Sep 7, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Nothing to hide but blatant and premeditated murder of US citizens.

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This premeditated murder spree is not only happening in the U.S. but world wide .That fact should always be pointed out ,in any comments .For example my brother was murdered in a Canadian hospital when he went in there with a flu .There is a relatively small group of billionairs making decisions of life and death for all of us .They do anything they want ,they are the untouchables and above any law .

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

“...none of the safety signals fir the C19 jabs were unexpected”. So they knew. Criminals.

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They have known for decades that vaccines harm but it is all part of the greater god, sorry good. :(

Good for profits that is, the false 'prophets' (sic).

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And they’ve brainwashed the public about “the greater god/ good”.

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Exactly!.....”revealing no additional unexpected safety signals”lmao. considering the quite lengthy list of expected ‘signals’ there are basically no unexpected signals left.

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Daily just before any news ,there is the paid for by pharma intense urging to get the new shots and the masking is back in all medical settings .The medical establishment is now nothing more than a death cult ,with hospitals as their slaughter house .

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-- CRIMINAL FDA --- !!!!

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I contacted the Secretary of Veterans Affairs on Twitter (X) asking why the VA has not addressed the adverse events being reported to VAERS from the covid shots.


No response.

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Senator Ron Johnson truly has our back. He would be a perfect Presidential Candidate for 2024! I would support him in a heartbeat!

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He is a uni party war monger pushing the Ukraine narrative- please do more research and open your eyes wider. He also apparently has ties to big Pharma.

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"also apparently has ties to big Pharma. "

Those 'ties' (whatever they are) don't seem to have prevented him being almost the sole member of Congress to draw the public's attention to the vax harms.

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RemovedSep 7, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry
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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Wow. Thanks for sharing this

Not a peep is being said about this!!

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The article itself (with which I was already familiar) did not per se specify the lack of "action" on the part of Sen. Johnson. THAT became apparent in the comments. My first reaction is that, after Sasha and MAA's hard work, the word "disappointing" barely covers the lack of any action on his part and especially given the heroic role he's portrayed on this issue. If I were Sasha or MAA, I think they're perfectly entitled to contact him directly and request an explanation for his silence in Congress.

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I want justice for my four friends and family members who died after taking two fake COVID "vaccines" after Trump said they were "safe and effective." To this day, Trump has never renounced or repudiated his position. I would support RFK, Jr., except that he is pro-abortion, which to me is just as bad as being "pro-fake-vaccine," since murder is murder. Trump had big ties to the Sackler Family -- the Oxycontin Mafia, and God knows how much money Trump got from Al Bourla, CEO of Pfizer to push their killing agenda. The war in Ukraine will implode by itself. I am only concerned with stopping the mass murder from the death jabs, and Ron Johnson is a champion of this effort.

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He's done far more than any other Congressman or Senator, including Ron Paul. He and his staff organized several panels of whistleblowers and people harmed by the vaccines. They tried to get the MSM media to cover the eye-opening revelations that were made, but the events were boycotted by our "watchdog" press.

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I meant Sen. Rand Paul, not his dad, Ron Paul. No "edit" button available on this post for some reason.

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-- T E R R I B L E C H O I C E

... !!!!!!!!

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Why is there only one ,in a huge army of government money suckers ,that is on the side of the people ?? Only one??

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I'm sure they have nothing to hide and it is just a misunderstanding.

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Wink wink

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You mean my comment, right? wink, wink, LOL

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

After 90 days, over 1,200 deaths and 10 x 000's injuries plus FDA's October 2020 meeting had a quick flash of a PowerPoint slide listing probable Adverse Events, all now showing plus even more unpredicted ones! Ron, or any of them, are chosen hopiums, performing to keep public calmly waiting for that big announcement on news and front page news. Don't hold your breath!

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Agree 🎯🎯

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These people (agencies) refusing to respond need to be jailed until they comply.

We the People must demand an answer to why they pushed these deadly jabs.... and are STILL pushing them!!!

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Please get your infant boosted immediately you $cience hater

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And if they finally comply jail them some more .

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whoever sues the FDA, please prepare for the unexpected fires (https://mejbcart.substack.com/p/honor-the-indigenous-people-of-hawaii). What one needs to learn is to avoid ANY metal objects exposed to the air around/on any buildings. Replace as much as possible with sorry, plastic, dry wood.. Water pipes these days are made out of plastic ONLY/mainly, already, indicating, 'they' know what they are doing and preparing for...

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Let's paint all our houses in blue. It seems everything blue escaped the laser for a reason no one could explain, but hey, if it works, it works!!

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Should not the White house be renamed the blue house ?

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The day they'll built the scaffold to paint the white house blue, get the hell out!!!!

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Mejbcart... I’m safe here in Michigan, live by the Whitchmer ... she will take over for Biden 🤮

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whoever voted for 'Gretchen' must have been a big fan of Octoberfest!

Btw. the same here in CA, Nuisance is doing lot of collateral damage. At the end, nobody knows who will take over when..

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Let’s hope neither … 🙏

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I always thought all the Gretchen's are in Bavaria .

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You have something to hide if you can not answer responsible questions or produce acceptable documents. There is no or little safety data or they indicate a safety risk that goes beyond the threshold. The people have been lied to about safe and effective.

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Poor FDA. So many FOIA requests and so little time in the day. Pathetic villains.....

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Still had time to approve the new/not new jabs!

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One doesn't purposely keep something hidden, unless they are purposely hiding something.

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Mens rea. Speaks to guilt-related actions proving knowledge of wrongdoing.

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Yea, Sen. Johnson! One senator out of 100 doing his oversight job ... or trying to.

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Do not comply with medical tyranny!

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Poor Sen. Johnson...he is trying.

But its a hard, its a hard, its a hard, and its a hard

It's a hard rain...gonna fall.

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Ah.. nothing to worry about, the vaccines after all are completely safe and effective, possibility of even mild reactions no more than one in a million..

What?! Tony Fraudci's word not good enough for you?! Deborah Birx's word not good enough for you?! Rachelle Walensky's word not good enough for you?! You gotta problem with these people?!?!

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Criminals all are they! Fire them! Fire Them!

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