Did his veins fill up with clots after he died, or before?

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Doctors are baffled.

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Democrat doctors are baffled!

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They are paid well by big pharma to be baffled.

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It's so sad those people were so uninformed, then they made others get jabbed. So many people are going to die suddenly in the future.

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Some doctors are not baffled at all ....


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My favorite parts of Covid:


We are done with modern medicine;

we’re done with these fools for doctors; and we are done with the pile of shit they dove themselves into.

Let them study that.


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Covidiocy is only possible for those who comprehend little about health.

Which way to point the finger?

No vax and no quax (mRNA) is safe or effective.

All are harmful, some genocidal.

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Sounds like a lot of people have gone to booster camp & never returned . Something is Fishy 🤓

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Well, I guess in this case, he was a true believer. Im sure many members of Congress did not take the jab. After all, they were not under a mandate, like the plebs they pretend to serve.

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"you're fine, just go home."

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Rep Turner----how many are asking questions about the vax?

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I guess he probably 'Failed' to get the Correct MEMO! At least in Defence of him, one can only say, that HE must have at least Believed the BullShit, where he actually took up the MediKill protocol - Different to the Cretins that 'Knew' it was VERY questionable BullShit, But FORCED others to take the Protocols (Whilst They, Their families & Associates did Not), But STILL pushed THE CONVID 'Something' LIE anyway!

Alternatively, even listening to Newly 'Installed' TrumpPET's speeches, Must be registered as some form of Health issue!

Last; ALL of that 'Protection' - Masks (LOL), Not only Psych Op cruelty[Especially to Infants & Kids] -No speak, but NOT Fit For Purpose & NOT PROPER 'Science' Based. Social Distancing - ZERO Proper 'Science' based protocol. FOOLY Jabbed & Boosted to Death = Now this DOES appear to have results - BOUGHT NON 'Science' BullShit Spiels aside! (Technologies inside said 'Jabbs', ARE 'Advanced', & I can't believe that 'Humans' SUDDENLY made such quantum Leaps, in not only the 'Science', but also the 'Manufacture' of the NanoTech!

STILL, can't believe HOW the Dark Urchins, 'Pulled' CONVID OFF! Maybe, History & NON evolution may Help;

“I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few.”

― Adolf Hitler

“The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.”

― Adolf Hitler

WHAT, appears to have changed for nigh on a Century?!


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"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic, and or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."

The question still remains: can liars begin to believe their own lies?

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AbsoluteLie (Absolutly) - Ask Bill Gates or Tedros! LOL!

In Sync;

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”

― Benito Mussolini =

As a 4th Gen OZtopian (Australian), This is sounding VERY Familiar!! Per;

'COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA' (OZ Fed NotMyGov.Foreign@5>9Eyes.Con)- U.S. CORPORATION. Reg U.S.SEC # CIK 0000805157. HQs; WASHINGTON, D.C. - LOL!

Wellness allround.

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STRANGE! I AM (Apart from the Man's [Young Adolph] Definitive Observations), of the Opinion, that The GlobAlisters 'Installed' The Nazi HireArchy FOR/OF, TOTAL DESTRUCTION - THE ACTUAL 'Final Solution' of a Germanic National STILL INTACT Spiritual Unity, Post the MIS/DISgusting Central Banking WW1 'Ecercise'! The 3rd Reich, being a CONtinuance 'Evercise' of Diminishing the Elite Breeding Stock of That Militaristic Nation (Decimation of Other Nations breeding Stocks INCLUSIVE of Global DePopulation Stratagems - Carried on to this day in Multiple 'TheaTricks' - Eg; Ukraine Maidan revolutionary Swindle!

I assume, that you've taken my Herr Hitler references - 'Out of context'! These quotes of Hitler's, WERE his observations of Populations at large - Zionist Co-Operations up to & Post 1933/34 Collaborative NAZI/ZION 'Pacts' inclusive! Why do folks think MOSSAD/Zionists@large 'Wanted' to get rid of SS Adolph Eichmann!?! CAN'T have Living CONtradictions to the ZION Mythology, AS 'HollowCost Victims' floating around!

Last; 'Stop blending 'Truth' with the 'Enemy's' lies __ '. Maybe revisit Young A. H's views on 'Convenient Mobs'. 'Truth' AppA-RentLie(Apparently), is Written, edited, purveyed, projected by the 'Winners' , & their 'Directors from Shadows', in Rome, Tel-Aviv, London, Zurich, & Washington - PETS inclusive!

Wellness to you

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It is a well known fact that Americans, American corporations, supported Hitler and brought him to power.

What was the reason?

The usual… to protect their interests in Europe as they were apparently threatened by the Bolshevik movement…

Also, the second player, the Catholic Church, felt threatened by the communist movement in Italy, so it supported Hitler too…

It’s worth watching this Canadian miniseries:

The Rise of Evil (Adolf Hitler)


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Are you familiar with the term “god complex”?

Have you ever interacted with such a person?

If you had, you’d have no doubt who Bill Gates really is…

Tedros? He is a criminal whom must do as told or people from his own country will be looking for him…

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CNN’s report is the most accurate by their experts: “ we don’t know what he died of but we are certain it was not caused the mRNA vaccine”.

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He was getting up there in age. Like a lot of victims of the vaccine are.

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Everyone potentially that got the jab are ticking time bombs 🥺😡😞

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But Trumps speech was sponsored by Pfizer! "Mr. Operation Warp Speed" strikes again or was it Al Greens gold tip cane that pushed him over the edge?

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