Darkfield Microscopic by Www.anamihalceamdphd@substack.com when the Chemtrails have finally ceased being seen, a KILL Command will be transmitted,via the 5G and higher G cell towers ending Millions of infected lives. Just a theory

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"I think your theory may be correct. Once they have us all tethered to IoBNT and locked in 15-minute SMART cities, they can easily eliminate us, and the rest of the world would be none the wiser."

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