American virologist Dr. Robert R. Redfield, has admitted that reports of “so-called Long Covid” are actually a cover-up for global surges of “mRNA vaccine injury.”
Redfield has been on a major CYA mission. He's up to his neck in it, was there for all the big decisions. So now he comes clean? I want to know "what did he know, and when did he know it"?
exactly and he kept saying the fda needs to look.. lol, there is zero objectivity at the fda as they are all bribed, blinded, both, or looking to get hired by big pharma when they leave the fda.
Damage done. Jabs are for peasants! They exempted themselves because they knew the outcome in advance and created liability shields to not be sued after poisoning the clueless who took it! Nothing will happen to them while they cash pharma checks! Can’t reverse death, paralysis, organ failure, etc!
Still it was not a lab-leaked created virus…that is controlled opposition, steering minds down a certain path, distraction…. Yes, they can make/manipulate viruses with the goal of making a serum/vaccine/jab and the goal is to get these into as many people as possible…. 😢 these jabs and vaccines all are what are the poisons, completely and entirely unnatural and unnecessary >as you can witness for yourself we as a society are NOT healthier with all the jabs we are taking… $$$ and population control, pure evil
Ya it was. All the evidence points to an accidental release of a gain of function research project. The first to get sick were WIV staff members for fuck sakes🤦🏻♂️
Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada which ended mandates in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.
In 2009 Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, and Dr Rima Laibow told everyone who was paying attention that the Evil were creating a genocidal vaxxine, for the "Great Culling".
35million vaxxed are dead. And THERE NEVER WAS A VIRUS!
So why is Donald Trump still LYING to the American people and telling them there’s a deadly virus and that the genocidal vaccine is safe, and to take it???
Yes, but the fact remains that no scientist has ever 'perfected' the C-19 virus. They have never been able to isolate it, nor replicate its method of infection in the lab.
I didn’t say “perfected” and I’m not claiming it was intentional or that it was “weaponized”. Gain of function research is a common method to learn more about viruses. And provided it done with proper safe guards it’s probably worth doing. But contracting it out to china was madness.
That shit gave my wife kidney disease. She doesn’t drink or smoke and all a sudden after her third “booster” (against my advice) she in the hospital. I hate those fuckers and will never forgive them.
Bosses son blabber no longer functions. Has a tube to a bag permanently. Non stop infections. In the hospital now because the infections are in his organs again. Also paralyzed from the waist down transverse myelitis! After 1 Pfizer jab late 2021!
Long COVID is more than vaccine injury. I have not had any vaccines in over 50 years. My husband flew to a conference and had a slight fever a few days after returning. Neither of us had a cough, cold or loss of taste or smell, just intense fatigue. Then my oxygen level fell to 79.
I had pneumonia that was diagnosed as CV-19 and was hospitalized for 11 days and almost died. He went through pneumonia at home. I had long COVID for months after, which in early 2022, was not diagnosed. “You’re fine,” I was told. I had some memory loss afterwards and am still working to overcome that.
I have been an herbalist for over 45 years and have taught holistic health classes for many years.
I believe the illnesses are caused by 5G radiation poisoning and then the ‘vaccines’ that killed so many and continue to do so.
Ah, I missed this interview ー My bad!! Did Redfield happen to explain how the CONVID media machine launched a relentless barrage of false choices, all designed to corral public opinion?? Masks, Lockdowns, Mandates vs. Focused protection… ‘Vaccines’ vs Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Vitamin D, and the grandaddy of narrative control: LAB LEAK vs. ZOONOTIC ORIGIN ーall carefully crafted to keep people from realizing the simple truth: there are NO viruses that require any interventions.
Probably not, considering the interview aired on the Highwire ー one of the biggest promoters of the virus lie/germ theory fraud.
The first step to recovery is admitting its a military operation.
Redfield has been on a major CYA mission. He's up to his neck in it, was there for all the big decisions. So now he comes clean? I want to know "what did he know, and when did he know it"?
No kidding.
exactly and he kept saying the fda needs to look.. lol, there is zero objectivity at the fda as they are all bribed, blinded, both, or looking to get hired by big pharma when they leave the fda.
Why do you think Woodcock "Mrs I see no problems with opiod painkillers" "retired" recently?
Well he is a "virologist" after all.
Why not admit it all, now that the deed is done & its too late?
Damage done. Jabs are for peasants! They exempted themselves because they knew the outcome in advance and created liability shields to not be sued after poisoning the clueless who took it! Nothing will happen to them while they cash pharma checks! Can’t reverse death, paralysis, organ failure, etc!
Still it was not a lab-leaked created virus…that is controlled opposition, steering minds down a certain path, distraction…. Yes, they can make/manipulate viruses with the goal of making a serum/vaccine/jab and the goal is to get these into as many people as possible…. 😢 these jabs and vaccines all are what are the poisons, completely and entirely unnatural and unnecessary >as you can witness for yourself we as a society are NOT healthier with all the jabs we are taking… $$$ and population control, pure evil
Ya it was. All the evidence points to an accidental release of a gain of function research project. The first to get sick were WIV staff members for fuck sakes🤦🏻♂️
You have fallen for the psyop…
Are you a flat earther and moon landing denier too?
Oh dear…
Or a need for vaxxines, masking or lockdowns.
Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada which ended mandates in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.
35million vaxxed are dead, and THERE NEVER WAS A VIRUS.
So why is Donald Trump still LYING to the American people and telling them there is a deadly virus and to take the genocidal vaccines???
But there always was A GENOCIDAL VAXXINE:
In 2009 Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, and Dr Rima Laibow told everyone who was paying attention that the Evil were creating a genocidal vaxxine, for the "Great Culling".
Not a genocidal virus, a genocidal VAXXINE.
There never was a deadly virus.
There always was a deadly vaxxine.
35million vaxxed are dead. And THERE NEVER WAS A VIRUS!
So why is Donald Trump still LYING to the American people and telling them there’s a deadly virus and that the genocidal vaccine is safe, and to take it???
Yes, but the fact remains that no scientist has ever 'perfected' the C-19 virus. They have never been able to isolate it, nor replicate its method of infection in the lab.
I didn’t say “perfected” and I’m not claiming it was intentional or that it was “weaponized”. Gain of function research is a common method to learn more about viruses. And provided it done with proper safe guards it’s probably worth doing. But contracting it out to china was madness.
By 'perfected', I mean it is a scientific technique that isolates the virus being studied.
"Redfield argues that Fauci is responsible for 20 million deaths."
Donald Trump is STILL LYING to the American people and telling them the vaxxines are safe, and to take them!
Every time he brags about Warp Speed.
Yep and now we have Trump pushing MRNA cancer vaccines..some people never learn..
I'm waiting to see what Bobby comes up with.
That shit gave my wife kidney disease. She doesn’t drink or smoke and all a sudden after her third “booster” (against my advice) she in the hospital. I hate those fuckers and will never forgive them.
Sorry to hear, J Beaudoin has stated that 240000+ Americans have died from AKI caused by the jabs, and to a lesser extent the hospital protocols.
Yet they keep pushing the myocarditis cases as the only problem.
Bosses son blabber no longer functions. Has a tube to a bag permanently. Non stop infections. In the hospital now because the infections are in his organs again. Also paralyzed from the waist down transverse myelitis! After 1 Pfizer jab late 2021!
That’s terrible. I hope you prevail.
and that recent Yale preprint shows immune-related changes to T cells similar to that in HIV/AIDS, not to mention spike protein that doesn't seem to go away...
Long COVID is more than vaccine injury. I have not had any vaccines in over 50 years. My husband flew to a conference and had a slight fever a few days after returning. Neither of us had a cough, cold or loss of taste or smell, just intense fatigue. Then my oxygen level fell to 79.
I had pneumonia that was diagnosed as CV-19 and was hospitalized for 11 days and almost died. He went through pneumonia at home. I had long COVID for months after, which in early 2022, was not diagnosed. “You’re fine,” I was told. I had some memory loss afterwards and am still working to overcome that.
I have been an herbalist for over 45 years and have taught holistic health classes for many years.
I believe the illnesses are caused by 5G radiation poisoning and then the ‘vaccines’ that killed so many and continue to do so.
With this admission, HUNDREDS should already be in handcuffs on their way to jail to await trial.
So why isn't that happening?
Ah, I missed this interview ー My bad!! Did Redfield happen to explain how the CONVID media machine launched a relentless barrage of false choices, all designed to corral public opinion?? Masks, Lockdowns, Mandates vs. Focused protection… ‘Vaccines’ vs Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Vitamin D, and the grandaddy of narrative control: LAB LEAK vs. ZOONOTIC ORIGIN ーall carefully crafted to keep people from realizing the simple truth: there are NO viruses that require any interventions.
Probably not, considering the interview aired on the Highwire ー one of the biggest promoters of the virus lie/germ theory fraud.
Thank you, I don’t trust this either. More controlled opposition that leads to nowhere except more infighting.
I’m sick thinking how many people are effected.😡
"Long Covid" is just another scam to qualify for SSI disability benefits. Please Uncle Sam, send me a monthly check, I have Brain Fog. 😵💫
Unjabbed never get side aka direct effects or long convid! Just remain healthy! Weird! 😎
My own COVID VAX related injury is VERY OBVIOUS.
I was at a Toronto area hospital on an unrelated issue, but had to have a PCR TEST before I could see a doctor.
The Triage Nurse was behind a glass panel and was instructing someone else on how to perform the PCR TEST.
That person was dressed like one of the Hospital's JANITORIAL STAFF and clearly had just been introduced to her new duty.
She jammed the 8-inch PCR test swab up my nose with enough force to make me jump and yell out in pain.
Your sinuses contain very sensitive tussue. It's been close to 4 years now and I'm still suffering the after effects of that 'Jab'.