Every eleven years the magnetic poles shift polarity. It's normal. "They" are using this to confuse people. If you think a catastrophic "flip" is going to happen, you also have to buy a lot of other things such as the last "flip" occurred 780,000 years ago. How does anyone know this? What is really being said is - the earth is extremely …
Every eleven years the magnetic poles shift polarity. It's normal. "They" are using this to confuse people. If you think a catastrophic "flip" is going to happen, you also have to buy a lot of other things such as the last "flip" occurred 780,000 years ago. How does anyone know this? What is really being said is - the earth is extremely old and does all kinds of things that destroy life and then starts again in yet another evolutionary cycle. Phoney-Baloney.
Every eleven years the magnetic poles shift polarity. It's normal. "They" are using this to confuse people. If you think a catastrophic "flip" is going to happen, you also have to buy a lot of other things such as the last "flip" occurred 780,000 years ago. How does anyone know this? What is really being said is - the earth is extremely old and does all kinds of things that destroy life and then starts again in yet another evolutionary cycle. Phoney-Baloney.
Anti God. Always.