"Harris has won California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine’s District 1, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska’s District 2, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Minnesota."

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Whooda thot there were so many stunned enemies of Freedom and Justice in the USA? There are some states that I travel through in this list that I refuse to stop in and even begrudge the copious flow of urine in their rest stop bathrooms. Those on the list above are abodes of abominable lost souls whose existence is infected with insanity.

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Do not urinate in the above states. Your urine is stored and tracked.

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How would they separate it from the hundreds of other "pissers" into urinals that drain into waste ponds?

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The "smart" electric eye automatic flushers on urinals and toilets contain a camera which take a dick pic which is matched to a urine sample taken from the urinal at that moment. This info is stored in the "smart flusher" and sent via the web to a database. The same system is use when taking a crap. An ass pic is taken which is then matched to the corresponding flush etc. This along with facial and gait recognition are used for biometric identification.

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Interesting. Soooo I cross the border and then am tracked every place I go on the freeway system. Hmmm. More control? I would hate to think a homosexual is in charge of this whole operation for reasons that I can hint at specifically he might be very happy and "stimulated" at what he sees. Hmmm. There I go again...I am a terrible man. hahahahahaha But nothing like telling it like it really is.

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Sorry I am unable to see any humor in this.

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Do not be sorry. I am different. If merkel, turdo, ovomit, schumer, macron were out swimming in the Bahamas and were all swallowed by killer whales I would probably cheer, clap and be happy about it. Why? Because the busturds all promoted the jab and caused innocent people and children immense suffering, pain and/or death.

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Trump - PRE 'Picked', President! NO ONE, in the COMIC (1) cabal, would 'Trust' the Peasants to Gamble on Getting The Vote 'Right'! Now, when ALL of the Crap, Slides down the Chrome Plated Pike, 'Trumpie', can 'Wear the Outfall'! ( I'm OZtopian [Australian], So 'Rigging Votes' for Govt., 'Installation', No matter where you are Globally, IS, GlobAlist - SOP (2) ZERO SurePrizes there then!). All Administrations, hand the Agenda Baton to the NOT Opposition, then change Seat warming to the Other side of ANY Given Politico PETS (3) Chamber, & the Agenda CONtinues U.Nabated, with the usual Veneered Tangos & 2 Steps, & a very large accompanying Serving of PDFs (4)! AND, Folks Forget, or are Naive in the Fact that - THE Bureau-TechNoCrats, STAY EXACTLY WHERE THEY WERE, Before the 'Installation' of 'New' GovernMeant!! Use your ILLusION too - Brought to you/Ewe by TheaTricks'R'us, Alibi'd by All spectrum - Fooly (Fully- Both F's) Embedded, SLICK Media Buffoons & Jackals !

acronym time;

(1) COMIC - CorePoorRat OrganEyes'd Military InDustTrial CONplex. (OrganEyes'd - 5 >9 Eyes Plus Surveillance 'Sharing' Cabal.

(2) SOP - Standard operating Procedure.

(3) PETS - Pretty EasilLie Trained StupidDoes

(4) PDF - Plausible DeniAbiliTie (Deniability) Factor

Last; Nothing is left to 'Chance' or Not 'Coincidence'!

Wellness - John D. OZtopian CitiZen

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Good meth, eh?🤪

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“Promises Made, Promises Kept” 47th President of The United States of America, Donald J Trump!

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How a person involved in an conspiracy to steal an election, then leads an insurection, was not thrown in jail but instead was allowed to run again is BEYOND STUPID! Are we really supposed to stand by and act like this is normal while this orange felon dismantles our Democracy??

When we needed our "leaders" to protect US, instead they sold US to the highest bidder! There are CO-CONSPIRATORS in CONGRESS and CO-CONSPIRATORS married to sc justices!!! AND none of them being held accountable! Even though hundreds were jailed for storming the Capitol!! NONE of their leaders were!😳 This is all on FAILED American Justice!! Guess who suffers? The people responsible?? No they are ABOVE the LAW! We the little people are the ones who will continue to suffer!

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A ll the states that Joe Biden & FEMA helped after the last hurricanes voted against Kamala Harris! Ungrateful idiots! None of the republicans in congress would even come back from their vacations too release the funds needed to help them! Can't wait for the next hurricane, it will be even bigger!😉 That will be interesting without FEMA!

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