I don't believe there will be a place on earth left to get away from this eventually. CBDC's will go into effect everywhere and they will use that to control everyone. I have seen the patent documents for the "app" they will likely use many places. It can integrate CBDC's, social credit, and anything else THEY choose with the most sophis…
I don't believe there will be a place on earth left to get away from this eventually. CBDC's will go into effect everywhere and they will use that to control everyone. I have seen the patent documents for the "app" they will likely use many places. It can integrate CBDC's, social credit, and anything else THEY choose with the most sophisticated contact tracing ever conceived. This app will place all smart devices into interlocking networks where not only is your device spying on you but everyone elses. It will know down to the foot how close you got to someone, if you talked to them, and for how long. I'm sure they intend to record all these conversations as well but it doesn't actually say that yet. It will decide if you need to be prescribed a "treatment or vaccine" and what the penalty is for "non-compliance". Likely these penalties will be escalating levels of inconvenience culminating in all funds being cut off and a social credit score so bad you can't even set foot in a grocery store. This is why the WHO is absolutely hellbent on achieving absolute control " in case of another pandemic", which I'm sure has already been planned to coincide with them being handed that authority. Sorry to be so bleak but I never candy coat anything. There's enough of that here. They will continue to say whatever their pushing are "mRNA vaccines" and 95% of the public will believe that's what's in them.
I don't believe there will be a place on earth left to get away from this eventually. CBDC's will go into effect everywhere and they will use that to control everyone. I have seen the patent documents for the "app" they will likely use many places. It can integrate CBDC's, social credit, and anything else THEY choose with the most sophisticated contact tracing ever conceived. This app will place all smart devices into interlocking networks where not only is your device spying on you but everyone elses. It will know down to the foot how close you got to someone, if you talked to them, and for how long. I'm sure they intend to record all these conversations as well but it doesn't actually say that yet. It will decide if you need to be prescribed a "treatment or vaccine" and what the penalty is for "non-compliance". Likely these penalties will be escalating levels of inconvenience culminating in all funds being cut off and a social credit score so bad you can't even set foot in a grocery store. This is why the WHO is absolutely hellbent on achieving absolute control " in case of another pandemic", which I'm sure has already been planned to coincide with them being handed that authority. Sorry to be so bleak but I never candy coat anything. There's enough of that here. They will continue to say whatever their pushing are "mRNA vaccines" and 95% of the public will believe that's what's in them.
will be a mater of simple living. Go to india find a remote village and barter for food using gold bits or something.