A lot of active threads there.

The menticide machine needs constant feeding.

Last thing The Monster wants is people becoming numb to the same old fear tracks on the media cycles. Got to change it up, and always dial it up. Hell, who wouldn't think a proxy war by ~20 nations - with a Damocles alliance - against a nuclear superpower was a good idea? As ever, there are many layers: To signal China about Taiwan intentions; to prepare a new homeland for a certain group, by ethnically cleansing it, again; to satisfy the anti-Russia bloodlust that defines so many of the DC Sewer Monsters psychopathic psyches; and of course, to further BlackRock et al and their WEF plans for SMART cities and total domination of land, farming, pretty much everything.

The shaping operations seem on track for the Agenda 2030 epoch. Between the delayed action bioweapon and the extreme social pressures that have been confected via out of control immigration and economic vandalism it feels like the bonfire sticks have been doused in fuel.

Thankfully you finished with possibly good news there. The sooner GatesOfHell returns to Moloch the safer we'll all be. Won't change the fight any, really, but he creeps me the f out. I think for a practical effect we'll all need to aim local. When politicians see their treasonous colleagues vacate their seats suddenly they will probably reconsider their Faustian bargains. Or follow their colleagues into the political abyss*.

*-I'm sure that just voting harder this time will do the trick; and have full faith in the integrity of our electoral systems.


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May 4
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If they'rte going to take me out there isn't a whole lot I can do to prevent it. They have far too much available at their disposal but not all would be lost as then I'd be free of this evil.

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Regarding Gates right arm, that he didn't move during an entire interview although he gestured freely with his left arm, maybe:

* he was attempting to cover his ass

* one of his kids smuggled a bomb into his bunker and it maimed him but failed to kill him

* he got some bad adrenochrome

* he had a stroke after reading about Louisiana and Oklahoma invoking the 10th amendment

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It’s conspicuous because in every other interview, he has a well established body language of using his hands and arms quite animatedly as he speaks.

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Hopefully he will be on the right side of the dirt. Underneath, in his case.

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If he had stroke we know it wasn't from the jab!!

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Perhaps his face; same difference.

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I’ve little doubt the average Russian soldier would get along fine with the average United States soldier. The people in charge should be required to duke it out.

We have no business in the corrupt cesspool known as Ukraine. Send the Ukraine flag waving Congress people to Ukraine and have them fight it out. It would be worth the six billion dollars to get rid of them.

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Joe makes too much of a profit to pull out, now.

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Along with a bunch of other swamp creatures who are swimming in the corrupt cesspool known as Ukraine.

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"Hangers on"/minions.

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Islamic new world order… Revelation 1:7

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John 14:6 🙏💟

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Islamic? My understanding that a lot of the NWO originates from those of whom one is no longer allowed to speak

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We live on Planet Rothschild.

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A "shit hole country" is not simply a bankrupt country with bad water and poor infrastructure. It could be a bankrupt country with gangsters and immoral reptiles in charge like the USSA.

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According to Issac Maleh they were there to defend Israel not America (flag) oops!!

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