And we are mentally ill reading this article? Probably. Lists made until needed.

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by definition, having a mental condition negates the fact that the person cant make a responsible decision for themselves on any critical subject, let alone their mortality. At what level shall others be trusted to make that decision for you? To be sure the language shall be ambiguous to cover any legal fault occurred by any making the decisions. and will these laws say who a responsible party may be? I am sure they will have representatives from the insurance industries and within government that supply their support.------------I, Grampa

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Wa-ha-howww! It never clicked until I just read this post. Governments will eventually have the power to deem unvaccinated people as MENTALLY ILL. And that will make them eligible for Medical Assistance In Dying, or whatever MAID stands for. OMG. It's voluntary for now, but when the WHO gets the go-ahead, It's only a hop, skip and a jab to mandatory! Good lord, these globalists are really getting on my nerves, now. My response? FUCK YO' NEW WORLD ORDER!

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I get what you mean about the Governments deeming us MENTALLY ILL. Queensland here in Australia has internment camps.

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THEY'RE proving to be mentally ill, with every move they make and it's not going unnoticed. All the more reason the ENTIRE WORLD needs to stand up against this relatively small group of evil psychopaths, while we still can. I live in Hawaii and in view of what's going on in Lahaina, the noose is getting tighter, from my vantage point. God bless you and your's in Australia. Don't give up. We're all in this together. Keep the faith, friend. 🇦🇺💟🇺🇸🍺🇨🇦💟🇧🇷💟👍🍺💟

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Regarding the conclusions of the study: an ethical framework recognizing the rights and dignity of all humans HAS BEEN IN PLACE since shortly after the Nuremberg Trials, called the Nuremberg Code.

It's essentially a Sacred Text.

It's short and simple, and paid lip-service to all over the world. It underlies medical ethical law in most countries.

Every person that brushes up against medical research MUST MUST MUST be familiar with it.


Everyone in the US who worked in medical research in any capacity and thought the injection mandates were OK


They know it like the back of their hand, and they ignore it. Coming up with a rehash of the same thing is pointless.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

God wins. I trust no other. NWO zealots don’t know this. They expect a massive die off of humans and the power to “assist” in this effort for those who don’t and refuse to abide by coercive measures. Surround yourself in God’s strength, his light and his full armor of protection. Give thanks, always start and end your days in peace & in prayer.

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Thank you Chelie ( I like your name, btw, reminds me of the world class guitarist Chieli Minnucci); God does win, as do all who fear and love and trust Him, and His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, trusting in His Blood Sacrifice for the remission of All our sins and our gift of Eternal Life.

This is unconditional, no matter what Satan and his servants accomplish. We who belong to Christ need not fear these devils, I decided long ago that I would rather take their bullets or beheadings than their mark or other satanic crap, including the fake COVID tests or the bioweapon jab.

My name is attached to everything I post, they know who I am, I hate them with Godly anger, in the same way King David hated the wicked.

At some point every Believer will have the same decision to make, best to do so now without a government gun pointed at you.

Frederick Burton

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Important Information

We have to choose a side Now, not Later

God or Satan

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choose and act. choices are nothing without people acting to remove the people irresponsible.------------- I, Grampa

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Umm, let's see...hmm. Can a choice be rhetorical?

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Exactly, take elons support with skeptism

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I want to know why people trust big pharma. I guess they don't need a reason. This virology cult has been prepping us for this Kovid scam for a very long time. I don't see how anyone could think doctors would know enough about medicine (vs health) to go around injecting stuff into veins. Its like grabbing some monkeys, put a wrench in their hands and tell them to build a space shuttle.

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get enough monkeys together and gov. thinks anything is possible.------- I, Grampa

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That analogy is all too true!

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Jun 26, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

People who believe in conspiracy theory can be label mentally ill. So can be kill.

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Who woulda thought? Not me, not in my lifetime. Should I laugh or should I cry? "Mr. Martini, how 'bout some wine?"

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Weaponized Psychiatry has been there through and throughout time, I mean there's always a reasoning by psychiatry to foster stigma and generate a measure of chemical warfare on a civilian scale. Doctors love seeing the masses remain ignorant of their practices and enjoy the medication that they serve people, which is big pharma's means to enter. A pill for everything, a means to cure through pharmacology, which is false, most of the problems are not found in fault to the supposedly sick, but in their circumstances and situations where society is at work selling people off to psychiatry and ending their livelihoods.

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I don't believe 2030 will be what Schwab and the rest imagine it.

They are trying to usher in the Four Horsemen and the Kingdom of the Beast--on their own terms. They think it will last a thousand years, but it won't last four. And they don't take the Seven Bowls into account either.

Crazy fools.

They call it the Great Reset.

I call it Operation Nimrod.

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The scum-elitists are waiting for the Antichrist to ultimately enter, stage left - but what if he does not make the scene? That would be a nasty surprise, and artful improvisation would have to be made use of to keep up with the schedule. Maybe Antichrist ex machina? You ain´t seen nothing yet!

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

God, We need you! Please help us!

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The implications of this could are enormous. Good post. Will be linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Inhumanity has been with us since the dawn of time. It's our nature. Some suppress their nature better than others, but everyone has the capacity for inhumanity within them. It's just a question of circumstances, and will. Those who expect to survive must learn to recognize evil in others, and to defend themselves against it. Thise who are shocked by inhumane behavior, and expect others to protect them, are at much greater risk.

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So let's say someone has the means and opportunity to take down those who are perpetrating this holocaust of billions:

Well, that person should look at his navel, contemplate his naughty thoughts and irritation at petty annoyances, and get TOTALLY PARALYZED by that so he does NOTHING TO PROTECT those he could protect. Is that what you're saying?


Protect the victims first.

Save others' lives first.

Do the big stuff first.

Thank goodness the Allies didn't have your attitude towards Nazis during WW2, or we'd have had 80 years already of murdering disabled people, Jews, JWs, and anyone else considered "undesirable".

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How is it "turning our backs on God" to make "Protect the Innocent from the Mass Murders" a priority over navel-gazing?

Sometimes, when billions of lives are in danger from particular groups, it's necessary to point fingers AT THE PERPETRATORS. And maybe more than fingers. That's not scapegoating: a scapegoat is an INNOCENT who is falsely accused - not the same.

Sorry, but making nice with the Nazis would not have protected the innocent. Yes, it did take armies to stop them taking over a great chunk of the world.

Yes things are in a bad way now, and I agree with you about the ultimate overcoming of all evil and death and chaos, and that it will be done by Life, not death. And we can't do that ourselves, but I look forward to it with all my heart.

But in the meantime, if I had the means and skill, and saw someone starting to machine gun a thousand children, I jolly well hope I'd have the nerve to shoot fast and straight and take him out. One mass murderer's life instead of 1,000 innocents' lives - no contest.

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If no one is blamed, nothing will change. The objectives are making the oppression stop, and making sure it doesn't happen again. That requires punishment.

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Punishing crimes is not scapegoating, but a demonstration of the rules of order for civil society. Rules without punishment are not rules, but solace for the minority who are mystified that so few abide by them. The default rules are human nature -- greedy, selfish, violent.

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Apr 6, 2022·edited Apr 6, 2022

My husband had an aunt who was institutionalized by the Nazis, then murdered because she was disabled. She was a little girl. It's disturbing that this sort of thing could happen again.

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Will dissenters become Neuralink experimentees? the majority of unconsented macques monkys have died. It sicken me to listen to a the glorification of this brain tech on a recent Rogan show. never a mention of animals that died and likely humans that will die in attempts to implement this brain altering tech. Our humanity and divine purpose is eroded as a result of wealth accumulation extremes allowing massive egos of a few "superiors" to bathe us in their redefined reality..

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Totally agree. He is a billionaire (red flag already), and thinks we can control AI by merging with it. But how is that not the same as being taken over by it?

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