Some countries already scan your fingerprints at the border or at airport arrival immigration before they let you in.

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US is one of them.

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Yet amazingly they STILL let in rapists, murderers, and cartel! So it either doesn't work or it's meant more for conservative, Christians who are sick of this crooked government! I know which of the 2 I'm betting on! The poor, old, grandma protesting at an abortion clinic so that young lady doesn't make a bad decision that haunts her for life is a threat to society...apparently. 🥴🙄🤨 I've had friends that had an abortion due to getting pregnant young and it still haunts them and we are in our 50's! Anyone it doesn't bother are who we should be fearful of!

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Distraction, distraction is a real psychological countermeasure technique, is used to blur, minimize and trivialize the major themes, the real problems of society and its enemies. It's an obvious war against old cultures, old "order", christianity and normality.

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Identity & the Web

21 August 2024


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Over 164 countries already have biometric passports, with chips. Nobody complained too much, it was the first test, so here we are. If you accepted that kind of passport, why complain about "digital ID". We also have chips in the bank cards, they know anytime what we buy, preferences, where we are etc.

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You "chip" your dog, so why not yourself?

It is all part of being part of the community of nations.

I even said that with a straight face! LOL

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😂😂😂😳 Here's my question...if they can do this can't they create something that would track a human immediately?! IOW...if a child, woman, whoever goes missing?! If not then they are FOS and aren't tracking us for anything good! When it can stop child abductions and human trafficking in an instant then call me up. Until then they can shove it up their arse! I went to a World View Weekend put on by American Family Radio in 2000-2001 (?) and they warned us about this chip, smart tv's, and even Onstar! Which now most makes now have their own form of onstar! They specifically called the chip THE MARK OF THE BEAST!

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UK airport Gatwick has now implemented a facial biometric system and refusal to partake means you cannot fly. Sure it’s the same for all other. I was under the impression you could decline but reading T&C’s last week it is not the case!

Question is what is the alternative?

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You already mentioned the alternative: you don't fly. Is like with the vax, No jab, no job, no big stores, no party, no travel etc, the alternative is to give up. That means in the "new normal" language they don't force you to do anything, you have a choice. I bet a new definition of "choice" is required.

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The fear of missing out doesn't only apply to social media. Conservative, Christians are getting the vax to go on a cruise or flight to WOKE places to spend their hard earned God-given money and it BLOWS MY MIND!!! Might as well just donate directly to the DNC!!! I won't shop or travel to places that hate me, hate America, hate God, hate the US Constitution, and hate my God-given FREEDOM! Nothing I need to see or do on this crappy earth that is not our home! Americans are getting exactly what we deserve unfortunately. We went back to shopping at satan's, gay Target, drinking fag loving Anheuser Busch products, vacationing at pedo Disney, watching woke sports like NFL, after they stopped to get an expensive, anti-American coffee at Starbucks! They are scared to death of rona, but drive 80mph while texting! They complain about gas prices, but are peddle to the metal all day everyday, because they are too selfish and lazy to get up a little earlier to leave. Can you IMAGINE how different the scamdemic would have been if JUST the ones that knew it was BS took to the streets with signs?! Not looting, stealing, or standing in the middle of the road...just simply said...we aren't going to work in masks etc until this ends! Nope...they posted memes on fascistbook to wind up in fascistbook thinking they were martyrs. 🙄 We HAVE to do a 180 next scamdemic or we will NEVER come out of this downward spiral to communism we are on! Companies, hospitals, etc can NOT operate on even 70% of their employees! I'd bet it'd be way less than that if people simply said no means no and if we all starve to death so be it because 1 it beats living in communism and 2 I'm showing my kids and grandkids comfort is worth giving up for our God-given freedom!

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I'll never forget when a nurse friend said, "there's so much misinformation out there!" And "medicine isn't perfect!" When confronted about V injuries. She was standing up for corruption and genocide in the name of medicine. She worked in the hospital during all the madness and she still can't SEE. I don't get it. I can no longer talk to her 😞.

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The reason she " can't see" is because brainwashing is powerful. Once you fall into that trap, it's very hard to break free from it. You need a cult expert to reverse the process.Or something so horrible and so painful that you are left with one choice: accept the truth as painful as it is.

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Plus, possibly they can’t admit to what they have done to themselves and their own children etc.

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Possibly... big advocate!!!

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That too.

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This I said from the day one "or standing in the middle of the road". All of us, everywhere..imagine the impact. And it was so easy to do it. But nope, if is not a soros&co paid protest, no big natural protest can happen.

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It could, but normal, law abiding citizens don't act like fools. At some point we'll have to pitch a complete bitch fit! They can't jail hundreds of thousands of people!!!

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I don't do the goog or the apple thing. This may be able to be stopped using NOL's (notice of liability) otherwise if you do not resist, they will just assume on a tacit basis that you love their crappola.

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Digital ID will be tied to health status meaning nothing works unless up to date clot shots! Signing up literally means agreeing to your own euthanasia! It’s that simple! But it’s to keep the sheep safe! And the scumbags pushing for digital ID won’t have one! It’s just to tag and track human sheep! :)

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As horrible as it sounds, humanity somehow will always find a way to survive. It has done that for centuries. And this time won't be different either.

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unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the [c]elect’s sake those days will be shortened. Matt 24:22

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This is BIBLICAL prophecy...

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Yes digital ID can be used by the beast system to enforce “no buy, no sell” but I don’t believe it’s the mark of the beast itself, because the mark involves worship. I highly recommend studying the book of Daniel to shed light on the nature and identity of the beast. Watch this video all the way to the end. Understanding this concept has turned my fear of the end times into anticipation of Christ’s return! Those who have the faith of Jesus and keep the commandments of God have nothing to fear!! Rev 14:12


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Rules, rules, rules…all man made religion.

And I was born and raised a Catholic. I want no part of dogma, and man made religion.

It separates.

God is within you!🌞🕊️

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Agree Marie... was making a point to the unaware to become a bit more curious and look these up.

I was referring more towards Revelation 13 vs. 16-17....

Agree, we are moving rapidly into a worldwide economy....

Most important for us to call out to the wise...

Peace to you!

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