Peddling pure poison! Folks have to wake up to reality: health comes from organic diet, daily exercise and clean living and never from a needle or a pill except in dire, rare traumatic injuries.

Can't say this often enough!

It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back! And toxic injections were/are a huge part of their arsenal!

KEEP FIGHTING! All the perps who pushed this greatest crime against humanity, all the way down to the local level, must get their comeuppances!

Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.

Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living! virustruth.net

JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.


The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!

Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!

This horrifying Gates, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.




Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!

AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!

Bless and thank you for doing what you do.

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Will any thing happen? Possibly not . The lies (BS) will continue the Health Professionals will stay Baffled. The people will get sidetracked with Sport and when the Going get Tough Epstein Island and Flight Log book will rear it head and divert attention away from Big Pharma .

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Bioweapon, not "vaccine," people.

Could it be any clearer than this!

If it is implicated in 17 million deaths worldwide, how many do you expect it to be responsible for. This is the cure yet it is implicated in 17 million deaths.

Doctor Vernon Coleman said and wrote: "Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe And Effective Is Lying."

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Doctor Vernon Coleman also said: "They faked a pandemic, they faked a test, and they faked a cure."

He has been banned from everywhere. you, YOU, COULD BE NEXT.

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check out and read carefully a petition at citizengo.org..say no to the who,s health dictatorship-reject the pandemic treaty..be aware its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours..also be aware citizen go are an independent otganisation which simply meAns that no government can interfere with or censor and suppress this petition FACT...as for resharing it be sure to first sign it and then be sure to e mail it to all your like minded e mail contacts both there in your own country and MOST IMPORTANTLY any e mail contacts you may have in other countries because after all it is a worldwide petition and as such it MUST be shared with other countries and be sure to ask each one of them to both sign and reshare it widely in there own countries and so on...why do i place such importance on e mails? because they cant be censored or suppressed FACT

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Trump has already pulled us out of the WHO. He hates them as much as we do. He knows they are going for full dictatorship status, and he won't play.

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It’s vital we exit the UN.

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Does anyone recall a concise and chronological summary of Fauci’s career? I had the opportunity to calmly discuss his involvement in the AIDS epidemic with someone on the verge of awakening but failed to find a link I saved that would’ve helped further motivate the individual to rethink their opinion of Dr Death.

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Unfortunately, undeniable proof is easily denied. We have a medical system that cannot distinguish between a COVID death, a COVID treatment death, and a COVID vaccine death, and what's more, there is no scientific or medical interest in the distinction.

To your health, Tracy

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Yes and now we have Trump doing more MRNA cancer vaccines. Phase 2.

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Trump is exposing it! He knows everything!! 🙌

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He should because he's responsible. He knew how bad they were when he signed warp speed. And he still insists the MRNA is ok. He has never taken responsibility or admitted wrong doing for anything in his life. Don't expect him to now.

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Team Trump know the jig is up for mRNA covid shots. They can't ignore the States and censorship isn't going to work. Too many people have woken up. I love how they are talking about re-testing the shots. They weren't properly tested in the first place and never should have been let onto the market. mRNA "technology" has been around since the 80s but the poison never made it into humans because when they tested it on animals...all the animals died.

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