Share this worldwide We need to save generations of children from this genocide πŸ™πŸ₯²πŸ™

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I know of 3 members of the same family, an aunt, a nephew, and the aunt's sister's grandchild that have all had appendectomies within a six month period this year. Very odd.

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Share, share,share!!! We need to sound the alarm. Don’t let them blame organ damage to other things. The injections were and are a multi organ system damage. Some may have got a placebo. That we pray for. This is an attack on all Americans. The last years have been drama and chaos to distract what harm they did.

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Schools mandated this shot for healthy children, and most parents complied. They didn't bother to employ some skepticism. Will they ever? I use duckduckgo to research some things, but often I just go to google. Today one piece of propaganda on my screen was on the topic of coughs, and blame was attributed to lower vaccination rates for flu and covid. So, they are inducing fear despite all the science that shows these drugs are deadly. Having sick kids means customers for life, and so many adults are involved in ensuring children get sick and stay sick, even the unwitting parents.

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This should come as no shock considering it has been proven "independently" that the injections cause immune refocusing and raises the dominance of IgG4 antibodies. These "tolerate" antibodies keep the variant virus infections from being cleared in bodies that exist in. More injections and infections will only continue to raise the IgG4 dominance. I don't think this can be fixed.

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The should surprise no one, immune system dysfunction is prevalent, especially in children after the shot.

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So hideous

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The former CEO of YouTube, a rabid vaxx fanatic, has just died of cancer at age 56. Susan Wojcicki. Seems relevant.

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Like so many other Fanatical 'InFluEncers', How's that working for her 'EndLightenMeant?

Wellness - John D.

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Only demons would inject this poison into children.

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Infants, Kids AND young Adults, ARE @ ZERO RISK from CONVID - They/We, ALL have 'IT' Onboard as NORMAL Symbiotic Virus! So WHY, IS THE 'STATE' PURPOSEFULLY/STRATEGICALLY 'KILLING OFF' the Future GeneratIONs? = The Enemy WITHIN! >

There IS Only ONE 'Logical ExplaiNation' = Enemy of The Popuations - THE 'STATE'! AND, THE 'STATE', CAN NOT use the 'Excuse' of 'IgNorRants'! = AREN'T THE STATE/S 'PUBLIC SERVANTS' ( This INCLUDES From Clerks All the way to Presidents AND Prime Minstrels AND Judiciary AND Security Forces AND -ALL 'UNDER THEIR EMPLOYED WATCH'!! = 'EMPLOYED BY THE POPULATIONS' OF SOVEREIGN STATES, AS 'The SafeTie GATE KEEPERS', BY ALL METRICS - AND, NOT for 'FOREIGN' Interests??

These 'Jabs' that are NOT REQUIRED for Holistic HEALth, ARE/HAVE BEEN- 'KNOWN' for YEARS, to be U.N.SAFE! Ask the Witches & WarLocks & 'CON-FedeRats@ the United States DoD/DARPA/BARDA/Interactive 'G' Comms Networks/NGOs/NFPs - From Mid 80's > Circa 2007, Then Invited pHARMa 'Marketing/ManufacturRing/Supply'- In League with the U.N.CHECKED Global COMIC (1) ALL PARAMETERS ( Terra- Incl Sub Terranian +Terror/Oceanic/Atmospheric/SpatiAll) Poisons Distributions - Ends US & ALL other Species Under our Physical & Spiritual Stewardship, 'ReWarDead' with An Pandora's OPEN BOX- NEVER to be ReSealed By the Moronic Mad persons of the CollectHive 17 SDGs & COMIC.

Last; With the CurRent Political/U.N/CorpoRat Cabal's-Covens Et Al, 'Squeezing' of ANYTHING Positively creative - For ZombieLand outcomes, & responsible Global citiZens being targeted for Future 'Social ResponsibiliTie' outcomes - HOW COME THE MILITARY- AS THE BIGGEST POLLUTERS - WITHOUT COMPETITION- ISN'T INCLUDED IN THE GLOBAL- U.N./ELITE (Elite ONLY in their EgoTestTickAll World) 'INPUT/OUTPUT' LEDGER???

Wellness to the Unified US - John D.

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More nations are awakening to the deceit of the sorceries, both pharmakeia and magic arts of psyopery.

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I hope so.

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Covid "vaccine" = Rockefeller cockroach juice.

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Oh look another study that links poison to death of humans. Where were the scientists before the poison was released on humanity? They should have bought a roll of tin foil to wrap around their heads instead of wasting $ on a worthless degree!

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Strokes, heart attacks, auto immune diseases, sudden death, etc are so much better than a sniffle! Sheep logic!

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