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This is what I’ve been calling criminal negligent homicide for 3 years.

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Walensky is a murdering psychopath.

Fauci is a murdering psychopath.

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Doesn't matter. They likely sleep like babies at night, they'll likely obtain Nobel Prizes in Medicine for what they've done (better hurry up in Tony's case tho'); the Biden Regime will settle nice fat annuities on them both courtesy of the grateful taxpayers, and they will eventually die peacefully in their sleep of old age, in their own beds, in their own rooms, in their own homes...

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Fraud and criminality are rewarded in this world. Especially if the plan is no going back and no stop point. Which is the plan. Law broken by universal agreement of enforcers of the law requires much time to enforce. And in that time more deaths unravel the country and at a point in time when Biden returns to office it's all over baby blue. Folks refuse to rouze up. No just us system protects them and ignorant as dirt they wait for a political savior.

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An early warning system that purposely delay publication of reports is fraud! https://imgur.com/gallery/zbfKbbj

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What a shock, all the health alphabet agencies CHOSE to ignore their own red flag government warning site numbers - they have supersonic sped by incompetence and “just following orders” right to PREMEDITATED MURDER! As if, the vast majority haven’t figured this out🤔 well over 2 years ago and yet these psychos/criminals continue to walk freely among humanity.

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General Dynamics is in on the heist as well so throw in collusion as well! https://welcometheeagle.substack.com/p/general-dynamics-and-vaers-retrospectively

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Even RFKjr knows VAERS DOES NOT publish all legitimate reports! What's more fraudulent and shows more malfeasance than that? https://rumble.com/v21ddeo-rfk-jr-says-150000-reports-disappeared-from-vaers.html

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Has anyone asked the Catholic Church about this? Funny it’s been so silent in light of all these horrid vaxx injury revelations.

It told its followers the Pfizer product was the least affected of all the available jabs when it comes to using and/or testing on the stolen cells of our murdered Preborn Brothers and Sisters. Oh, never mind about the heart injury and that other stuff; it was paid handsomely by the Government to share the gospel of deception regarding these ClotShots, thank you.

As well as plenty of other denominations, of course.

I wonder how many funerals are happening in these “love your neighbor by welcoming the mRNA mystery injection into your temple” these days? How many kids are sitting in these churches not knowing they’re closer to Eternity than they think?

Don’t let these Wolves in Sheep’s clothing off the hook. They played the role of the Verbal Prostitute and should be held to account here on Earth, too.

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Dear Bridget:

The Right Rev.'d Anna Greenwood-Lee, Anglican Dioceses of British Columbia, issued the linked, atrocious Pastoral Letter, September 22, 2021: (https://dq5pwpg1q8ru0.cloudfront.net/2021/09/09/13/22/33/a926002c-d00e-4c87-b362-664470b0440a/210902.Ltr.Parishes_ProofofVaccination.pdf)

I posted recently:

"evidently the good woman was blissfully oblivious of historical realities such as The Holy Inquisition, Forced Conversions, The Bolshevik’s “Internal Passports”, the 1935 Nuremberg Decrees of Nazi Germany, South Africa’s Apartheid Laws, Uganda’s expulsion of its Asian citizens — or for that matter two millennia of Christian doctrine. 🤔 I ceased attending church services as a consequence: I couldn’t have a cup of coffee with everyone else after the service, unless I displayed an app on my cellphone from the Government granting me permission? 😳

𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝗲𝗹𝗹, 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀?"


October 1, 2021 in regards to same, I was moved to email the following to the minister of my church:

"I guess... The only thing, that will wake up people like you is when the injected children start to die and the connection with the "vaccines" will be undeniable. Perhaps after your 4th or 5th funeral of a teenaged child who's died of "Idiopathic Myocarditis"? Will the penny drop at that point?

But evidently it won't."

He never replied, though I gather having had at least a couple of doses of The Lethal Injections he's been experiencing some purely coincidental health issues... 🙄

The church in question, St. Luke's Anglican of Victoria, BC? (https://www.stlukesvictoria.ca/) It was my parents church since they moved here in 1987. It was my church when I moved here in 2005 until 2021. I've not attended since.

In Hoc Signo Vinces,

Capt. Roy Harkness

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Funny how the normally verbose like your Minister have nothing to say…suddenly.


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Thank you for up the inaction of the Catholic Church.

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There needs to be accountability!

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