Heaven above, nerve gas (?), really, you know who else used nerve gas, yeah, I thought so. This shows how out of control it really has gotten.

The Russians would use nerve gas, or maybe they wouldn't, hell, it is hard to tell anymore. What they would do is nuclear, they think they have that all figured out.

What the hell, 4 million years from now the results of their little "planned military option" will have passed us by, if there is any surviving "humans" on the planet, maybe there will be legends to decipher, maybe not.

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Edwin this is my independent posting box.


Mental health issues?

We are being pushed from every direction and someone snaps in a horrible destructive way.

Were they angry, perchance? (reactive in, overwhelmed by)

Who has been mirrored anger in a healthy way in this world of ours? Where are the systems to support them? Just drugs to push them farther into the abyss?

A news cycle to crush their spirit? (and I am not even referring to MSM)

And a world so divided it's impossible to know who you can talk to about what.

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I decided to see where this gunman is as I am in the woods in Maine as well.

They are saying he was in a 'mental health' facility for two weeks in his recent past. I wonder if he's on psyche meds and had a break because of such. It is usually 'their' main goal to get a person on meds.


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What a shit show.

A tsunami. . .

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Oh well, medicine has your answer, hand out the Zoloft, that'll ease your concerns, NOT.

The tsunami is upon us.

Actually, I am concerned about the planet, 4 million years in the future, it is obvious to me that the present is of no concern, 2800 children killed in Gaza, there is our future.

Oh, they were Muslim children, even that can be fixed, but not after their death.

God have mercy on our souls.

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Oh Edwin!

I am speechless now.

I'm going to leave a writing of mine here, it's the only thing that makes sense to me.


Hundreds, thousands, millions of years ago,

I walked this earth.

Feet on the ground, bare in the snow, naked in the rain.

I am older than the hills, worn down by time, rounded, softened.

I knew the warmth of love.

The brutality and betrayal of man.

I cried so many tears I was swept away by the furious currents as they curved around rocks, descending someplace unknown, spilling over my banks at times when I couldn't find my way.

My breath constricted, hardened, lost in my chest.

My grief was forgotten, denied, unseen.

I am older than the hills, layers and layers hardening through time.

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Beautiful, Elizabeth.

Hope you don't mind, I subscribed, thanks.

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Thank you Edwin ❤️

My page is not accessible to me, so I cannot post.

I thought you were subscribed?

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Wait, your page is not accessible to you?

You must be on Windoze.

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‘They’ have a plan. They have well stocked bunkers underground with filtration systems, water systems and greenhouses all underground. They believe they know what’s best for Earth and it’s not 9 billion people, it’s only 500 million. It’s Tom Clancy’s “Executive Orders” but with a different plan

The jabs didn’t have the desired efficacy. Time for Plan B. Or maybe this was part of the plan all along. Time is running out. The election is around the corner. WW III is necessary to reinstate emergency powers and creat a dictatorship, because there will be no time for an election. Mr. Poopyhead in DC will be the puppet and civilization will be history. Hello Hunger Games. Our only hope is strong anti-war figures in the Hpuse of Reps and in the public arena.

The world is sick and tired of being bullied by the US federal government’s war machine and CIA. The irony is that it’s a shadow control group in another part of the world that’s been using the US and our resources as a bully for their means, to fill their coffers.

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The world's a big tire & dumpster fire. Disease-ridden illegal immigrants are crossing the border unimpeded to collect taxpayer funds, elites get to profit from several worldwide conflicts while the pleb population plummets, "assault weapons" are escaping from gun safes across America and shooting innocent Americans. And those 3 little words soothe a gullible, simple-minded leftist's cognitive dissonance: nO MeAn TWeeTs. It must all be worth it.

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Let’s announce the date and time of the ground invasion…. 🤫🤔🫣

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Can you imagine if Eisenhower let the Germans know the date for D-Day?

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Insanity KJ

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The fog of war. Remember this is being sold to you by the same liars that sold us the deadly COVID and their cure. Stay calm and informed, "believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see" or they win again. Perhaps with more deadly consequences this time. Even though that is hard to imagine.

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Honestly: It is not hard to imagine. Sometimes I wish I was still in the blue pill camp. It's hard to bear all the Malthusian outcomes/ possibilities that may be ahead. But hope is not merely a feeling. Hope is an energy.

Stay blessed.

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You are good at ending on a positive note. One of your endearing qualities to me. Many times I need that to remember we are not alone in this. Thanks Teri.

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“Wiping Gaza Off the Map”: Big Money Agenda. Confiscating Palestine’s Maritime Natural Gas Reserves https://michelchossudovsky.substack.com/p/wiping-gaza-off-map-big-money-natural-gas?

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“No sides, no Sunnis, Shiites, Republicans, Democrats, just haves and have nots.”

-6-term Senator Charles F. Meachum

Is this the "ZioSatanistpedophile Agenda."

-Amy Sukwan

“There is no Deep State, only THE STATE.”


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So, the US is going to use nerve gas.

Hmm...thought that was against some sort of treaty we might have signed.

Well...then the US cannot complain if the opposition uses nerve gas against US troops.

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