Oil wars! I've seen this movie before:).

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John Kerry is brain dead globalism personified.

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Ebola-like virus ... NUDGE-NUDGE-WINK-WINK

Scene: A dimly lit pub in Britain. Mr. Wise to… is seated next to Mr. ViroLiegist, who is nervously supping a pint of warm beer. Mr. Wise to…, grinning mischievously, leans over.

Mr. Wise to…: [Leaning in] “Ello, mate. You, er, work in ‘virology,’ do you?

Mr. ViroLiegist: [In a haughty, upper-class accent] Yes, that’s right.

Mr. Wise to…: [Nods eagerly, twiddling his thumbs] Ahhhh, virology, eh? Very important field, eh? [Winks] Isolate any ‘viruses’ recently? [Leans in closer] You know… isolate isolate, wink wink, nudge nudge?

Mr. ViroLiegist: Well, we don’t really… isolate in the strictest sense.

Mr. Wise to…: [Nods knowingly] Oh, don’t you now, eh? Don’t really isolate, wink wink, say no more! So, uh, you get your little culture dish, and-what-throw in some monkey kidney cells, eh? Give it a little stir, nudge nudge?

Mr. ViroLiegist: Well, yes, we introduce cell cultures -

Mr. Wise to…: Introduce, eh? [Winks dramatically] I’ll bet you do! Eh? [Leans in close, eyes wide] Cytopathic effects, eh? Lovely bit of destruction, wink wink, say no more!

Mr. ViroLiegist: Well, yes, it’s just part of the process…

Mr. Wise to…: [Interrupts, grinning] Part of the process, eh? Process, eh? Mixing and matching, bit of this, bit of that – eh? All gets a bit complicated, don’t it? [Leans back, crossing his arms smugly] I bet there’s PCR involved, eh? Eh? Amplifying things that aren’t really, you know – wink wink, say no more!

Mr. ViroLiegist: We use PCR to -

Mr. Wise to…: [Leans forward, raising his eyebrows repeatedly] Ohhh, I bet you do! PCR – right between the old genes, eh? Amplify this, amplify that – nudge nudge, lovely bit of sequences, eh?

Mr. ViroLiegist: [Awkwardly] Well, it’s to detect -

Mr. Wise to…: Detect, eh? [Grinning wider] Oh, I bet you detect all sorts of things! Bits of RNA floating about in the old soup, eh? No need for anything pure, eh? Just a bit of random genetic detritus, eh? You sly dog, you!

Mr. ViroLiegist: Well, it’s not quite that simple -

Mr. Wise to…: Not that simple, eh? [Nudges him] Say no more! No need to complicate things, right? Just throw in some random sequences, patch 'em together, bit of guesswork, eh? Lovely bit of data stitching – wink wink! [Leans in] You ever, uh, publish any of that? Eh? Eh? Get a cheeky little grant for your trouble?

Mr. ViroLiegist: [Hesitating] Well, I mean, we -

Mr. Wise to…: [Nods eagerly] Ohhhh, I bet you did, eh? Got your cheeky little funding, eh? [Elbows him harder] Lots of papers written, all about nothing in particular – eh? Just a bit of this, a bit of that – wink wink, nudge nudge! And all without really having seen the little blighter, eh?

Mr. ViroLiegist: [Sputtering on his warm pint] Well, we have electron microscope images –

Mr. Wise to…: Oh, electron microscopes, eh? [Winks again, jabbing him with his elbow] Big ol’ blurry blobs, eh? Slap a few arrows on there, call it a virus, eh? Lovely bit of science, that! [Sits back, smug] Can’t argue with that, now, can you? Science at its finest, eh? Say no more!

Mr. ViroLiegist: [Confused] I -

Mr. Wise to…: [Leaning back in satisfaction] Ohhhh, you’re a sly one, mate. Absolutely love it! Nudge nudge, wink wink!

[Fade out, as Mr. Wise to… smirks knowingly and Mr. ViroLiegist squirms uncomfortably.]

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“ Despite its dire economic situation, Russia is strengthening its influence in the region, aligning itself with Burkina Faso as part of a broader neo-colonial strategy in Africa.” Makes sense, and asking for non-militarization of space is something BF could readily agree to, given its low priority. The people who ridicule instead of think have only shallow analysis to offer.

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Hezbollah names new leader.

Who’s the dumbass trying to expand his resume’ with THAT gig?

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"Terror group's executive council head Hashem Safieddine reportedly tapped to succeed cousin slain in Israeli airstrike in Beirut"


Safieddine is another dead man walking. The executive council must hate him.

In other news turdo knows he is toast and always wanted to be a bigshot in the UN. (united nitwits)

I hope he gets that position. His vapidity and ignorance will screw up and destroy the "united nitwits" and he is prime nitwit material. BTW I have a huge "Fack turdo" flag hanging from the mast.

I was told a fellow nearby was ordered to take his down. A case of false authority again. The CYSTem cannot tell anyone what flag they can or cannot fly on their own property.

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A related reality, has any authority and I mean the corrupt CHRC ever banned/outlawed a so called holy book that in its contents orders, "Kill the infidel wherever you find him." Nope. Why not"? It is hate and a threat against anyone who is not moslem. So why is the useless CHRC silent?

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