The booster, I believe cause my 92 year old father to wig out. He was a perfectly normal person, able to do everything on his own, eat, dress, bathe, then after the booster shot he went nuts one day suddenly. They found him hiding in a closet. He went to the hospital, basically they could find nothing wrong with him, we got him

Out of the hospital but he died about a month later. He got somewhat better for a time after leaving the hospital

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Same thing happened to a friend of mine

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I have a very small circle of acquaintances. One has demonstrated signs of serious mental instability since her first shot in 2022. The seconds made it worse. She’s been put on some medication that enables her to sleep. anti depressant I believe. She contracted COVID recently. It was a very bad experience for her. Lost 3 days with fever, confusion, hallucinations, etc.

My layman understanding leads me to believe the spike protein is folding proteins in the brain (as well as the blood of course) similar to mad cow and other prion conditions. Her husband says she’s going mad. She has difficulty with stability, coordination, finishing sentences with big delays in her speech. Moonta, South Australia.

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That sounds so very much like my nearest neighbour. Particularly the speech delays..as if she can't remember words or sentences, and stability and balance etc. She also has bouts of paranoia and aggression, although I often wonder if the paranoia is the body's instinctual awareness of the intrusive technology within it on a spiritual level.

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Ray Peat has published an article about aspirin in which he states it can unfold misfolded proteins.

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Why anyone, especially someone's child, would want to inject an unknown substance in their bodies is beyond anything sane I have ever witnessed in my 62 years of living. This is the perfect example of "stupid is as stupid does". The insanity of this is beyond my comprehension. I did not take the jab, and even with a gun to my head by the powers to be will never make me. I would rather die a free man, as to die as a slave.

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The very first reported 'effects' of the Wuhan We Upon before the 'countermeasures' was COVID PSYCHOSIS. Yahoo reported people acting insane in different social situations or reporting to the hospital after a breakdown. It seems that to insure coverage of this brain attack in the entire population that Stage 2 would be to inject said Mud Pellet Melting substance into everyone to insure what we are all immersed in right now: The Inmates are Running The Assylum.

For those who passed the intelligence test to avoid suicide, the components of the We Upon were made to shed so, the only options seem to be: A trip on Space-X (more fake than 1950s Flash Gordon), quarentine on a desert island, or let the Georgia Guidestones play out.

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Very interesting. It's probably a combination from the biological effects and the mental stress from being exposed to constant psychological operations. I explain how persuasion marketing and the Hegelian dialectic work in my article.


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Interesting article! While I have definitely not witnessed psychotic prodrome after vax, I (and others) have personally witnessed wild and lasting personality changes (none that I’ve seen are positive) in people post vax.

I know it’s terribly difficult to prove, but I’ve been someone would notice and study it.

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hormonal system may have been disrupted after shit. read the effects of low testosteronem high estrogen from body builders who sometimes error on their injections. the symptoms ar ethe same

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Stupid people are like intelligent people EXCEPT FOR THE FACT that they are too forking lazy to look things up that are vitally important to know and not attached to their bodies. 'Revelations' was written post-Jesus for the Roman emperor by jewish scribe Cerinthus to enable the Emperor's priests to scare the peasants into handing over theirmaterial wealth for personal salvation. TWO YEARS after the Wuhan attack on the new international bank celebration, and these dust mite brained fools STILL PREFER to buy a Walmart gold plated medallion to impress the wife in front of the television while lying to her about the deep and serious nature of the 'COVID' campaign attacks, instead of doing an hour of homework(Start at AIM4truth.org). The same tribe which blew up the WTC, Fukushima daiichi, British Parliament, and gave us Hollyweird, WWI, WWII, and more. Do your homework or swim across the ocean without a boat escort.

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A nice solo Ocean Cruise sounds like a pleasant vacation. Wouldn't sharks provide a safe escort along the way? The military determined that if you sipped sea water once and hour you could get by without fresh water. Revelation, liked 1984 was merely the script by which a millennia plan was kept on target. NATO's Biology of Aggression book made it clear that you are less likely to fight against something that you are familiar with. So, if they tell you how you are going to die horribly, then the familiarity of that 'future' is less 'frightening' than taking charge of your own destiny (whatever that might hold).

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There are many many different formulations of the VAXX Bio Weapon.

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Why? Class action in US (EU UK subjects can’t do class action), for HepC treatment of Pegasys. PEG encapsulated alpha interferon. Prior to class action side effects listed for psychiatric disturbance and personality changes. Black box warning after.

I was never depressed or had suicidal thoughts prior to HepC treatment. (Contaminated blood victim). During - I changed. It took 13 years before my self returned.

PEG ALSO DESTROYS THYROID and causes other endocrine disorders. Endocrine disorders cause organic psychiatric disorders.

WHERE IS BLACK BOX WARNINGS ON COVID JABS? Actually, the inserts are left intentionally blank!

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I'd definitely go with the 'destroys thyroid function', except that the actual virus does this as well. So it must be the spike protein as well, not just the PEG.

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Class action is a Look Over Here! deflection for making a criminal complaint which is what these attacks really are.

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creating zombies?

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The accused gunman wrote that he felt “led” by Satan.

Vax destroys the brain, starting with higher functions of Empathy and Love, per Dr Peter Breggin


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A problem I have with all these studies blaming long covid or the vaccines for some of this type of outcome is how do they rule out effects of extended lockdowns? I have yet to see any that even consider the fact that being isolated from everyone or all but your household family for weeks, months and now years is going to have negative affects.

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There are many different formulations of the VAXX Bio Weapon. This allows the baddies to test different poisons and throw the public off sending them in different directions.

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I call that Lot & Serial Number variations. The gift of Hillary Clinton was electronic health records. If they do serial variations of tests of BW then all the A.I. has to do is collate the hospital and clinic records to see how well any of their campaigns worked. I'm impressed by your recognition of this concept. Most people think that because the label on a glass vial (vile) of clear fluid say: Flu shot, that it is what the label says.

My maxim: If you didn't make it - you have no idea what is in it.

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The first statement in the above abstract is wrong -- vax is not essential to ending the pandemic. The criteria for pandemic designation were overcome long ago, if they ever actually existed. The outcomes in Sweeden, Florida and other low vax areas show the real pandemic is the vax, not the rather routine virus. Healthy people who got infected had mild symptoms or none at all, and acquired enduring immunity, unless they destroyed their immune systems with repeated overdoses of the poison vax.

So the big question is whether the vax induced the psychosis, or did the psychosis cause them to keep seeking injections that don't work?.

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I just found a sub on Reddit called Psychosis yesterday, I have been wondering if some of these are vax cases.

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Sounds like some stages of possession to me.

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What are the legends of Possession? Often depicted in movies as a fly or some form of mist that gets into the orifices: eyes, ears, nose mouth of the victim. Lord of the Flies Ba'AL Zebub. Then it takes over the host. What is a syringe needle? A hollow tube that bores out an opening - an orifice - a portal. The Evil Entity (RNA/DNA) then takes over the cells of the victim to take 'possession' of it to DO IT'S BIDDING. Modern Science meets 5000 year old Chaldean Black Magicks.

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The whole covid panic seems that way.

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