I didn't think the future was supposed to like a bad science fiction novel. I guess I was too naive.

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This is just a trick to destabilize us! They NEVER will get at the human level!

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This is just to try to diminish us! They NEVER will get at the human being level, EVER!!!

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This is just to try to diminish us! They NEVER will get at the human being level, EVER!!!

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This is just a trick to try to diminish us! They NEVER will get at the human being level, EVER!!

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The only reason Trump supports Russia is that he is a Russian asset. The only reason others support Trump’s position seems to be messianic. Russia is barely holding on (see exchange rate, interest rate, oil infrastructure damage).

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Richard, supporting Russia does not go against common sense.

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If anything he's more a British asset. Look into Zuckerberg relationship with Cambridge Analytica and who contacted with them. Then look who the parent corporation was. We have been manipulated by those always around St. James Square. Corporations, Institutes and of course the Crown. Russia got pissed off after our creation of a civil war in Ukraine that saw thousands of Russian speakers killed by neo nazi ukranians.

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Oh, Zero Hedge. The story of America's melting pot is ridiculous. Immigration came to America by groups of nationalities starting in the 1800s well into the twentieth century, causing the term melting pot to become popular. Some articles on Zero Hedge are rubbish and really are extremely right-wing. Everyone who immigrated assimilated into an American culture using English as the base language. I'm not sure any other country can make this claim. This is why it worked so well. But beware. That road of immigrants tells another story as well, one that we are about to experience again

That is violence. Mass immigration causes massive problems especially when being controlled by nefarious acting globalist.

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good one today lioness!

re: soros, why would he be buying so heavily into an industry that uses outdated analog technology?hmmm...

also - there's nothing monstrous about the loch ness monster. it's a freshwater seal. similarly shy and mysterious creatures exist and are apparently flourishing in the deep waters of lake champlain, vermont and lake baikal in russia

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A house divided will not stand !!!

That’s exactly what they are trying to do to us and the western world.

Unfortunately our own leaders, with the help of the MSM, are knowingly or unknowingly doing just that. They seem to think they will not be affected by their foolish actions, policies and their consequences.

History seems to tell us that is not necessarily always the case. Sooner or later they too will have to pay the piper.

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I wonder whether the firing on the Norwegian fishing vessel could cause their surstromming to go bad.

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Full-scale war seems to be Israel's goal. "World leaders" are gutless and ineffective - thus no authentic leaders. Frankly, I am cheering Hezbollah.

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